Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 30 The Mu family will not die (11)

"Run..." Mu Tian, the youngest, looked at the place where Zhu Tart disappeared and muttered, and then turned to face Yin Guangyao, looking very excited: "That bad guy Zhu Tart actually ran away just to see you! You must be awesome!"

Yin Guangyao leaned against the trunk of the tree and smiled.

"What should we do now? Do you want to chase it?" Hongshang has been 100% sure that Yin Guangyao is for Qiao to help the Mu family, but she doesn't know their plan. Now that Zhu Tak must have fled to his own house, should they take advantage of the victory to pursue?

Hearing the words of Hongchang, Lian Qiao also turned around and looked at the man in front of the tree.

"Are you sure he will be there?"

"Of course."

"I don't think Zhutar is weak, Jiang Beichen..."

The red man beside her heard the word "Jiang Beichen" and jumped gently at the corners of her eyes. She looked up at Lian Qiao. Was Jiang Beichen also involved in this matter?

"Fortear." Yin Guangyao's voice was still lazy. He beat his neck with his hand and said, "Now Jiang Beichen, he is not the one you just met."

"Is it?"

When Lian Wu met Jiang Beichen for the first time, he seemed to be a little ghost with low practice, because he could not even make the most basic appearance of the ghost. Now that he hears Yin Guangyao's words, is Jiang Beichen now very strong now?

"So, just be careful. Jiang Beichen is too simple to deal with Zhu Ta."

The expression of Lian Jian was obviously still a little puzzled. Yin Guangyao yawned again and said:

"Really, it's stupid to help the old man do things. You've never cared about ghosts, have you? I can tell you now that although Jiang Beichen was only the boss of a small tribe, now the forces led by him have become one of the five major forces of the ghost clan, understand?

Hearing these words, Lian Jian will inevitably be surprised. It's only been a few months, and he has done this?

"This is too fast..." Lian Jian muttered.

"It's okay, this kind of progress is normal for that man. It's you, the fortula girl, you are the leader now. This is really shocking."

"I, I'm just... just an accident..."

"Whether it's an accident or strength, this continent is so fast-changing that anything can happen."

"That's right." Hongshang interrupted: "These days, we are looking for things and don't understand anything about ghosts, especially internal disputes. What I met before was the ghost attack, and this time it was Zhu Ya, so what are the other three forces of the ghost clan?

"I know this!" Mu Shui heard Hongshang's question and replied, "In addition to Gui Qianxi and Zhu Ta, there are three others - greedy woman, Jue Luo Qianqi, and soul-slayer."

Soul-sama? This...maybe it's a coincidence? So fortear asked:

"Which one is Jiang Beichen?"


Sure enough... This guy has played too many online games, right?

"Fortear." The meat, which had been silent, suddenly looked up and called her.

"What's wrong?"

"Soul Reaper."


"Mechanical God of War."


"Blood Demon God."



"Well...what do you want to do?"

"I like these four very much. Which one do you think is better?" The meat asked very seriously.

"Well..." are all from the professional names of the same online game, which makes Lian Jian can't choose for a while: "It's all good...but! What the hell are you going to do!"

"I also want to give myself a nickname, handsome and cool." The expression of meat is a little subtle--

That's right! Jiang Beichen called such a cool name as Soul Sing, and he also wants to give himself a nickname! Mu Sheng or something, it's too lame! No, he must be able to suppress the name "soul-soul-sling"!

"I think the rampage is pleasant to listen to." Mu Shui took the lead in saying, "This sounds awesome!"

"Mechanical God of War! God of War! This is the most powerful!" Mu Tian said, "What is rage? The God of War is the most powerful!"

"Nonsense! It's a raging man! It sounds good, it sounds good!"

"You are a girl, you don't understand! The Mechanical God of War is absolutely powerful! Stupid!"

"You little devil! You are the youngest, how dare you call me a fool?!"

"Call you idiot! Water bath big fool, big fool! La la la la..."

Lion pinched the bridge of her nose helplessly. She slowly walked to the meat, looked at the teenager half a head taller than him, and said:

"I don't think these are suitable for you..."

"What is suitable for me?"

"Well, that..." Forsythia's eyes suddenly lit up and there was! - "Meat eater! Uh-huh, that's right, this is the most suitable for you.

The meat looked at the forear, with an "injured" face, and he turned around silently.

"I don't want it."

Hey...the child... Lian Jian patted him on the shoulder helplessly.

"Okay, okay, when we finish this, can we think of a nice name?"

"I want to be cool and handsome."

"Uh-huh." Forsari nodded repeatedly.

Then she turned around and continued the topic just now.

"Don't these forces of the ghost clan want the Mu family to survive?"


"Why?" This red costume is a little puzzled, "The existence of our Mu family is to deal with those ghosts who do evil without permission - doesn't this just help your future Pluto?"

"When there is a Pluto in the underworld, the existence of the ghost exorcist is indeed helpful to the underworld. But now everyone is the king, so the exorcist is the most eye-catching existence.

"So we need to solve these forces one by one?" Forthia concluded.

"Hmm. However, you can join hands with Jiang Beichen.

"Hands together?" Lian Qiao and Hongchang repeated together.

"The reason why the Mu family was put on the list of the ghost clan's first destruction is actually because of several other major forces, afraid that you will join hands with Jiang Beichen. If so, you might as well join hands - although there are only a few of you left in the Mu family now, the magic handed down by the Mu family for 500 years still makes the ghosts very afraid.

"Wait." Hongshang interrupted him, "Are you talking about secrets? Isn't the secret in Zhu Tai's hands now?"

"That's a sample." Lian Qiao blinked at Hongchang, "It took a whole afternoon to make a sample of meat. The secrets left by Master are still intact in our hands.

"That's good!" Hongshang was completely relieved. "It seems that you have had a plan. Humph, you didn't tell me."

"The fewer people know, the more similar the play will be, right?"

"The head." Mu Jin, who had not spoken since the end of the battle, suddenly opened his mouth. His face was still very heavy, but he still said these words. I want to go to Zhutary's territory.

"Zhu's territory?"

"I know it may cause trouble for everyone. I can go by myself - I must, must... kill that bastard!"

"That's it." Lianqi sighed gently and smiled slightly and said, "That's just right. We originally planned to go to Zhutar's territory together, so we shouldn't be late. Shall we chase it now?"