Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 16 Moon Lack of Flowers 8

"...what are you going to do?" Li Jian asked carefully. She didn't understand why, and she vaguely felt that tonight would be an uneasy night.

Little crescent lowered her head slightly. She did not answer the forteared words, but turned around and continued to move forward.

"Little crescent..." Lian Jian saw her leave and hurriedly followed, but as soon as he took two steps, the little crescent suddenly turned around and looked at her eyes as lively as before, which was a little more cruel.

The for forsian stopped in place.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Don't worry about my business."

"What are you going to do?"

"Do you want to know?"

"Yes, it's so late. Where are you going and what are you going to do?"

"Lipsia, do you think if I kill Hua Xing, how can she marry Lan Ming tomorrow?" A strange smile appeared on the little crescent's face.

"You, are you going to kill her?" Lian Jian looked at the little crescent in shock, "She is your sister!"

"I won't let Lanming marry her. I must kill her... I must kill her." Xiaoyue lowered his head and repeated this sentence and walked towards Hua Xing's room.

When Lian Jian was in a hurry, she hurriedly approached with light skills and wanted to open her acupuncture point. It's just that she has made her feel something before she gets close to the little crescent. Xiaoyue suddenly turned around and forced the fortia back with the palm wind.

"I can't let you go! If you kill Hua Xing tonight, things will be difficult to control!"

"No one wants to stop me today!" Little Crescent looked at Forsythia emotionlessly. She suddenly made a illusion and trapped the forsythia in the underground of the fantasy. Just stay here. When the sun rises, the illusion will automatically disappear.

"Little crescent!!!--" Lian Jian held the railing of the dungeon with both hands. No matter how she looked, she could not see the figure of the little crescent. Knowing that she had left, Lian Jian still shouted, "If you kill Hua Xing, how will you face Brother Lan!! Things should not be so serious. As soon as the little crescent and apricot die, the previous bloody cases will depend on you. You don't understand! We won't be able to save you then!!"

There is no sound, and the sight of the fortight is full of darkness. It seems that only the place where she stays is bright.

No one answered her. She really couldn't even hear the wind. At this moment, she was so quiet.

Forever is a little tired to put her forehead against the dungeon railing. The little crescent moon has really gone. She has made up her mind to kill Hua Xing. Forci can almost imagine what will happen to Huajiazhai after dawn.


The breeze blows gently, and the forseng can hear the sound of leaves fluttering.

She lay on the ground with heavy eyelids.

I felt wet on my face. Where did it drip down... Is it rain?

But she is so sleepy... She just wants to sleep...

"Forsythia, forsythia--

Well...who's calling her?

The raindrops are getting bigger and bigger, hitting the body with a little pain.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, and she felt someone touching her body.

"Fortear, wake up, wake up quickly."

She wanted to open her eyes, but found that she had no strength at all. The head is dizzy and drowsy.

was suddenly picked up.

The wind mixed with rain brushed her cheeks, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. She felt her clothes sticking to her body.

It seemed that she had been flying for a long time, as if it only took a blink of an eye. She was put in **, and the warmth in the room made her heart very calm.

"Fortear, something happened." Well, it's still the man just now. His voice is beautiful.

The warm towel is attached to the face, and the action is extremely gentle, like treating the most precious porcelain.

"Lanming's marriage can't be married. Little Crescent killed Hua Xing, and Hua Baixi was furious. Now the whole Huajia Village is arresting her."

Kill... Huaxing? ......

Well, she knows.

She knew it earlier than anyone else.

However, she failed to stop the little crescent.

"Now, we are identified as the same party of the little crescent, and we can't leave for the time being. And Fu's autistic elder also came to Huajiazhai in person... I'm afraid that Xiaoyue is more or less auspicious.

The clothes wet by the rain were still sticking to his body, and the fortear felt cold as if he had fallen into the ice cellar. The person talking to her also found this problem. He hesitated for a moment and then got up and left.

There was a small sound from the room.

He is not far away and is still telling her about the situation.

"Hongshang went to find the little crescent. If she can find it, she will definitely tell her the seriousness of the matter. I hope she can hide as far as possible."

The warm palm is on his forehead, and his whole body is cold. I hope he can touch himself more and get more warmth.

"Your body is not normal, and I can't find out the reason, but I have to help you change the wet clothes now, otherwise the situation will be worse if you get sick."

Take off your clothes? ......!! Lian Jian's heart beat heavily. She wanted to open her eyes. She remembered, but she found that she couldn't move at all...

No, no...

How can she take off her clothes? ......

"You...I..." The man's voice was a little shy, but his tone was very firm: "I won't be irresponsible, forear, I will definitely marry you in the future." After a pause, he added, "I, Cang Liusu, will definitely marry you."

Cang Liusu......

It turns out that this person who has been talking to himself is meat...

Foria was a little relieved.

She didn't know what was wrong with her. Why could she hear the movement around her? Although the sound was a little illusory like a dream, she couldn't open her eyes. More than that, she can't move or talk.

...What the hell is wrong with her?

The clothes on the body slowly took off, and the forearm felt colder and colder. The forehead began to sweat coldly. cold, so cold...

It seems that she took off her clothes and walked in the snow. She felt that she would soon be frozen...

"Is for Jian... very cold?"

This is the last sentence she heard when she completely fell into darkness.


"Old moment." Gallo threw a peanut into the sky and looked up to pick it up. The peanuts fell into his mouth accurately.

"Hmm?" Shun Lingmui sat in front of the door, holding a book in her hand and seemed to read it seriously.

"Your page has been read by half a column of incense."

"I read it slowly." Shunling's face did not change her answer, and then turned back a page.

Gallo smiled and threw another peanut. He watched the beige peanut fall from the top of his head to the ground, rolled all the way down the eaves along the rubble, and fell to the momentary feet of reading in front of the door.

"Whenever you hesitate, you will hold the book and read it desperately... Since I know you, there are too few things that can make you hesitate... Well, let me think about the last time you read like this... Well, why can't I remember it at all?"

Without replying to his words, Shun Ling seemed to be really immersed in the world of books and ignored everything around her.

Gallo put his hands behind his head and lay down.

He looked at the clean blue sky and slowly closed his beautiful eyes.

"Today is the last day."

"..." Shunling quietly turned over a page of the book.

"The whole body is frozen. In this weather, in less than an hour, it will turn into a pool of ice water."


"I'm actually curious. You asked me if I wanted ice snake venom. Who is it used to deal with?"


"Ah, don't even leave the body. How big is this hatred?"


"Typ, say it, say it." Gallo still didn't give up. He was curious. He was curious. He was so curious.

It's not easy to kill. Just slap it. Of course, it's not surprising to use yin tricks, but it's too floating for him to hold a book and a wooden stake in broad daylight, isn't it?

Since you have decided to kill, why do you have to be compassionate? Who the hell is that can make the murderous old instant take out a book that he has not read for a long time?

"Is it a woman?" Gallo's eyes were shining.