Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 113 King of Grievance (18)

After the meat let go of his hand and walked to the screen, he turned his back to look at the full moon outside the window.

Foria soaked her whole body in a wooden barrel, and the steaming water moistened every inch of her skin, and she took a long breath.

Suddenly, she remembered something.


Hearing the sound of forsari, the meat turned its head slightly and did not turn back.

"Today, the last time..."



Yin Guangyao at the banquet drank again and again at the invitation of everyone, but he was as if he was not drunk, and his eyes were always bright.

Although there are only three people at the main table, Lian Jian, Yin Guangyao and Jiang Beichen, Yin Guangyao calls Jian from time to do this and touch that, so that he won't let Lian Jian eat well.

dragging his breathless body, Lian Jian fell and sat next to Jiang Beichen.

She lay on the table and beat her already sore calf with her face in pain.

The noise around was endless, and Jiang Beichen put the dishes on the table into the fortight bowl one by one. Lian Jian didn't care so much. He picked up his chopsticks and began to stuff it desperately, for fear of being shouted by Yin Guangyao the next second.

Before he had two bites, Yin Guangyao greeted the fortear again. The fort held his fist and hammered the table, or stood up and walked towards her.

However, at this time, Jiang Beichen suddenly took her hand. Before she could react, Jiang Beichen's hand had been put down.

Only then did the forengia feel that there was one more thing in the palm of his hand.

She didn't dare to see it, so she stuffed it directly into her arms. Originally, she almost forgot about this matter, but now she suddenly remembered that she had to quickly see what Jiang Beichen gave her.


The meat holds the snow-white silk with handwriting drawn with blood--

In the middle of the night, escape.

"Escape?" Lian Jian is puzzled.

Obviously, Jiang Beichen hurriedly wrote it by hand without a pen. Although the meaning is clear, Lian Jian can't figure it out. What is escape? How will she escape?

"I guess he has a countermeasure."

"Oh?!" Lianqi looked happy. She couldn't help holding the fleshy arm and said excitedly, "Can we all escape?"

The meat thought for a while before slowly saying:


The joy in Forsythia's eyes was even stronger. She resisted her desire to scream, but just grabbed the meat and jumped a few times - she was happy, of course she was happy! That's what the meat said, so maybe they can all escape tonight!!

She happily made the bed and did not find that the meat behind her was silently approaching her. As soon as the bedding was halfway through, the meat suddenly covered her nose with her hand from behind. The fort's body stiffened for two seconds, and then fell into the meat's arms.

He slowly put the forsythia on ** and turned around to pick up the coat that slipped on the ground.

The white silk is still held in the hand, with a faint ecscination on it. The teenager put on and tied his coat, and sat at the table waiting for the moment Jiang Beichen pointed out.

If he is right, Jiang Beichen should have a way to escape. Maybe he still has someone in his hand.

Then Jiang Beichen let Lianqi escape. It should be that the people in his hand will come and escape with Lian Jian first.

However, Jiang Beichen should not know the secret of this house, so the meat can't escape anyway.

... I'm afraid that Lian Jian will not leave at that time.

She must leave here.

Fortear is so simple that she can't imagine what she will face tomorrow if she doesn't leave.

Yin Guangyao wants to take her as a concubine. Meat knows it, and meat also knows that things won't be so simple.

Like that man's identity, it will never be simple.

There was a small sound outside the house. The meat did not move, just waiting for someone to come in by himself.

Sure enough, in a few seconds, two black figures pushed the door in, looking mysterious.

"Ms. Mu?" One of them looked at the meat and asked.

"It's me." The meat nodded.

The questioner smiled and said, "As long as there is nothing wrong. It's getting late now. Let's go quickly?"

"Take her away." The meat stood up and looked at the coma on the bed behind him.

Two people in black looked at each other for unknown reasons, and the other doubted:

"So you? ......”

"I have my reasons." Meat is not going to tell them the real reason, because after all, it can't be explained in a few words. However, since he said so, the two people who came did not ask again.

After all, the master's order to them is "be sure to take away the foreon girl."

One of the men in black stepped forward, as if he was ready to wake up the fort.

Stop the meat in time after seeing it.

"Don't wake her up and take her away like this. Also, remember to seal her acupuncture points and don't let her move freely until you see Jiang Beichen."

"Jiang Beichen?" The two men in black were stunned again.


"Oh! Your Excellency!"

"You must do this." Otherwise, this foreng will definitely make a mess.

Jiang Beichen may have something important to do. If Forsis runs back tomorrow, I guess it will be really bad.

As for him, take one step at a time.

"Okay, I see." One of them nodded.

"So... let's say goodbye?" Another person asked.

"Also, if she wakes up, remember to tell her that I will definitely go to see her alive."

Two ghost soldiers agreed in a row, so they ran out with Forthia and quickly disappeared into the night.

The meat closed the door as if nothing had happened, and turned back to **.

Without taking off his clothes, he lay down directly and remained motionless for a long time.

One second of time passes, but on the other side, it is another scene.


"Come on!" Hongshang pulled off the cover of his head and shouted loudly.

The door of the new house was quickly pushed open, and a little maid came in. Seeing that Hongshang's face was not good, she knelt down with some fear.

"Lord, master..."

"What are you afraid of? Although I'm hungry, I won't eat you. Go and bring me a roast chicken."

When worshipping heaven and earth, Hongshang smelled roast chicken from afar, and I was greedy for a long time. After waiting for so long now, Yin Guangyao hasn't come back.

"Roast chicken..." The little maid was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Is it hard to finish eating in Chengdu?" Hongshang sat up straight in shock.

"No, no..." The little maid shook her head quickly, and her eyes were full of doubts when she looked at Hong Chang. She met this master before. At that time, she felt very quiet and didn't talk much. Why today...

Hong Shang ignored her eyes at all, just stood up from the bed and walked around the room.

"I'm hungry, I'm hungry! - Hurry up and get me food! - Hurry up!! --

"Yes, yes, yes!" The little maid nodded quickly. Such a red costume scared her. She got up from the ground and stumbled out.

As soon as I got to the corridor, I hit a person.

The man shouted in pain, then grabbed the little maid's ear and cursed loudly:

"Master is overjoyed. What are you doing in such a hurry?! Haven't seen anything in the world and walk without even your eyes?!"

When Hongshang heard this sound, she was very excited. She knows this sound, which she heard when she worshiped just now. So without thinking, she shouted:

"Who is shouting outside? Come on in! Hurry up!"

(So~~still all kinds of asks~~~red tickets~~~\(≧▽≦)/~lala~~ Leave a message, collect! ~~)