Fairy Road

Chapter 197 Leave today, and there will be no future

No one knows what Yue Quanheng's blind self-confidence comes from. If you really want to find a sentence to describe it, it can only be said that it is because of love!

Yuyu looked at Yue Quanheng with great sympathy and couldn't help shaking his head. "If one day I am cheated, I will never be like you, because what I hate most is cheating."

Yue Quanheng didn't say anything, but just opened the corners of his mouth and smiled silently.

It turns out that everyone has always thought that Ah Zi is a bad person, and he is just a poor man who has lost his mind confused by women.

Walking out of the Shi family, Yue Quanheng looked up at the sky and suddenly couldn't figure out why everything turned out like this.

In the living room, Shi Miao glanced at Yuyu and said to her earnestly, "Yuyu, you are too direct. You underestimate Yue Quanheng's fascination with Azi."

Yuyu didn't say anything, but looked at the text message on his mobile phone thoughtfully. "Since it is an infatuation for no reason, it should be cut off in time."

Good is good! If it's not good, then cut it off quickly. This is Yuyu's view on love.

In the past days, the pursuit of fish was countless. With a distinct personality and beautiful appearance, it was enough to make men fall in love, especially when they fell in love. At that time, as long as it was the other party's, it was all good, and other men would be ignored by her.

The empathetic fish is also indifferent, and even if the other party is entangled to death, he will still not turn back.

"Zhao Meng called me. I'll go first and come back later." The fish stepped on his slippers into the room.

Looking at the back of the fish, Shi Miao can only shake his head and smile. She doesn't know when the fish can meet the person who can stay together for a long time. Is it Zhao Meng? It's been almost a year since the two met. I hope it's him!

For some reason, it suddenly rained in the sky. Shi Miao sat quietly for a few hours and suddenly realized that the sky was about to dawn, and the fish did not come back at all.

Before dawn, the sky was always dark. Azi stood in front of the balcony and looked at the dark and chaotic sky. Her face was unprecedentedly solemn. The demon fox family has existed since the beginning of heaven and earth. Each generation has the mission of revitalizing the whole demon fox family. She is not a gifted nine-tailed fox and wants to cultivate to nine. It is impossible for the realm of the tail fox to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. There is only one possibility to improve its strength, which is to go the wrong way!

Demon cultivation is different from human beings. The life of demon cultivation is long-lasting, but no matter how long it is, it can't withstand the cruel flow of the long river of time. Hundreds of years is just overnight. The renewal and replacement of a dynasty is just a blink of an eye. There are only two ways for orthodox demon cultivation. One is to learn from teachers and the other It absorbs the essence of the sun and the moon.

The sentence of learning from a teacher is simple to say, but it is too difficult to do. Demon cultivation is originally despised by people, especially the demon fox family, which is born charming, and the enchanting demon fox will only become a human race or demon plaything.

Many years ago, after practicing her human form, Azi also tried to learn from her teacher. She knelt in front of a cave in Mount Emei and knelt down for seven days and seven nights. In these seven days, she did not drink a drop of water or say a word. She just kept kowtowed in the direction of the cave, but the other party did not come out after all.

Seven days later, Azi limped down from the mountain and looked at her relatives who had been dead for a long time. Her knees almost hurt so much that she could no longer stand up.

One day I will gain higher strength! I want to become stronger!

After that day, A Zi went to the world. In the turbulent dynasty, no one would care so much about the death of several people, so the spirits of those unlucky men became A Zi's nourishment.

On the full moon night, A Zi showed a sharp tail to the moonlight and couldn't help sneering. It turned out that the evil road was so refreshing!

At that time, the man suddenly came into Azi's sight. An ordinary immortal practitioner, a handsome but kind-looking man, the magic weapon she fought desperately for the other party, but finally changed her body with bruises, and the other party entered the middle of practice smoothly.

The man's surname is Qian.

Looking back, A Zi still felt some unforgettable cold in her body, and her chest and knees were still faintly painful. She vomited dryly. A Zi fell to the ground heavily and curled up into a ball.

"Yue Quanheng, why can't I meet you earlier?" A Zi shouted sadly, tears fell silently and fell to the ground along her beautiful cheeks.

The sun rose slowly and the dawn had arrived.

Opening the window, Shi Miao took a deep breath, and the fish had not come back yet.

He Youwei rubbed his hair and walked to the living room. When he saw Shi Miao, he yawned, "Master, are we really going to Xinfu Building?"

"Of course I will go." Picking up her mobile phone and remembering what A Zi said before her leaving, Shi Miao's face darkened.

"No need to go." Yue Quanheng appeared in the Shi family in a daze, sitting on the sofa, holding a letter with ink fragrance in his hand.

He Youwei took a look at Yue Quanheng. This boy was becoming more and more promising. He grabbed the letter in Yue Quanheng's hand and asked with a bad smile, "Why did you finally be abandoned by that A Zi?"

Yue Quanheng sat on the sofa, covering his face with his hands, but tears flowed out of his fingers, "A Zi is gone... gone..."

He Youwei put away his smile and handed the letter directly to Shi Miao. Shi Miao took it and saw a few lines written on it, "The Qian family owe me. It is a great gift that I took away the Qian family's jade card but did not kill them. There are many ambush in the Xinfu Building, and evil cultivation has been staring at you for a long time. Therefore, Shi Miao, your road to immortality must be bumpy, and Yue Quanheng... I just hate that I didn't meet you in the most beautiful years. If I leave today, there will be no future..."

The best era of a woman's life is in girlhood. Azi's girlhood was at least 200 years ago, and Yue Quanheng is only in his twenties this year. People who read this letter can imagine what kind of mood Azi was when she left.

I was born before you, and you gave birth to me. If I met in the most beautiful year, maybe there would be no A Zi today.

Looking at the handwriting left by A Zi and looking at Yue Quanheng in the collapse, Shi Miao's mouth moved and finally said, "A Zi has you in her heart, otherwise she would not have left silently like this. If there is fate, you will meet sooner or later."

After a long time, Yue Quanheng laughed with tears on his face, "A Zi has me in her heart!" Suddenly standing up from the sofa, Yue Quanheng rushed out like crazy.