Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 91 Does Tiger Poison really not eat children

Yin Guangyao's speed was quite fast. In about half an hour, he flew out of the wall.

In the meantime, a strange breath flowed over the Lin family, but the red clothes did not go in.

"Let's go." Yin Guangyao took the two of them to the front door.

"From the front door?" Hongshang asked in surprise.

"Don't worry, there is no one." Yin Guangyao glanced at her.


It always feels strange.

When I looked around Hongshang, I saw passers-by in the distance looking this way. Hongshang quickly grabbed Yin Guangyao's arm.

"Hey... are we swaggering in like this? Isn't it good?"

"What's wrong?" Yin Guangyao knocked off Hongshang's hand and continued to walk inside.

I don't care about these silver tickets. He is the happiest to see his father! Naturally, he followed in with joy.

Hongshang's footsteps slowed down. She looked left and right again, then lowered her head and shrugged her shoulders slightly, and almost trotted into the door of the Lin family.

Sure enough, as Yin Guangyao said, there was no one along the way.

The Lin family is indeed a large family, and the corridor pool inside is much more gorgeous than the Mu family. In terms of area, it is almost twice that of the Mu family. After all, it is a rich family related to the imperial city.

Although the Mu family has prestige, its financial resources are indeed incomparable.

Yin Guangyao's ability to remember the road is surprisingly good. He didn't get lost on the road around, and soon came to Master Lin's door.

"Go in, silver ticket, your father is in it."

The silver ticket looked slightly stunned. He looked at the closed door and trembled but did not step forward.

"Go, if you have any questions, just ask in front of your father. He is the only one in the room. Don't be afraid.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Hongshang here, but the feeling of uneasiness is getting worse and heavier. She has been looking around since she came in. Sure enough, she didn't see a person.

How can this huge Lin family have no one?

"Hey...what about the family here? Where have they all gone?" Hongshang couldn't help asking.

"I'm all asleep." Seeing that the silver ticket was still in place, Yin Guangyao directly carried his back collar and threw him into Master Lin's room. Squeak--" He closed the door, turned around and sat down with his back to the scarlet door and window. I used a spell that makes people unconscious, do you understand?"

In this way... Hongshang does not doubt Yin Guangyao's ability. After all, she has seen the strength of this man in Piaomiaocheng before. After all, the people of the Lin family are all mortals, and it is very simple to be fascinated.

She nodded, looked at the room uneasedly, and whispered:

"Is it really good for him to see his father?"

The sound insulation effect of the wall is not bad. Hongshang can't hear what's going on inside, but it's just a vague feeling. Things are not going well. With a little hesitation, she asked:

"You said... tiger poison, do you really don't eat children?"

It's not that she is worried, but that there are too many such things in this world where interests are paramount, and brothers can kill each other for their family property. If Mrs. Lin knows about the existence of this child, it will be a small matter for Master Lin to be unlucky. She is afraid that Mrs. Lin will think that the child is here to rob property from her son, and then she will quietly find someone to "cache" for her...

Yin Guangyao folded his arms behind his head, leaned back, and put his head on it.

He raised his legs quietly, but what he said was very cruel.

"It's normal for a father to force his son to die."

"Don't say it as if you've seen it." Although Hongshang also knew the possibility of this kind of thing, she couldn't help retorting when she saw that Yin Guangyao said it in such a determined tone.

"I've seen more than that." Yin Guangyao laughed and said, "I have experienced it myself. As a snot, you won't understand it."

Hongshang was really stunned. She looked at Yin Guangyao for a long time. Of course, she did not doubt the authenticity of this sentence, although he said it in such an understated tone.

Her eyes were unobstructed, which made Yin Guangyao slightly unhappy.

"Don't look at me like that, a good young lady."

"..." Hongshang was shocked to find that she was rude. She quickly looked away and said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

Yin Guangyao frowned with great disgust.

"Good, why do you apologize?" He thought of what he had said before and groaned coldly, "If you feel sorry for me because you know that, I advise you to save it."

A word broke her mind. Hongshang turned around and covered it:

"Don't be affectionate, I didn't."

Yin Guangyao lowered his head, and the atmosphere became depressed in an instant.

At this time, there was a quarrel in the room.

Redshang can't hear clearly, but you can feel that the silver ticket is crying again.

When he shouted angrily, there was a scattered sound from the room, and it felt that a lot of things were smashed to the ground.

Hongshang turned around worriedly. She stared at the door and asked:

"Wouldn't we go in and have a look?"

"No." Yin Guangyao replied immediately.

The quarrel in the room became louder and louder, and the red man gently bit his lips, and his eyes were still inseparable from the scarlet door.

A bright smile appeared on Yin Guangyao's face.

This kind of smile is too bright. Hongshang has never seen it before. She was lingered for a moment.

"Let him enjoy this dusk alone. A well-bred young lady like you won't understand.

"Hey - I'm not well-fed." Hongshang argued. Just kidding, she didn't care about what she said once, but less than two minutes later, he said that about her again. This guy is absolutely dark.

Moreover, he said, let the silver ticket enjoy it alone? Please, what to enjoy? From the crying of the silver ticket, you can probably guess what Master Lin said to him. If you say enjoy it, it is only--

Hongshang looked at Yin Guangyao in surprise.

The latter still has a happy smile on his face.

... All you can enjoy at this time is despair.

The door was suddenly knocked open, and the silver ticket ran out of the room with a tearful face, and turned around and stamped the door fiercely.

"Fure your mother!!! - I'm not your son!! You don't deserve to be an old man!!!——"

After shouting this sentence, he ran out without looking back.

