Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 15 The Missing Lady of a Famous Family (14)

"However, this Baili leader is very famous outside."

"It's also right to be famous. After all, the Wangchen faction is one of the five major factions, which is very normal."

"Yes, so - there are many women outside who admire the head of Baili." Speaking of this, Lian Qiao suddenly understood what Hongchang said before, but she was not sure. The movement of her hand was a little slow. She leaned over to Hongchang's side and asked in a low voice:

"Is it possible that the head of Baili is outside and has a new lover?"

"It's not a new love, that is, how to put it, there are many rumors about the leader of Baili on this continent

"Peach rumors, right?" Lian Jian immediately thought of this.

Hongshang nodded and wiped her face again. She continued:

"It is rumored that the head of Baili once destroyed a whole assassination organization for a brothel; it is rumored that the head of Baili had met a small jasper in the imperial capital city. Later, the girl's family was about to go bankrupt, and the Baili head took out a lot of money to save them. There is also a rumor that a female disciple in Kongshan, It took Baili leader to get to know each other in nearly two years. Later, he was seriously injured in a battle. Baili leader personally took care of her for several weeks. He didn't leave until she almost recovered.

Lian Jian is a little silly, but why is it that the more he listens, the more uncomfortable he feels?

Angrily inserted the shovel in his hand into the soil, braided his sleeves, and began to hug Gu Qinglian, the head lady.

"What the hell? He has something to do with so many women. How affectionate and careless he is! Seeing that he was so worried about his wife, I thought how good he was to his wife! Really, I didn't expect him to be such a person!"

"It's hard for us outsiders to talk about things like this."

Red clothes have no opinion. Maybe there are too many romantic men and too many things to hear on this continent, so she is used to it now. But!โ€”โ€”

"If I marry in the future, I will definitely not marry such a man."

"I can't either!" LianQI muttered in his heart, how can he marry a man who is merciful in the future? It's absolutely impossible!

"Moreover, he can only marry me as a wife in the future." Hongshang's eyes showed an unwavering firmness. She looked at the dirt in front of her, and her tone was very serious.

Fortear couldn't help turning his head and looking at her a few more times.

There is no continent, just like in ancient China, a man can marry several wives. Forthia comes from the 21st century, and of course it will insist on monogamy, because in that world, this is legal.

But Hongshang is a child who grew up here. She has been used to seeing these since she was a child, and she would have this idea. Lian Qiao suddenly felt that her mind was not limited. She was really amazing.

"Well, that's how it should be." Lian Jian agreed with a smile.

"Well, don't you think I'm whimsms?" Hongshang was a little surprised, "You know, I dare not tell others about this strange idea, otherwise it will be regarded as moldy, but for you, forsa, are you the same as what I thought?"

"Red, to tell you the truth, in the world where I grew up, they are monogamous. If a man marries two, it is against the law."

"Really?!" Hongshang felt incredible: "Is there such a world?"

"Well, that's right." Lian Jian smiled.

"It feels so good." Hongshang lowered her head and continued to dig the soil. I don't know what she thought of, and her expression suddenly solidified. After a few seconds, she turned her head slightly.

"Foria, you will go back in the future... right?"

When asked this question, Lian Jian suddenly stunned and then nodded gently.

"Well, I have to find a way to go back."

When she got the answer she knew before, a trace of loneliness flashed in Hongshang's eyes. She forced herself to do it and said:


Well... Lian Qiao stopped the movement in his hand and turned his head to look at the red clothes. The blue clothes were full of dirt and his face was stained a lot. She lowered her eyelids, mechanically repeated the movements in her hands, and her eyelashes occasionally trembled slightly.

Somewhere in my heart suddenly hurt.

Forever resolutely stretched out his hand and held Hongshang's arm.



"If, if I can really go home... would you like to come with me?"

"Together..." Hongshang was stunned. She looked at the fortears in a daze, but she didn't expect that the fortulat would ask her this question.

"Hmm." Lian Qiao nodded. Although it was a little hasty, she said it and thought about it again. She decided to do so. "Hongshang, come back to my world with me. It's a good world. There are many interesting things that you will love!"

"Why... Lian Jian, do you want to... take me with you?"

"I can't bear to part with you, and I can't rest assured that you are here alone."

"Really?" There was a small joy in Hongshang's heart slowly jumping, staring at the clear pupils of the forsythia. She felt more and more joy in her heart, and gradually, as if it was going to spread all over the world.

"I won't lie to you. Moreover, it's also you that you said that we want to be good friends for life. Why do you want to go back on your word? Saying this, Lianqi pretended to be angry, twisted his face to one side and hummed with his nose, "I absolutely don't agree, so you will die in your life!" Don't dump me!"

When Hongshang saw such a fortite, she was amused by her appearance. She lowered her head with a smile and began to dig the earth. I don't know why she shed tears under such a happy situation. Tears slipped down the cheek into the soil and were absorbed in an instant. But she knows that she is not sad at all now.

"Red, why are you crying?"

"Don't worry about me, I'm so happy." Hongshang said to wipe it with his hands. As a result, the area of dirt mixed with tears on his face became wider. Lian Qiao looked at it for two seconds, and then couldn't help laughing.

Hongshang ignored Lian Qiao's smile and only took a deep breath to continue to work.

This feeling is good, as if countless forces have been injected into her body. Since entering the Mu family, she has felt that her world has completely collapsed, but now, she has made up her mind to grasp every day in the future.

Every day, every day, she has to live a good life.

When Dad left, she looked at her eyes and knew that it was an expectation, an infinite expectation.

Dad wants her to live a strong life even if she is alone.

She will do it.

What's more, she is not alone. She has a girl next to her who can be a good friend for a lifetime, Forsia. Therefore, she will be happier in the future.

The two were still busy, and there were footsteps in the distance.

Foria immediately stood up from the ground and turned to look at the entrance.