Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 110 King of Resentment (15)

The married team passed by, and Mu Shui looked back and continued to eat the steamed buns in their hands.


"That's right, two brothers, which Shangguan family are you just talking about?"

"Yo, you two are from the outside, right? Why, the adult is not around?"

"Our hometown was washed away by the flood, and my parents didn't know where we went, but my brother and I escaped..." Mu Jin took over.

Both of them are very simple residents, and their faces show regret. One of them asked:

"Do you have any relatives in Hernesty Town?"

"To be honest, we came here. We wanted to join our second uncle, but we couldn't find it..."

"So what are you going to do in the future?"

"A day, let's count it as a day." Mu Huo raised his head and smiled.

"Why don't you come and work with us?" One of the darker proposals said.

"Where are you? What to do? My brother and I can't sign a deed of sale, and we still want to find our separated parents..." Mu Jin said with some embarrassment.

"Hey, don't worry! I won't sign the deed of sale. We are all rough work, and we pay for a day. Well, the Dragon Boat Festival is coming soon. We need to collect more zongzi leaves, and all major restaurants have to buy goods from us!"

"That's good..." At least it's much better than being a beggar, that is... "Are you going to the mountain to pick it?" It doesn't matter to me. I was born with brute force, but my brother... he is not in good health.

Mu Shui took a look at Mu Jin and nodded together, "Is there any work suitable for me..."

The two looked at Mu Jin. Indeed, they looked very thin and small, not like a powerful person.

"...there's really no easy work."

"It's okay. Then I'll do it alone. Let's eat less. The money should be enough!" Mu Jin was also embarrassed to trouble the two, so he said.

"Well, you can go back to the base with me later?"

"Good! Thank you, two brothers!"

"Bear by the way, you haven't said, which Shangguan family is that Shangguan family?"

"Little brother, no one outside knows that there is only one Shangguan family in our Heshi Town." The darker-faced one said, "That's the most powerful demon family now, the Shangguan family."

Ah? Is that the Shangguan family that surrendered the demon? I thought it was a heavy surname..." Mu Shui was quite dissatisfied when she heard the news. Since the fall of the Lin family, the Shangguan family's reputation has been increasing day by day. How could there be such an ugly thing as a 78-year-old man taking a 10-year-old girl?

"Oh..." The dark-faced young man sighed and reminded, "It's better not to mention this matter in the future. After all, the Shangguan family can't be offended here!"

"I understand, thank you for reminding me." Mu Shui laughed.

However, she has other plans in her heart.

(The headache of changing the article, these two chapters should have been one chapter, but~~ Because it is wireless, the chapters can't be deleted, and it can only be changed, so I opened it and sent it up, Zi~~)