Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 19 Moon Lack of Flowers (11)

The dark blue figure fell straight from the sky and fell heavily on the yellow land. A mouthful of blood spewed out of his mouth and dyed the ground in front of him red.

A Bao hid behind the door, and his pupils dilated instantly.

The meat lying on the ground tried to move his fingers and felt burning pain all over his body.

What should I do? What should I do... A Bao was so anxious that he put his hands around his head, his small body squatted on the ground, and tears were about to fall.

Mu Sheng has been fighting with the man for so long. He was injured all over his body, but the man was not injured at all except that his clothes were a little dirty. How could it be like this? Mu Shengming is already very powerful. He is the best in the Mu family. How can he lose so miserably...

- But! Now is not the time to think about this!

Abao looked up at the day. There were dark clouds, and he could faintly see lightning passing through the clouds.

It's going to rain.

Counting the hours, it's almost evening. It won't take long for for Jian to wait, if you don't take the antidote back...

The little flower demon thought so. He pressed the small package hanging on his waist with his hand, and there were a lot of things in it.

It's sight fell on Gallo. After taking a few deep breaths, it took a step back with one foot, pressed down its whole body, and made a starting posture.

At this time, there was thunder in the sky, followed by heavy rain.

The raindrop coefficient of the mung bean-sized hit his body, and the little flower demon had to narrow his eyes half because of the rain. Gallo in the yard sucked back with his hand, and the paper umbrella on the table in the room flew to his hand.

"It's thundering and raining. I'm going home to collect the quilts - goodbye." He turned around and his red clothes flew against the wind.

"Hang, stop..." The meat gritted its teeth.

His body couldn't move, but his eyes stared at Gallo. The splash of rain fell on the ground and entered his eyes. He ignored it and stared at the man.

He knew that even if he had practiced for so long, it was impossible to beat him.

The right guard of the demon world, oh... If he had been defeated so easily, the demon world would have been over long ago.

Gallo turned his head slightly and asked, "Why, do you still want to fight?"

...Think, of course he wants to.

However, he has no chance of winning.

If Gallo walks away from him like this, then fortear...that fortear...

The meat began to try to support his body and only moved gently. The burning pain from his limbs made him frown in pain.

The body seems to be burned.

Gallo sighed helplessly, "Why are you doing this? It's rare that I'm in a good mood today. If I don't kill you, you..." His voice stopped.

The wind is mixed with heavy rain, washing the whole world.

The teenager knelt on the ground, and his body trembled violently because of the pain of pulling the scars.

But he refused to fall down.

"You..." Gallo hesitated for a moment. He looked like he was kneeling to him, but maybe he wanted to stand up and continue to fight, but he was willing but weak.

"Bum!!--" There was a big sound from the rain.

The head of the meat was close to the ground, and he could feel the blood slowly flowing out.

The heavy rain quickly dissipated the blood in front of him. His dark blue figure shrank into a ball, and his head really refused to leave the ground.

Gallo looked at him. Although his expression did not seem to have any ups and downs, the careless smile that had been hanging did disappear.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Please...give me the antidote."

"Are you begging me?"

"I beg you."

"..." Bao in the distance looked at Mu Sheng in shock. He didn't expect that Mu Sheng would kneel down to this man in such a humble posture!

He, he is Mu Sheng...

He... Is he really Mu Sheng?

If it hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it would not have believed it. Mu Sheng would kneel in front of the right guardian of the demon world.

Gallo looked at him for a long time.

It keeps raining, and there is a feeling of wanting to flood the whole world.

A Bao's fists were clenched on his side.

The red veil is flying in the wind.

Gallo turned around gently.

"I'm sorry, the antidote, I still won't give it to you." With that, he smiled softly, "You knew the result before you decided to beg me, didn't you?"

Close your eyes.

The sound of the rain was deafening, and his head was dizzy, as if he was fainting immediately.

"Yes, I know..." His voice has no strength, as if there is no trace of sunshine in his world.

How could he not know that Gallo is from the demon world, and he is not a Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves people. What's more, poison is made by him. If he kills people, how can he save people?

But...this is his last chance, the only chance...

Knowing that he would not give it, he still chose this move. This is the last thing he can do.

Gallo did not look at him, but a warm smile appeared on his face.

In such weather, in such an environment, he would show such a smile.

No one can guess what he is thinking, but he no longer stops and walks slowly to the door.

The spirit of meat collapsed in an instant, and he fell weakly to the ground, closed his eyes, and let the rain fall violently.

He felt tears slowly flowing through the bridge of his nose from the corners of his eyes, flowed down the other eye to the ground, and mixed into the muddy water.

- You are still so useless. At a critical moment when Lian Jian's life is in danger, you can't save her at all. Cang Liusu... Cang Liusu... What kind of bullshit "shield" state do you have to do? ...You made yourself so weak, saying that it was to pursue higher mana, but you know, do you know...

"Hahahaha..." The meat suddenly laughed low, and Gallo's pace stopped slightly, and he continued to move forward.

- You know that you will meet the person you like, and you know that you will meet the person you want to protect with your life! But look at your current appearance, you don't have the ability to protect her at all - you practice, you practice! So what if you become a god? Will the person you love come alive?!!

"Hahaha..." The meat kept laughing at himself and turned over. Facing the sky, he was so small and insignificant in the world washed away by the heavy rain. But his smile drifted in the wind and was buried by the rain, but it made those who heard it have the impulse to cry.

—— ridiculous, ridiculous! What is God? Can God dominate everything? Can God live forever?! What do you do as a god? Why do you want to be a god? Forthia and forthia can't be saved... You obviously have the power to save her, but you cut off this power yourself for the so-called god! ......

He didn't want to think, if he didn't choose to enter the state of "shield", how could he meet foria in the dark? But now, all he knows is that he has no ability to protect the fortula, and he can't save the fortula...

A Bao listened to the almost crazy smile of meat and began to cry. The more he cried, the more he felt that today's rain was particularly appropriate, as if God was standing with it...

The red figure was getting closer and closer, and the little flower demon was excited, and it rushed forward.

The small body suddenly grabbed Gallo's leg. It slowly knelt down with Gallo's thigh and howled: "Save the fortula!" Help her!! - She is the best girl I have ever met. Please help her, I beg you!!!——"

Gallo looked down at it.

The little flower demon has been guarded by him for two days, and he obviously dares not approach him, but now he has made such a bold move.

But - what does that woman's life and death have to do with him?

Gallo kicked away A Bao's body. He didn't exert much strength, but let A Bao make a few steps back.

The obstacle in front of him disappeared, and he was about to move forward, but Bao suddenly jumped up from the ground.

"You, if you don't give me the antidote - I will die with you!!! -" I don't know when there was a dagger in A Bao's hand. It roared and rushed up at Gallo, and jumped up to stab him in the chest, but it was blocked by Gallo halfway--

Gallo's right hand grabbed its neck, the little flower demon's body hung in the air, his feet pedalled randomly, and its green little face slowly turned red.

And the dagger in its hand is a few centimeters away from Gallo's chest.

"One soldier before salute, one salute before soldier - it's useless. I said I won't give it. When did I, Gallo, go back on his word? Gallo asked.

A Bao's face was full of tears with a tragic expression. He gritted his teeth and the dagger in his hand was still moving forward desperately, trying to pierce his chest.