Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 126 Xiling 13th Street 2

The forsythia and the paper kite had a good rest. The next day, the three of them rushed to Xiling City together.

They all wear ordinary people's clothes and walk in the crowd, but they are not conspicuous.

Just after noon, there were not many people on the street, and the shops of the Zhou family looked a little drowsy.

The three people did not stop too much and rushed directly to Xiling 13th Street.

If the content of the letter is true - that is to say, Luo Qianqi will appear in Zuiyilou tonight!

The three of them discussed and decided to act separately.

Paper kite sneaked into the drunken building to find out if there was anything abnormal. The meat checked the whole Xiling 13th Street, while the forsythia found Yaner to see if she was all right.

"Be careful." The meat said to them.

"Hmm." Forthia and paper kite nodded together.

Lianqi came to the place where she and the paper kite got on the boat with memory. They didn't see it clearly at night. Now they can see it during the day, which is a very ordinary back door. From the outside alone, you won't expect that there is an underground secret room in here.

The fortearm looked left and right and gently opened the door.

She remembered that when Yaner took them through, she opened one organ after another. Lian Jian slowly recalled the situation last night and looked at the tunnel carefully. Unexpectedly, she opened the first organ with her feelings.

The wall on the current side opened, and two roads appeared, and for forsia went straight into the entrance on the left.

It was calm all the way. Maybe it was during the day, and there was no one. Maybe this is just a closed place, so the agency is not so complicated.

Anyway, after coming here, the big and small secret roads have passed through a lot, which is quite familiar. She could even notice some footprints on the soil under her feet. That's something you can never see at night.

The footprints were very messy, and it looked like several people passed by. Lianqi saw a relatively complete one. She gently compared it with her feet, which was just the right size.

"Should... go this way?" She hesitated.


The voice other than her suddenly appeared, and Lian Jian turned around in shock and saw that there was no one behind him.

She stayed for a few seconds before she remembered that she still had a talking sword hanging around her waist. The last time she broke the boundary in the valley, the sword was still inserted by her, but she didn't expect it to come back by itself.

"I'm scared to death. Can you stop doing this every time!" Forthia patted the body of the sword.

"I'm afraid you're going the wrong way." The sword body shook.

"What, do you remember the way?"

"Of course, don't forget that I was there last night." Bo Yunlongxi lit up and tried to prove his sense of existence.

"..." Lian Jian coughed gently and walked to the left.

This is good. With the person leading the way, the trip is faster. After opening the last organ, they have returned to the original dungeon.

There was only one guard in the dungeon, who was taking a nap on the table. Suddenly, when he heard the sound, he immediately stood up in a daze--

"Who!? - Who!"

Forsythia immediately covered his mouth from behind, hit him in the neck with the other hand, and the guard fainted.

Carefully put him on the ground, and the fort see the woman locked in the cell.

"Yan'er!" She ran forward two steps, but couldn't help stopping and covering her mouth with her hand in surprise.

On the other side of the iron railing, the woman who was firmly locked by the chain was shocked by the large and small wounds all over her body. It was difficult for the fortibi to imagine what kind of punishment Yaner had received during her departure. In this way, she didn't know what to say.

When she saw her coming, Yaner said with difficulty:

"You, why did you come back... Damn it, fortunately I didn't die... Otherwise, it would be too bad..."

Yan'er bit her lips and her face turned white. Forage can see the dry blood stains along her white and tender legs from her broken clothes.

Is it possible that Yaner's anger gradually appeared in Lian's eyes?

Noticing the fortighty's eyes, Yan'er smiled softly:

"Spring is infinite?"

Fortear turned to the side and opened the mechanism.

The prison door gradually rose, and Li Jian immediately walked in.

The forsythia was dressed in two pieces. She took off her coat and put it on Yan'er's body.

Yan'er smiled at the corners of her mouth, but she didn't move to let her sort it out.

After the approval, Lian Jian hugged her gently, and Yan'er's heart jumped.

"I'm here to save you, Yaner."

"..." Yaner's eyes were gradually covered with water mist, but soon, she swallowed tears into her stomach.

"You shouldn't have come." She said softly.

The iron gate was suddenly closed, and Lian Jian suddenly turned around and saw a middle-aged woman slowly coming in with the help of a maid.

"It's touching. Didn't I disturb you?" The old pimp was dressed with flowers and branches, and she walked step by step without looking at the fat pool on her waist.

Foria stood up slowly.

"Are you the mother in Yan'er's mouth?"

In TV, aren't women with this image generally old women? At first glance, he is a bad guy, forcing a good man to be a prostitute.

"That's right, Mu Zhangmen, why don't you come from the main gate when you come to Zuiyilou? How can I treat you like this?"

"I'm going to take Yaner away today."

"You are stupid." The old lady laughed and said, "Will Yan'er go with you?"

Lian Jian glared at her angrily: "I won't leave Yaner with you!"

I haven't seen you all night, and how did you torture Yan'er?

"Oh, I said, Master Mu, what are you angry about? Isn't it that Qiyan was bullied last night? Tut-tut, do you know who that person is? Let me tell you, that person is our master, and it is a blessing for Yaner to be caressed by him.

Master? ...Qiluo Qianqi? That guy, men and women eat it?!

Lianqiao suddenly thought of the situation that he had seen by him. In the past, he only thought that he liked men, so it was nothing. Now when he heard the old pimp say this, he suddenly felt very nauseous.

She patted her chest gently, and her face was full of disgust.

"Mu Zhangmen, haven't you figured it out yet?" The old woman looked at Lianqiao and said sadly, "Why do you have to break into the tiger's mouth for a brothel woman? You came to save her, do you know that you were cheated by her?

"What does it mean?"

What does it mean? Why don't you think about it? Why hasn't you appeared all the way? Why did I come as soon as you entered the cell? Aren't you locked in now?"

"What does this have to do with Yaner?"

"It's a big deal." The old lady sat in the chair and said slowly, "Who were you with last night? Who are you with today? Who does our master really want to catch? Mu Zhangmen, you know better than anyone else, don't you?


Foria thought of him at the first time.

Luo Qianqi's heart was immortal. Previously, because of Yin Guangyao, he did not dare to pay attention to meat. Now that they are irrepotent with Yin Guangyao, why don't Luo Qianqi quickly satisfy his selfish desires?

(Second update~)