Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 25 Moon Lack of Flowers (17)

Changed into a capable black martial arts suit, Lian Jian picked up Bo Yun Longxi, opened the door and walked down the mountain.

Abao lay on the fortear** and slept soundly. It stayed with the fortight overnight and had been sleepy for a long time. Chaxi stood at the door of Huajiazhai and saw Forage leave. Her originally smiling eyes suddenly sank with a touch of cruelty.

Not far from Huajiazhai, there is a village where Phoenix Ling, one of the first nine soul-chasing souls lives in the demon world - but the ghost knows whether the red dress is there or not, whether it is here or not, I'm afraid it's more or less auspicious for Li to ask Phoenix Ling. It doesn't matter if she is lucky to come back. Anyway, she will die one day.

Eiry or died in the night clan, or killed by the resurrected Cang Liusu, and sooner or later - thinking of this, a smile reappeared on Cha Xi's face.

Lion fortight rode on horseback and galloped down the mountain, and Bao's words kept flashing in his mind.

"He went to duel with the right guardian of the demon world, but... he was defeated."

Well, it's defeated. The strength of Fa Gallo, the right guardian of the demon world, knows that it will be surprising if the meat wins.

A Bao covered his eyes with his arm and cried, "Seeing that Gallo was about to leave, Mu Sheng and Mu Sheng knelt down and begged him! ......”

Lian Jian was stunned for a long time before asking tremblingly, "...what happened later?"

"Later, he kept laughing... he kept laughing... like crazy..."

Lianqi pressed her chest with her hand and a tear hit the back of her hand. She quickly wiped away the rest of the tears with her hand and looked up and smiled at Bao, "I heard that the antidote was taken back by A Bao. Thank you. You are great."

"No, no, I, I'm a dead horse as a living horse doctor..." Bao waved his hand repeatedly, with a shy smile on his face, and Lian Jian clearly saw that there was a front tooth missing in his mouth.

Foria stood up and walked towards the meat. The teenager lay quietly on **, with bruises on his face. Forthia looked at it and felt distressed, but he slept so peacefully.

Foria stood by the bed and looked at the familiar face, hoping that he could open his eyes and look at himself once.

She still remembers that he has brown pupils, like a cat. Even his personality is as proud as a cat. His nature made him think that he could defeat Gallo and get the antidote, but he was beaten with no power to fight back. While hating the seal in his body, he looked at the red figure that was about to go away and had to lower his head - when all the hopes were destroyed, how would he face the next mess?

Forever bent down, leaving a hot kiss on his forehead, with a gentle smile flashing in his eyes.

Childish meat, no, it's childish Cang Liusu. If she doesn't wake up, she won't wake up. If she says she doesn't want this world, she doesn't want this world. She is capricious and thoughtful at all... However, this is the person she loves.

This is the teenager she loves deeply.

"Abao, I'm going out."

"The leader! Are you going to Phoenix Ling? ......”

"Ah, Hongshang has also disappeared all night. It is reasonable that she will not worry about doing anything else if I don't wake up... Although Cha Xi is just speculation, I still have to go and have a look."

The meat matter is irreparable, but she must find Hongshang and bring her back safely.

After finding the red costume, they will rush to the night clan to find the mirror of the gods.

With this artifact, she can go to the dream of meat and meet him.

She wants to tell him that she is alive and she is not dead. She also wants to tell the meat that she miss him.

Foria knew that there was no meat, and it was very difficult for them to go to the night clan to find an artifact, but Chaxi said that this was the only way to dream. If she didn't wake up the meat in her dream, the meat would sleep forever.

"Is that fool... playing the game of Sleeping Beauty with me?"

The frog prince, who used to stage a live-action version, was prototyped by Jiang Beichen, and now he has become a sleeping beauty. Will she kiss him to wake up? ... Thinking of Xiao Zhengtai, who had just transformed into a human form a long time ago, the forsythia on a horse sneered and was full of joy.

"Well, my sleeping beauty, you can have a good sleep. When I go to the night clan to get the mirror, I will definitely wake you up... At that time, you have to call me His Royal Highness... Well, strange, let's call me Her Royal Highness."

The village ahead is foggy. As Cha Xi said, the village is surrounded by fog most of the day due to geographical problems. It also has a nice name, Misty Village. Unfortunately, it was later forcibly occupied by Phoenix Ling, and the whole village did not know where to go. Some people say that they were driven away, some people say that they are dead, but no one dares to ask Phoenix Ling for an answer.

I'm kidding, he is a phoenix Ling, one of the nine soul chasers. Ask him for an answer? Isn't that looking for death?

Fortear turned over and got off the horse, led the horse's rope, and walked slowly to the village.

The fog around her can't see the scene around her, but from the road under her feet, this should be a green field. Lian Jian stopped slightly. She couldn't see such a distant situation. How can she find someone? The fort carriedia looked around and absolutely disappeared in the direction of the village. If anyone could distinguish the east, west, north and south in the white fog, the fort would absolutely admire the five bodies of the fort.

What should I do? ... Lian Qiao tried to shout softly: "Hongshang? ......”

Well, it's too small, that's a little bigger--"red-"

A little bigger, "Red, are you there?" -

"Red Zhang!!——Red Zhang!!——Hong Zhang!!——"

Little Crescent looked out of the window in a daze. One of the chopsticks in her hand fell on the table. She took a towel and wiped the corners of her mouth hard and walked out of the door.

That fool came to look for someone like this? If Phoenix Ling is really here, she won't know how to die!

Lian Jian gasped gently. Damn it, do you want her to find a house and a house? As she was puzzled, she saw a figure gradually appearing in the white fog, looking like a child...

Forsythia became vigilant. She couldn't take her eyes off her until the man stopped two meters in front of her. She opened her mouth in surprise - "Little crescent?!"

"What are you doing here!" The little crescent looked at her with cold eyebrows.

"I'm looking for red..." Lian Qiaozi looked at her body carefully and smiled, "It's good that you're fine. Do you know that Huajiazhai is looking for you up and down now? You must hide it, otherwise..."

"It has nothing to do with you whether I am dead or alive." Little crescent interrupted her, "Listen, I used to laugh with you because of Lan Ming. Now he and I have nothing to do, let alone do boring things with you.

"Why do you say that? Aren't we friends?" Forthia is more or less sad. She knew that Xiaoyue liked Lan Ming, but they used to sleep and play together. Aren't those laughters true?

"Friend? ...It's a waste of my time to be friends with you - you leave here quickly. When Phoenix Ling comes back, he will send the red costume to Huajiazhai. You just go back and wait.

"The red man is really here!" Lian Jian exclaimed, "Are you talking about Phoenix Ling? Did the martial arts competition win the Phoenix Ling with Lan Ming? The red man was taken away by him? - You want me to go back, what about you? I heard that people in the demon world have bad personalities. If you stay here, won't he kill you?

There are too many problems with for fortear, and the little crescent is very impatient. She frowned and roared, "What are you doing?" It is said that the red costume will be returned to you intact - and, for the last time, you don't care about my affairs, and my life and death have nothing to do with you! Put away your overflowing kindness, I don't need it!"