Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 30 Moon Lack of Flowers (22)

"Did I hear you correctly? She has been lurking for 19 years... How old is she this year? Hongshang dug her ears. Didn't she have hallucinations?

"The situation... is a little not optimistic." Lian Jian took a deep breath. Now Huayi is not a messy little woman at that time. Lan Ming's skills are already very strong, but... his appearance was obviously injured by that woman!

"What do you mean by that?" Lan Ming asked. His question made everyone's heart a question.

"Yes, Yiyi, what did you mean by that just now?"

"Yes, Sister Yiyi, what does it mean that you have been lurking for 19 years?"

Everyone echoed one by one. Hua Yi looked around them and smiled, "Don't you understand? Then let me be brief. What about me - I'm from the demon world. I was sent from the demon world 19 years ago. As soon as Huayi was born, I got into her body and sucked her soul, so I have been with you in the past 19 years. I am Huayi.

Hearing such terrible news, someone accidentally smashed the teacup on the ground, and the flowers on the ruins looked up and laughed, "19 years... I actually stayed in this place where birds don't shit for 19 years... Hahahaha... Today, I finally made my mother stand out!"

"You, you..." A relatively old voice came from, "Where is the village owner? Where's the village owner?!"

"Dead." Hua Yi looked at the elder with a smile on her face.

The elder was so angry that he almost fainted. Hua Yi giggled, "Do you know how the owner of the village is sick? It was because I poisoned his diet for a long time that he got such a strange disease. Now, this thing has also been got, so there is no need to keep his life. I will kill him, hehe.

"You...she... Mr. Lan, she, what she just said..." The elder looked at Lan Ming and wanted to ask for evidence.

"I'm sorry, it was so sudden that I didn't have time to stop it."

"Don't say such a nice thing, Brother Lan. Your mind is all on this small box. How can you care about the village owner?"

Lan Ming stared at the woman fiercely and made no sound.

"Well, I don't bother to tell you more. The treasure of Huajiazhai has arrived. I'm going back to talk to you as for you - just wait here to die."

"You stop! You, tell me clearly - what does it mean for us to wait to die?!" Someone shouted out excitedly.

"Shh..." Hua Yi stood her index finger in front of her mouth and said, "Listen."

Listen? Everyone held their breath and listened carefully. The whole Huajiazhai fell into silence. From afar, it seems that something can be heard, but I'm not sure.

Lan Ming, Lian Jian and Hong Chang's faces turned blue.

There are also some elders and some people with high martial arts skills, and their faces have turned pale.

Because only people with deep internal strength can hear the sound from the distance, it is the killing sound and the screams of the villagers at the gate.

"The people in the demon world have surrounded Huajiazhai, and they will attack from all directions. At that time..." Hua Yi doesn't say anything, everyone knows in their hearts that no one can leave alive at that time.

"Originally, you can get out of danger, because your second Miss Huayue is still thinking about you. The most shameful thing about you is Huayue, who has half the blood of the demon clan. She has come all the way to save you - but, hahaha, what do you think you have done? Of course, she won't want to marry her sister to her beloved man! Therefore, she left here with hatred, she will not come back, and she will not pity you again - listen, the sound of death is getting closer and closer, so that you can enjoy this final peace.

After Hua Yi finished speaking, her figure flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

No one spoke in the square. Everyone was stunned by the news. Only the elder looked at Lan Ming helplessly and trembled, "Lan, Mr. Lan... Do you have any countermeasures? ......”

"The magic needle must not fall into the hands of the demon world." Lan Ming threw down this sentence, chased in the direction of Huayi, and soon disappeared into the square.

This time, the whole audience was in chaos - they had hoped that Lan Ming would take them through this disaster, but they didn't expect that he would chase the witch without hesitation! Huajiazhai exploded like an ant, and there was endless discussion.

"Mother, Brother Lan... Brother Lan has been so seriously injured. Will it be okay for him to chase him?" Bao asked worriedly.

Chasing? Is it chasing or fleeing... Who knows?" Lian Jian said coldly.

Hongshang stood beside Forage, with her hands around her chest and a cold face.

"Hongshang, how can I think of people so badly now?" There was a trace of choking in the fortari's voice.

Lan Ming left everyone here. Did he go after Huayi or run for his life? But no matter which one, it is true that he left everyone.

"Normal, anyone would think so." As soon as she finished speaking, Hongshang felt someone pulling her arm and holding her hand.

She looked at the forsythia. The forsythia stood between Hongchang and Bao. She held the red clothes in her left hand and Bao in her right hand. She choked and said, "You promise me that no matter what happens - here, none of the three of us will change."


"The head..."

"Even if heaven and earth are exchanged positions, no one is allowed to change!!--" The forsythia shouted, tears flowed from his face, and his heart tightened.