The red man is dumb.

This rude word, although he has been swearing on Xiling 13th Street before. But later, he gave Hongchang the feeling of an eight-year-old boy. Now he can say such a thing. You can imagine what kind of environment the little boy grew up in.

"Aren't you going to catch up?" Yin Guangyao suddenly made a sound.

" need." What do you want her to see and see the little boy lose his temper? First of all.

"What if I can't think about it." Yin Guangyao stood up from the ground and gently patted his clothes.

Hongshang was shocked, so she realized it and quickly caught up with it.

Yin Guangyao looked at Hongshang's back and flashed a touch of mockery in his eyes.

"I don't even have any defense - should I say that you are stupid, or should I say that you are stupid, or should I say that you are stupid?"

He shook his head.

The sunset disappeared at the end of the sky, and the last red cloud disappeared.

The sky suddenly darkened.

When Hongshang chased out of the door of the Lin family, she could no longer see the silver ticket. She sighed slightly. That child should not be unable to think about it, right?

Yin Guangyao put his hands in his trousers pocket and slowly walked out of it. He didn't expect that the red man was still at the door.

Seeing that someone finally came out, Hongshang turned around and complained:

"Can you, big man, walk more slowly?"

"...are you waiting for me?" Yin Guangyao looked strange.

Hongshang opened a pair of big eyes, looked at Yin Guangyao funnyly, and suddenly smiled.

"Why, have you never been waited?"

"What?" Yin Guangyao returned to his previous face that made people want to be beaten.

Red clothes turned around, stretched out her arms to the distant sky, and smiled:

"Let's go, Yin Guangguang, I'll treat you to dinner."

"Became to dinner?" Yin Guangyao looked at the red man incredulously as if he heard that the earth was going to explode. Little snot, do you have money?

"Not much money!" Hongshang stared at her and then laughed: "But it's enough to sit on the street and eat a bowl of chaos."

"Chaos... I actually invited this, it's really..." Yin Guangyao muttered dissatisfiedly.

"Please be good! Let's go. I just think you're a good person. Hongshang turned around and walked forward. Yin Guangyao lowered his head with his hands in his pockets. He rubbed the heel of his left foot with his right foot, and a sneer appeared on his face.

He heard it correctly, didn't he? She actually said he was a good man? Haha...this is the biggest joke of this century...

Haha...ha, ha...ha? The smile on Yin Guangyao's face gradually faded. He raised his head and looked at the girl with a brisk pace. Her blue clothes drew bright curves.

The blue of the sun reflected in the depths of his pupils, and his short white hair danced slightly in the wind.

A fog, illusion, and the deep loneliness that haunted him suddenly appeared in his eyes.


That night, in the small chaotic shop on the street, the pair of figures was particularly eye-catching.

Apart from the man's strange clothes, his handsome face alone is eye-catching enough.

Although the woman in blue sitting next to him is not stunning, she exalts the brilliance that the girl in the boudoir can never have. She has traveled around with her master since she was a child, and what she has seen and heard is really rich, and both of them are as talkative as if opening a chatter.

They ordered a plate of peanuts and drank some wine. Finally, Yin Guangyao slowly walked towards Mu's house with a swaying red dress.

The stars are brilliant.

Hongshang was drunk, but she shouted that she was not drunk. Yin Guangyao's eyes were sober, but he nodded his finger on her forehead under the girl's nonsense.

"How can you go out to drink so much with strange men, fool?"

This is not a push-down.

When he came to the door of Mu's house, Yin Guangyao did not knock on the door, but picked up the red man and flew in directly.

His memory is not very good. Based on his memory, he came to the yard of Hongshang.

She opened the door on the side of her body. She entered the room with the red man in her arms and put her on the bed.

Red clothes's cheeks were still flushed with drunkenness, and she pouted and muttered:

"I can still drink... Yin, Guangguang... Don't underestimate me, I can still drink nine altars..."

Yin Guangyao looked at her with a smile. He sat by the bed, covered her with the quilt, and stared at her face for a few seconds. At this time, Hongshang had fallen asleep slowly, as if he had finally made up his mind and left.

When his first foot stepped out of the door, the sentence "You are a good man" suddenly appeared in the air. His body paused slightly, and Yin Guangyao did not look back. He looked at the stars in the sky and asked self-deprecatingly:

"Are you a good person?"

No one answered him. He closed the door without hesitation.

Tomorrow she will know whether he is a good person or not.


The next day, early morning.

As soon as the sky was bright, there was a lot of noise from the courtyard of Mu's house.

This is a bath water that went out to buy vegetables and ran back with an empty basket. As she gasped, she shouted at the fortight room:

"It's not good - Master - no, it's not good -"

Fortear pushed the door out, and Mu Shui just ran to the door, and her little face turned red.

"What's wrong? Speak slowly." Lian Jian went down the steps and saw that Mu Shui was choking with saliva, and then walked to her and gently stroked her back.

"Palm, the leader..." Mu Shui was still gasping, but he didn't dare to say it at all: "Lin, the Lin family... the big landlord of Xiling City, the Lin family... is dead, dead... more than 300 mouths, all, all dead..."

Fortear is a little surprised. She seems to have heard that the Lin family is a large family, and they all died overnight. This...

Mu Shui's eyes are full of tears - it's not a big deal that the Lin family is dead. The problem is that the main problem is...

"Master... They all said that... the mastermind is the soul-sama lord... The accomplice is, yes..." Mu Shui cried loudly: "It's our Mu family!!——"