Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 18 The Missing Lady of a Famous Family (17)

Baili Tuoming and Gu Qinglian - they have also gone through the years of continuous laughter together.

Maybe those beautiful pictures in my memory have turned yellow and old, but the morning and night of those years are relative and whispering. Even if I think of them now, it is sweet and heartbreaking.

But from which day has it changed?

Baili Tuoming began to be busy, wandering anywhere on the continent, fighting for the dust faction day and night. As the head of Baili became more and more famous, Gu Qinglian's back waiting against the door gradually became lonely.

If you want to wear it, you can't pass thousands of sails. When will it be a cool night?

But she understood that her husband was going to make a big business outside, so she would help him, rectify the huge dust faction, and let him have no worries.

With the prestige of the head of Baili, some gossip also came to her ears.

So, although she didn't go out, she knew who her husband was with today and who she would meet tomorrow. She also knew how contemptuous those young girls looked when they mentioned her.

"Mrs. Baili? Ha, it's just an old woman who is no longer beautiful.

Old woman.

Gu Qinglian sat in the corner of the restaurant, touched her cheek, and frowned.

Occasionally, Baili Tuoming came back. She came forward with a smile, and her joy was self-evident.

She picked up the lamp and drank wine and watched him talk about her experience outside, but she couldn't get a word in.

Over time, Baili Tuoming went out more often, returned home less often, and became older, and he rarely mentioned his outside affairs.

Gu Qinglian's nature is originally quiet. She likes to listen to Baili Tuoming talking, dancing, and has infinite hopes for the future, and her eyes seem to be full of countless stars.

I don't know when it started, there was only the sound of eating silently in the room, and the wine had been poured into the cup.

is relatively speechless.

Before going to bed, Gu Qinglian blew out the candle by the table. The moment she put down the lampshade, tears flowed down.

Is it true that your husband fell in love with another woman as the outside world said?

And is she really no longer old?

"Liondy...Red dress girl...Mu Shaoxia..." Gu Qing's face lying on the ground has become transparent. She said every word with difficulty, "I'm sorry... Mu family... I'm really sorry..."

"Mrs...." Forteclasped her hand and motioned her not to speak.

Gu Qinglian smiled bitterly, and a trace of blood fell from the corners of her mouth again.

Rumor has it that the flower leader of Saibei Luoying Hall once openly showed his love to Baili Tuoming in the dance competition. So Gu Qinglian secretly found a killer sect and bought the Huakui's head at a high price.

Rumor has it that the second lady of the Chen family in Piaomei City guessed the lantern riddles with Baili Tuoming at the Lantern Festival, and the onlookers all claimed that the two men and women were talented and beautiful. Therefore, Gu Qinglian bribed mountain thieves to rob money and kill people on her father's business, resulting in the destruction of the Chen family.

Rumor has it that a new female disciple of Kongshan accidentally met when Baili Tuoming went to Kongshan to visit the old immortals. At that time, everyone knew the four words of Baili Tuoming. Seeing that he was so young and virial, the empty mountain female disciple fell in love with him and wanted to connect with him. Therefore, Gu Qinglian personally stepped out and broke her tendons and hamstrings during her outing mission, and made seven scars on her face...

These women who are close to her husband, these women who want to replace her, must not be soft.

However, after doing so many bad things, she inevitably dares not look directly at her awe-looking husband.

What hurts her more is that it is not someone else who treats these women, but her husband, Baili Tuoming.

Is this... God's punishment... She wanted her husband to come back to her side, but she did these things to push him farther and farther away...

"I... how bad... Those things... I did all... I did..." Gu Qinglian burst into tears, "It's been so many years... I don't want to argue... So..."

Lian Jian and Hongshang looked at her nervously, because Gu Qinglian was extremely weak at this time, as if she would die at any time.

"So... I did the last thing... I want to know... My husband... I don't have me in his heart..."


"I was unintentionally..."

"I found the camp of Gui Qianxi... I didn't know... It turned out that he was so close to my Wangchen faction..."

"So... I spent a high price... anonymously delivered a letter... and bought the life of 'Gu Qinglian' from him..."

"Madam..." Lian Jian was shocked by the news. She never thought that the person who wanted to kill Gu Qinglian at a high price was herself.

"I didn't expect... this matter would make the Mu family... So... I, Gu Qinglian... It's not a pity to die..."

After saying that, there was a violent cough. Gu Qinglian suddenly spewed out a large mouthful of blood, and finally ended her life in the sluggishness of fortightness and red red.

The person she wanted to see most, Baili Tuoming, had no face to see until she died.

However, in the last second before her death, she seemed to hear their last conversation--

"Do you still love me?"


Ah...her husband...really, really, do you still love her?

He must not know that she did those things. Otherwise, he must have hated her to death...

So... that's good... Just die like this and die with his only love. Even if she is gone, he can live a good, very good life...

Several children were completely stunned, and even the fors and redshang did not react. The people lying on the ground had already swallowed their breath. Standing on the outside, his hands around his chest, and the sword around his waist trembled slightly. He raised his head and looked at the distant gate.

The sunset has completely fallen, and the whole yard seems to be gray in a dream.

The night is coming.

A trace of sadness flashed through the pupils of the meat. He stopped to look far away and stared at the vermilion gate. Although his voice was weak, it could spread ten miles.

"Since you are here, why don't you show up?"

Suddenly, there was a gust of evening wind, and the white clothes flew gently, like the white snow that was about to melt in early spring, a little bleak and a little hurt.

Baili Tuoming turned his back to the door and quietly closed his eyes. His black hair was close to his mouth because of the wind, but he was unable to pull it.

Although the meat has opened his mouth, he did not appear, but has always maintained his original standing posture, like a sculpture.

It's hard to say goodbye when we meet, and the east wind is powerless.

When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns into ashes and tears begin to dry.

Xiaojing is worried about the change of clouds, and the night chant should feel that the moonlight is cold.

There is no way to go to Pengshan, and the blue bird is eager to visit.