What's wrong with Brother Lan? Why did he become that he didn't know himself? In order to reduce the magic needle, he can push away the crescent moon. In order to defeat the magic needle, he can't marry Hua Xing and can marry Huayi. In order to defeat the magic needle, he can ignore the life and death of the villagers of the whole flower village. Is he right to do this? Can you really give up the lives of so many people for those righteousness? Where is the big brother Lan, who taught her closeness and escape every morning on the empty mountain when she first came? Where is the big brother Lan who helped her find a place to find her? Where on earth is the big brother Lan who protected their safety all the way???

"It will never change." Hongshang held Lianchang's hand tightly. "Whether it's ten, twenty or fifty years, the red man in front of you will always be Mu Hongshang, and she will always be Li Qi's best friend."

"Abao will never change!" The little flower demon straightened his chest, and the hood on his head was blown away by the wind, and his golden big head appeared in the sun. "Forsythia is A Bao, who always cares and cherishes him. Wherever Libao goes, Abao will go, and he will be with forsythia until death."

The hands held together are more tightly connected, just like their hearts. Under such circumstances, when the demon world was approaching, and when the meat could not wake up, Hongshang and A Bao gave the warmest and warmest power to Forsythia. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand and said, "Okay, don't think about anything else. Now we only have one way to go - kill!"

"Hmm!!" Hongshang and Bao nodded heavily together.

They are all ready to kill a bloody road! Chaxi's hand grabbed the corner of the table nervously. She didn't expect that Huajiazhai would fall into such a desperate situation.

No, you can't die... If she dies here, everything will be over. If she dies, then Lord Cang Liusu will also die... He is asleep now, and anyone can kill him! - So she must not die, she must not die!!

The square suddenly became quiet, because everyone found that there was a group of shadows around slowly approaching.

The people in the demon world have killed here...

But the demons suddenly stopped, as if they had just surrounded thousands of villagers in the square.

And on the collapsed roof where Lan Ming and Hua Yi were standing, there was an extra figure in an instant.

He squatted in the stones protruding from the ruins, holding his cheeks with one hand and flicking soot on the ground with the other hand.

"Good afternoon. It seems that you are holding a happy event. It's really good." Yin Guangyao greeted politely, pinched the cigarette close to his lips with his thumb and forefinger, took a sip, and then gently spit it out.

Surrounded by smoke, the forear is once again fascinated.

Such a him, such Yin Guangyao, such a smoking posture, Lian Jian also saw in the 21st century.

He is still wearing his favorite shirt and flip-flop slippers. He still has short fluffy hair and still smokes. He never seems to have changed.

Wh or here in the 21st century, he seems to have never changed.

Lianqi used to think that he had changed, not a friend, but today she suddenly realized that it was not Yin Guangyao who had changed, but that she had never really understood him. It was she who used to think that Yin Guangyao was a friend, but in fact, Yin Guangyao didn't treat her that way at all. When Lian Jian thought so, many things that Yin Guangyao had done before had been explained and she would not feel so uncomfortable.

To be nice to her and help her is to make things go smoothly. Killing her and harming her is also to make things go smoothly. No matter what Yin Guangyao does, he has no feelings for her, at least he has no feelings for her. Therefore, she and Yin Guangyao are not friends yet, so it is not so unacceptable that Yin Guangyao wants to kill her... She has never approached this man, and it should be said that he has never let her close...

Lipsia lowered her head with some emotion. If there was a chance, she thought that she might get to know Yin Guangyao again.

Maybe we can become friends in the future... but it's definitely not now.

"Who are you?" Someone shouted in the square.

Yin Guangyao spit out the smoke and said lazily, "It doesn't matter who I am."

"What are you doing here?!"

"Kill you."


"We can't escape..." Chaxi looked around the demons around them. There were too many. Looking at the dark, he couldn't see his head at all. Not to mention that so many demons are not easy to solve, this strangely dressed man is probably difficult to deal with. Although Cha Xi didn't know who he was, she could feel the powerful airflow in his body, which was not something ordinary people could have.

Red clothes looked at the man on the ruins. She was a little nervous, but she still shouted out--


Yin Guangyao's eyes crossed everyone and fell on her.

"You said, you came to kill us? Then, you, you... why, you..."

"Since I have been allied with the Demon Lord, I naturally have to do something for them."

"...these people, do you listen to me?"

"What do you think?"


These words of dialogue are unintentionally, but people are going to be scared - my God, this man is an ally of the devil, so his strength can be imagined... He can't escape, this can never escape...

"I think you should retire." Hongshang suddenly became very calm.


"I have your child in my stomach."


"One body, two lives."


"It's up to you."