Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 15 Psychedelic Night

The shadow-crossed woods retreated under the rolling of the wheels. Forsythia sat in the car and was still strange about the hallucination just now. The feeling was too real and too real... "Red Zhang..." She lifted the curtain. She sat at the door of the carriage and couldn't help talking to Hongchang.

"What's wrong?" Hongshang held the reins in one hand and held the whip in the other. The green silk behind her was blown up by the wind and brushed the fort cheeks. She smelled a faint smell of orchids after the rain.

"Just now...did you see it?" Lian Jian changed his comfortable posture and said in a memoryful tone, "We saw the morning sun, saw the fog, and then we were separated..."

"Is it true that forsythia has hallucinations? Hee, it's nothing. Those skeleton ghosts have magic dust on their bodies. Anyone who accidentally touches them will have hallucinations. All I know is that for you ran down to see the body of the skeleton ghost, and then stood there stupidly!"

"Oh, is there such a thing..." Lian Qiao looked at the calm woods and the red manga driving, and began to feel that what he had just experienced was really an illusion. Just as she relaxed and wanted to take a break, she saw a dark fire in the woods in front of her, and she immediately came out nervous again: "Red! Look there, look there!"

Red dress stopped the carriage with a "hoo--" and looked at the unknown dark light approaching them. Although there was a distance, she could find that it was really a big group.

"It's a meat-eater." Hongchang looked at the sore body and looked heavy: "They like to eat human meat most. First, they bite off and chew them one by one, and then their wrists, arms, shoulders..." A cold wind came, and forsythia couldn't help shivering. Hongshang is still describing: "But they don't like people. The head, so it will be thrown away. In short, the rest of the person's whole body will be eaten except the head.

"So horrible... So, Hongshang, do you have a way?" Forthia looked at her with prayerful eyes. Please, you must have a way!

Hongshang lowered her head slightly, and the hair on the side of her ear slid down, blocking the sight of the fortight looking at her. However, through the moonlight like water, forsythia clearly saw that the corners of Hongchang's mouth evoked an evil smile.

Her heart beat heavily!

-Why do red and redshang smile like this?!

The smile became deeper. Hongchang turned her head and looked at Lian Qiao's eyes shining like stars in the sky. "There is a way, but I really want to see how Lian Qiao was eaten and wiped away." The tone is the same as usual, and the mischievousness is full of teasing, but Lian Jian knows that what she said is true.

"" The pupils of the forsia dilated in an instant, and she seemed to feel that she had heard it wrong for a moment? How could Hongshang say this to her?" Why...?"

"Because I hate you." Hongshang's face showed the initial expression, disdainful and arrogant: "I just don't want to see you, so I want you to die."

Foria is not unfamiliar with such reds, but haven't they become friends?" But even if you hate it, there's no need to let me die, right?

Hong Chang jumped out of the car with a smile. She turned her back to the forsythia, and her voice looked illusory but so clear: "Who made you, the person she sent?"

The wind gradually became bigger, the long red hair danced behind him, and the blue veil was a little more rigid, but Lian Qiao did not want to believe it. The person in front of him who wanted to see himself die was the person who took her to escape from Mufu and said that he wanted to wander around the world together.'s a friend...

"You are not a red man." Lian Qiao suddenly calmed down. She looked at the back in front of her and said word by word, "If you are a red man, why can't you say a specific reason, but can only say such one-sided words? So, you are not a red man."

"Do you need a reason to do something?" Hongchang turned her head contemptuously and looked at her, then jumped to a big tree and looked down at forsythia: "I just want to see how you were biten by a carnivore."

A large group of meat-eating ghosts slowly approached, and the fortighty heart beat violently, but she stared at the people on the tree without blinking and repeated, "You are not a red man."

"Master is so relieved to you?"

"That's right, when my father mentioned this to me, I didn't cry and hang myself, and said against my will, 'Everything is up to my father', haha."

"Hongshang, you are so treacherous."

"How about it? Do you want to learn? Sister, I will teach you everything!"

Under the moonlight, the figures of the two girls pushed and laughed. They were full of curiosity about the outside world, so they decided to accompany them.


The faceless carnivores exude a smell of carrion all over their bodies. They come to the forsythia unevenly, stepping heavily on the ground at every step, making a sound that makes people want to escape immediately.

"It's not red..."

The late-night wind swept up the dust on the ground and confused the foreared vision. She slowly stood up from the carriage, and her pale yellow clothes flew with the curtain behind her.

"She won't want to kill me...because! ......”

The carnivore surrounded the whole carriage one after another, leading the sticky bone palm stretched out with rotten juice, and his disgusting fingers seemed to want to catch the forear.

"Well...that...if you are outside, a lot of things will bother you."

"Yeah - no problem!! - Don't worry, I will protect you well!"

The skinny fingers held the forsyac's wrist, and her whole body was immediately creepy, and more ghostly laughter came from the tree. The red dress sat on the branch with her legs, as if she was very happy to see what was about to happen in front of her.

