Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 68 For a better tomorrow, come on!

The recent biological clock of fortear has been adjusted very well. It goes to bed early and rises early, and is very energetic every day. Shun Ling has completely given up this room to her. Since that banquet, he has never stayed here for a night. Before six o'clock tomorrow morning, fortearm will get up from ** and go to the yard to practice martial arts. After breakfast, she hid in her room to practice her internal strength. Near noon, she began to study secrets. Where she couldn't understand, she would specially call out "Bo Yunlongxi".

Bo Yunlongxi is worthy of being a treasure handed down from generation to generation by the head of the Mu family. His views on the Mu family's magic are very unique and detailed. Forthia has gained a lot of knowledge from him.

In addition to ghost exorcism, he also knows about demonism and magic.

When studying secrets, for forearcion has been used to taking out pen and paper to write and draw pictures, and this period must not be disturbed.

As soon as noon arrives, Bao will come to deliver food to Foria. After eating, they will chat and laugh, and then go to bed together. After taking an hour's nap, the foreon will get up. At this time every day, Shunling will come over and compare moves with her.

Although Shun Ling is not heavy, she will never let her go. It has been more than two months now. Lian Jian has never won him in moves - not to mention his internal strength, which is really 108,000 miles away from his internal strength!

And the little flower demon A Bao, who saw that the forage was so serious every day, he couldn't help running to Jialuo and claiming that he wanted to learn martial arts. Gallo was squatting on the ground boredly to fight shoppers. Hearing A Bao's request, his eyes lit up and immediately agreed. Soon, Bao also entered into hard practice.

After practicing for a long time, there are many bruises on the forearm body, and the more serious wounds will be wrapped in thick gauze. But forthia has never shouted tired.

Now, Shun Ling has not deliberately looked at her at all. It's okay for her to leave the demon world, but she doesn't want to leave.

She was determined to stay here and completely change herself from head to toe, although she was very worried about the Mu family... So she took time to write a letter...


"Master, master!" Mu Shui waved his right arm and ran towards the martial arts practice.

She holds a letter in her right hand.

"What's wrong?" Paper kites rarely see that bathing in water will be so happy.

"It's the letter from the head! - The head, she wrote to us!!"

The paper kite was happy to hear the color behind and quickly took the letter over. Forsian's letter was very long, with five sheets of paper, which made many things clear. For example, where she is now, what her plan is, when she will come back, etc... Don't forget to tell them to be careful. Children's practice must not be lazy, and they can take on some small tasks by the way...

At the end of the letter paper, I repeatedly told her that once there is meat news, no matter how unimportant the news is, she must be told as soon as possible!

"How's it going? Is she all right?" Mu Shui couldn't wait to ask.

Mujin, Muhuo and Mutu all gathered around as soon as they heard the letter from the leader.

The paper kite put the letter paper back into the envelope and looked up at the Mujia flag hanging above the martial arts arena.

The past came to my mind.

" you remember that flag? When we had to leave the Mu family and choose to escape, the head once said that there were people, the flag was there, and the Mu family was..."

"Of course! This is our oath under the flag!" Mu Shui said firmly, "I live and die as the soul of the Mu family!"

"Yes, Ah Shui, you said it very well. We are all from the Mu family - all, the prosperity of the Mu family cannot be done overnight. I think everyone knows it. Now, the leader has chosen to stay in the demon world in order to gain stronger power, and we must also do something--"

"Magic World?!" This news is still quite surprising. Mu Huo didn't expect that the leader would stay in the demon world?

"Master, you said that the head is now in the demon world, so what about Bao, is it also in the demon world?" Mu Jin is always concerned about Bao's situation.

"Yes, Bao has always been with the leader."

"That's good..." Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Bao didn't get lost with the leader, it doesn't matter where it is, as long as it's safe.

"Will the leader be in danger in the demon world?" The youngest Mu Tian is a little worried. After all, the demon world is an unforgiving villain in his eyes.

Mu Huo took a look at Mu Tian and frowned slightly.

"Don't worry, the head said in the letter that she is living a good life now."

"When will the leader come back?" Mu Shui asked.

"This is not clear... but we just need to keep in touch." Zhiyuan said that there was a slight pause here, and her look was a little solemn. "But it can be seen from the letter that it will take a long time for the head to come back."

"..." Mu Shui and Mu Tian looked at each other. For the Mu family, of course, they hope that the head can be here. After all, that's the head! If Lian Jian is there, they will feel very relieved.

"I understand your mood, so from tomorrow, I will make a new martial arts plan for you, and all people should show absolute sincerity - in the absence of the head, we can't let the Mu family not even have the money to open fire! Everyone should remember that when we are young, we need to maintain the livelihood of the Mu family, so that we can see the same Mu family as before when the leader comes back. To put it big - each of us is a member of the Mu family, and we all bear the heavy responsibility of recovering the Mu family! The leader and Bao are working hard, and we can't relax! I don't think everyone wants to suddenly find that they are dragging their feet one day in the future.

