Fairy Road

Chapter 156 Lost Again

Will a perfect life really exist?

This sentence kept echoing in Shi Miao's mind, and his calm heart once again aroused faint ripples.

The women's chat became farther and farther away, but Shi Miao had been standing still in confusion. Should she believe what the snake said? Should she doubt such a life?

In the afternoon, Zhangjia Village returned to the village with bamboo baskets on their backs. Everyone's faces were full of happy smiles. Even Zhang Guirong was the same. Everyone's bamboo basket was full of things.

Returning home with his mother, Lao Shi looked at the mother and daughter who came back with a bamboo basket on their back, with a simple smile on their faces. While washing his rough hands, he said, "At night, I will ask your mother to make dumplings with mushroom stuffing for you!"

The smile on his face gradually condensed, and the things in the depths of his memory began to swarming out again.

The two sisters who have also loved to eat mushroom dumplings since childhood have always been stepmothers who like to care about everything. Deep in their memory, there is no smell of dumplings made by their mother, but only the sad tears of themselves and their sister.

Is it really a dream?

Walking to the kitchen, Shi Miao looked at her mother who was busy in the kitchen. It turned out that the mother looked like this when she made dumplings for her daughter?

When she came to her mother's side, Shi Miao took the skin in her mother's hand and flexibly pinched the dumplings. She suddenly asked, "Mom, do you remember what happened when I was a child?"

Shi's mother made a pause in her hand, turned to look at Shi Miao and smiled, "I can't remember what happened when you were young. Isn't it good to have me around you now? Why did you ask me when I was a child?

How many times have you doubted what you once expected and are now firmly held in your hands?

Isn't that what you want?

A voice asked Shi Miao repeatedly, as if with magic. Didn't she fantasize about living together like a family since she was a child? Why do you still doubt it?

"Sister! I'm back!" My sister's cry woke up Shi Miao from her fantasy.

She raised her head to dry the tears on her face and looked at her thin sister with a schoolbag on her back. A strange feeling burst out of Shi Miao's body.

Baling's voice like a clear spring sounded in Shi Miao's mind again: "No matter how beautiful the dream is, it is just a flower on the other side that opens in the depths of the underworld. You can't forget the people who really exist in reality because of the happiness you pursue!"

Shi Miao stood still and refused to speak, but tears flowed more and more. Yes, no matter how happy this sister is by her side, she is not her real sister after all! The real sister is still at home waiting for her to go back!

The dusty memory began to wake up slowly, and Shi Miao's body began to change strangely.

Shi Miao's strange change affected the whole fantasy. There were fewer and fewer people in the village, and the ground began to tremble slightly. Shi Yue hugged Shi Miao's arm and cried: "Sister, isn't it good for us to be together like this? Aren't you happy? I'm afraid..."

"Miao Miao, don't you want your parents?"

The voice of Lao Shi outside the door is getting older and older, and his body is changing rapidly.

His hair turned white, his body became thin, and his face had obvious scars, which was exactly the same as the moment he died on the construction site.

No matter how beautiful the dream is, there is a moment to wake up, right?

Looking at his father, Shi Miao burst into tears and just wanted to stop all this. This illusion belongs to Shi Miao's dream. Once Shi Miao has doubts about this, the dream will be cracked, and everything will return to its original appearance. If he can really abandon everything here, Shi Miao can get out of the illusion. , get out of here.

"Miao Miao, don't leave, okay? Mom hasn't been able to make dumplings for you yet." Shi's mother begged Shi Miao bitterly, and her face was full of reluctance, which made people couldn't help crying.

It's obviously an illusion, but it seems that it has experienced another life and death, and anyone's heart will be like a knife.

wiping away the tears on her face, Shi Miao walked to her mother and quickly wrapped dumplings. After a while, the ingot-like dumplings were all over the pot table.

The dream was still shaking. Shi Miao picked up the dumplings and put them into the pot. He wanted to hug his mother again, but was cleverly dodged by Shi's mother.

Shi's mother's hands trembled slightly, and her eyes looked at Shi Miao with hatred. She said harshly, "Why do you want to leave! Why! You ruined everything! You destroyed it all!"

While speaking, Shi's mother rushed towards Shi Miao with her teeth and claws. A gust of smoke dissipated, but Shi's mother in front of her turned into Zhang Guirong's teeth and claws. She tightly grabbed Shi Miao's neck and said harshly, "Dead girl, go and accompany your dead father! Go to hell!"

The abominable Zhang Guirong was in front of him, and Zhang Guirong, who killed his father, was in front of him. Almost without thinking, Shi Miao directly slapped Zhang Guirong in the face.

If she had known that her father had killed her, she would not have slapped her twice that day!

With a plop, Zhang Guirong fell to the ground. She coughed up a mouthful of blood, looked at Shi Miao standing on the ground, and said with a smile, "Come on, kill me!" Revenge your father! Aren't you an immortal now? How easy it is for you to kill a mortal!"

"Kill you! I'll kill you now!" Shi Miao shouted, and tears had already circled around her eyes. She reached out to catch Zhang Guirong. She should ask Zhang Guirong to taste the taste of death! She wants to avenge her father!

"Don't be silly!" Baling stood in front of Zhang Guirong like a sword light and grasped Shi Miao's wrist tightly. "This is the five magic mirror. You have woken from your dream. Are you still killing here? Do you want to stay here for the rest of your life?

The five magic mirrors are the five aggregations of color, acceptance, imagination, practice and knowledge. The five accumulations include all sufferings, and all spiritual substances and emotions that can't be abandoned, family affection and hatred are all included in these five essences. As long as you are confused by one of them, it is impossible to wake up.

"Grum..." The boiling water boils, and the dumplings in the pot are stirring, with the unique aroma of mushrooms.

Shi Miao's twisted Zhang Guirong on the ground. Just now, she almost killed an ordinary person with her own fairy formula. Suddenly, a burning feeling came from her wrist. She still has a lot of things to do. She must not kill Zhang Guirong here for a moment. The real Zhang Guirong should still be free outside. It's right to be alive.

Turning her head, Shi Miao looked at the dumplings in the pot, and without using chopsticks, she directly put her hand into the boiling water and took out a round dumpling and put it into her mouth, which was the same taste she dreamed of when she was a child.

One or two tears slipped from her eyes.

It seems that he knew that Shi Miao had given up his murderous intention. Zhang Guirong on the ground changed and turned into his mother's appearance, but this time it became what she looked like before her death.

She looked pale and looked at Shi Miao with the corners of her mouth dry. She stretched out her arm as if she wanted to grab Shi Miao. Shi Yue beside her hugged her mother and cried, staring straight at Shi Miao with her big eyes. There was clearly deep hatred in her eyes.

The earth shook like a mountain, and everything around it began to collapse, and Shi Miao's tears also broke the dike at this moment.

The moment she woke up from the dream has foreshadowed that she will suffer the pain of losing her loved ones again, and once again experience the unforgettable pain. Every time she is as helpless as a child, she can only watch herself lose all this.

Baling beside him saw all this, but there was an inexplicable pain in his heart. He pulled the crying stone into his arms, and he lowered his head and kissed her lips.

He sighed gently and said to Shi Miao, "Don't look at the heartache."

(=_= go to sleep...jiongZZZZ)