"My forbula, hurry up, hurry up~

The red dress in her memory pushed the fortight shoulder from behind and urged her to pack up quickly.

The forsythia suddenly came to courage. She resisted the hand approaching her, closed her eyes and shouted, "Because - we are friends!!! -"

Redshang won't want to kill her! Because they are friends!!

"Yuanzhen's Jue Zhan--" The awe-inning voice came from the rear. Just as the meat-eater didn't have time to react, his whole body was covered by blue light and gradually rose into the air. Forsythia opened his eyes and found that a circle of meat-eaters were tied to the air and slowly rotating.

Through a layer of blue light, Foreng found the person standing at the end, with murderous eyes, but the moment he saw her, he showed a warm smile.

The girl in blue exerted her hands in the air. She pushed her two ways and shouted, "Break!!!--"

With a roar, all the meat-eaters were torn to pieces. When the light gradually dissipated, Lianjian looked at the people in the distance, with a slight wetness in his eyes.

"Bastard!!--" Hongshang suddenly stared at the tree: "You turtle grandson, come down to fight alone with me. What kind of bird are you playing behind your back!!--" She just met after the tree and couldn't move. She watched the forsythia being approached by the carnivore, but there was nothing she could do.

That's true. Lian Qiao breathed a sigh of relief. The one on the tree was a fake red man, and the one in front of him was a real red man.

Forsythia came down from the carriage and walked in the direction of Hongshang. Just as she was about to walk in front of Hongshang, Hongshang suddenly ran over and hugged her--"Forsythia!!!" Hongshang held Forsythia tightly and buried her head in her shoulder and cried. Such a scene made Forsythia at a loss. .

"What, what's wrong... Why are you crying..."

Almost, almost died... If fortear, if she doesn't believe her so much, she will definitely die! She hugged Forsythia tightly. She didn't expect that Forsythia would believe her so much, and the person who hurt them, Hongchang had also guessed that it was undoubtedly an illusionist!

"Fortear." Hongshang wiped the tears on her face. Although they are now in a very dangerous environment, she still wants to say some sensational words: "Thank you for believing in me, and I will definitely not hurt you - because we are friends."

"Hmm." Forgings nodded. At this time, their environment changed from the woods to the edge of the cliff, and almost half of their right feet were outside! Ah--" She shouted in horror, and Hongshang quickly pulled her in. You know, there is an abyss below!

"Foria, don't be afraid, we won't fall down." Hongshang looked around and had nothing but the two of them.

"What the hell is going on?" Forthia doesn't understand very well.

"What we met was an illusionist. And everything we see is a phantom. Hongshang held forsythia tightly in his right hand and explained to her, "However, the level of this illusionist should not be high, otherwise... otherwise he can peep into our hearts to find out the most horrible memories and completely defeat our hearts."

"The illusionist..." Lian Qiao muttered, "In this way, the red man I met before was transformed by the illusionist?"

"Maybe, maybe not. In the world controlled by the illusionist, he can transform himself or come out of thin air - but they are all fake.

"But why did he deal with us?" Liayi was puzzled. Did they offend people as soon as they left the Mu family?

Hongshang took a deep breath, took a step forward, and cursed: "If you have the guts, come out and fight one-on-face. Don't make some indevil scenes to waste each other's time!" You came out! Look, I won't break your leg!"

"It's awesome~" An extremely kawaii voice sounded in the air, and the fortight and the red dress hurriedly looked around, but no one saw the figure.

"Sister, I know you are a great exorcist, so I don't fight you head-on~"

"Who?!" Hongshang pulled out the sword at her waist, and the more relaxed her opponent's mentality was, the more she felt the pressure. Lian Qiao stood on the right side of the red man. The illusionist seemed to be very young, but she absolutely did not dare to take it lightly.

"Well, I'm too bored alone. Seeing you kill a skeleton ghost, I think you're very handsome." Incomparable Lori's voice seems to come from all directions, but it is not mixed, but clearer: "Well, two sisters, let's play - you rush out of the fantasy first, I'll die. You can't fill the fantasy, hehe. Don't blame my ruthlessness."

Red man is going to be pissed off by her. She obviously looks at her and fortears with a teasing mentality! However, without waiting for her to roar back, Lian Jian has already said, "It's okay to play, but we don't like to play with people we don't know. If you are really sincere, please show up and exchange names. If we die, we can know who we died in.

At the critical moment, forsythia knew that they could no longer panic, and they must find out the flaws of this illusionist. The first step is to attract her to come forward!

"Huh? Um... This sister is right. Well, I'll let you meet. However--" As soon as she changed the front, Kawaii's voice sounded really unguarded: "Sisters, don't think you can do anything if you let me show up~"

Foria and Hongshang almost found the sound coming from behind at the same time. They immediately turned around and found a figure sitting on a large leaf slowly floating from the opposite side of the cliff. Because the distance was too far away, they could only see the blurred figure.

Both of them watched intently to see what the illusionist who created all these crises looked like.