Everyone looked at the paper kite in a staring way. After listening to her words, their expressions became complicated.

"Of course! I will never hold everyone back! I will definitely move forward with everyone!" Mu Shui shouted out with a little excitement.

Mu Tian nodded heavily beside him.

Mu Jin and Mu Huo didn't say anything, but they knew in their hearts why the master said these words. In fact, there is no need to say that as early as the day the Mu family was destroyed, they swore that they must become stronger and give everything for the Mu family!

The head has been making continuous progress, which is a fact in everyone's eyes - Mu Huo remembered that when she first saw Forsythia, her internal strength was not deep, and Mu Huo hardly believed that she could be the head of the Mu family. However, she survived, and the Mu family almost disappeared from the world forever, but was abruptly supported by her - she has been making continuous progress, and now she stays in the demon world for strength. In the demon world, Muhuo can't imagine how a human will survive in the demon world!

I still remember that she would believe him when he was framed.


Mu Huo's mouth was stained with a smile, and this leader was quite stupid. However, he is admiring from the bottom of his heart.

- Is this her choice? If so, he will obey her arrangement unconditionally, and when she comes back, he will let her see a brand-new fire!

And Mu Jin on the other side also swore in his heart that Mu Mu has never enjoyed any blessings in his life, and this time, he became A Bao's Mu Mu, and he will definitely protect it with his life! He wants to give it the best tomorrow in the world!


In the dead of night, the little crescent moon sat quietly at the table and looked at the letter of fortear.

Since Mu's family, she has been obsessed with illusion. She has to slowly think about and practice what Master passed on to her. Although the progress is not fast, every new thing she has learned has immeasurable power.

This letter was given to her by paper kites at dinner. After reading it, the little crescent moon understood the idea of foreared.

Wh on the meat or the Mu family, these burdens are pressed on the fortula, and she must make herself strong quickly.

And from the moment she decided to return to the Mu family, she entrusted her life to the Mu family.

This is the place loved by forlies and red clothes.

She will protect here in her own way and ability. Only she has a breath, and no one can invade!

She is Mu Xiaofeng, a member of the Mu family.

"Come on, forgia, I'll wait here for you to come back."


"Sneeze!" The red man covered his nose with a handkerchief, "Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze!โ€”โ€”"

Yin Guangyao sat in the bow of the boat and looked up at the stars in the sky. Hearing Hongshang sneezing continuously, he said sarcastically, "I told you a long time ago that you should wear more clothes. Don't you know that it's getting cold now?"

Although his tone was not very good, he got up and returned to the boat and took out a thin quilt wrapped around the red dress.

"You're still wearing this..." The red nose is red, and she wraps tightly around the thin quilt, which is really warmer...

"I can't help it. Some people are stupid. I'm afraid that someone will freeze to death if I don't do it."

Hongshang looked at him a little shyly.

"Hey! I'm not praising you!" Yin Guangyao frowned and glanced at her unhappily. What kind of expression is this? I don't know if he thought he was praising her.

"I didn't say that you praised me... Instead, didn't you say that you know where the magic needle is, so why don't you go?"

Five months ago, Yin Guangyao pulled her out of the magic needle as a reason, but in the past five months, he has taken her to many places, eaten a lot of food, and seen a lot of beautiful scenery, but there was no whereabouts of the magic needle.

"What's the hurry? It's not the right time." The evening wind suddenly became louder, and Yin Guangyao's shirt was blown back. He took off the trouble and left a white vest alone.

It's winter, and he really doesn't feel cold.

The red light is about to tremble when I look at it.

"What time is it?"

"You don't need to understand."

"...Then when is the 'time' in your mouth?" Hongshang is about to faint herself. Yin Guangyao turned his head and looked at her with a trace of impatience in his eyes, "You are very talkative. Why do you decide to leave with me and still have so much nonsense?"

"I... I'm just asking! After all, we have been like this for five months!" It's almost half a year! But Yin Guangyao is not worried at all.

...But then again, Hongshang has been very happy in the past five months. Although there is no news of the magic needle, she can go to many places with Yin Guangyao... Sometimes she feels like a dream.

Hongshang lost her mind, and her left ear was stuffed with something. She looked down and saw that there was a headphone cable between her and Yin Guangyao's right ear. The sound of music gradually became louder, and the corners of the red man's mouth unconsciously rose again.

Neither of them spoke and quietly listened to the songs in the headphones.

There is thunder, and the rain is pouring into my eyes and I can't see clearly

Who splashed me with mud

I decided where I want to go and skip hell to heaven

No fear, no escape

This is not temper, but the so-called ambition and courage

You can push me down the cliff, and I can learn to fly
