Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 83 The Last Artifact 1

"Are you... really not going to see him again?"

"No. Lianjian girl, cast a spell.

In the dead of night, the forsythia lay alone**, thinking of the conversation between the daytime and the soul of the sea dragon. He left like that. Although Lian Qiao could feel the love in his eyes when he mentioned that person, but... Perhaps, walking quietly like this is the best ending.

It's very difficult to find out the news about meat recently. The people of the Mu family on the other side of the empty mountain can't get close at all. Lian Jian's heart became more and more uneasy. How could it become like this? Kongshanming asked her not to see the meat again. Why? Lian Jian couldn't sleep over and over again. She thought to herself that maybe she should go to the imperial city.

And the last artifact magic needle, Hongshang means that you can take it back now - but keep it yourself and don't give it to the old fairy.

Lian Jian also knew in his heart that the Mu family and Kongshan were probably going to completely break up. Kongshan has abandoned the Mu family for a long time, and if they do something bad for meat, for the foreng will definitely not let them get what they want. I'm afraid there will be a fight at that time. Although all the people in the Mu family today say that everything is subject to the arrangement of the leader, Lianqi's heart inevitably feels guilty for getting these lovely children involved in this storm.

Another ** in the forsian room, lying on the little flower demon A Bao, also tossing and turning, can't sleep. It can now be changed in three ways, one is huge, one is minimization, and the other is flight. When flying, its size will not change, but there will be an extra pair of wings on its back. Minimization is the same as ants, and the hugeness is what it looks like when it fought that day.

- These are all taught by Gallo. But it can change so much, but it can't be transformed into a human form.

Well... Bao can't help pouted. It really wants to have a human shape.


The night was very cold, and the red clothes wrapped themselves tightly in a plush windbreaker, and then came out of the house.

Outside the door stood Yin Guangyao in a thin shirt. He stood in the yard and looked up at the moon in the sky. Hongshang's face turned red with cold, and she asked tremblingly, "What do you want me to come out at this late hour?"

"Tomorrow, we are going to Zhenyao Mountain."

"Well, yes, Lian Jianbao will also go with us."

"..." Yin Guangyao's rare silence.

"What's wrong?" Hongshang thought he was weird tonight, "What do you want to say to me when you call me out?"

Yin Guangyao sighed gently. At this time, he turned his back to Hongshang, but Hongshang could feel the sadness in his heart from his back. Hongshang waited for a while before he asked, "If I die, will you remember me?"


"How long will it be remembered?"


"I think it will be forgotten in a few years at most." Yin Guangyao's voice was slightly self-deprecating.

"What do you mean by that?" Hongshang's voice suddenly became excited, "You mean, if you go to Zhenyao Mountain, you will be in danger, right?"

"No, it's not dangerous." Yin Guangyao shook his head slowly, "That's what I've always dreamed of."

"..." Hongshang really feels that tonight's Yin Guangyao seems to be a different person!


"Lord! Everything is ready, and it depends on when he will come!"

"Hmm." Jiang Beichen sat at the table and looked at the map while gently nodling - between him and Yin Guangyao, it was time to make an end. Who is he with?

"There are three people in the same industry, all of whom are from the Mu family."

Mu family... Jiang Beichen was slightly stunned, "Which three?"

"Mu Hongshang, Mu Abao, Mu Lian Jian."

"Foria..." Is she back? Jiang Beichen suddenly stood up and said, "Notice to everyone that no one can act rashly without my order!" If Lian Jian walks with Yin Guangyao, it will be bad if she accidentally hurts her at that time.

"Yes!" After the ghost soldier received the order, he immediately carried it out. In the past year, Jiang Beichen has recovered dozens of forces, large and small, and is now the strongest lord of the ghost clan. And it is also the most convincing of the ghost clan, the next Pluto. Today's ghost clan, who is against Jiang Beichen, either died or became his prisoner. Now only Yin Guangyao is the only one who needs to solve it. That guy, even if it's nuclear-free, can't convince him, right? So his only end was to die.

It's forsythia... After getting the magic needle this time, he has something to tell her about empty mountains and meat. Because he was in an alliance with Kongshan, he learned some news that others didn't know, and this news was enough to shock Li Jian. It will take less than a month to calculate the days. If necessary, he will go there with the fortula.

However, he hasn't seen Forsa for a long time, and he really misses her a little. Haha.


"Uh..." Hongshang's face was not very good-looking. She put up with it for a while and still shouted, "Stop! I, I have an upset stomach!"

The carriage stopped slowly. Yin Guangyao opened the curtain and said, "Have you eaten too much in the morning?"

"I don't eat much!" Hongshang frowned. She ignored Yin Guangyao's slapping smile and jumped down from the carriage and ran into the woods beside her covered her stomach.

Well, I originally wanted to wait to go to the next town to solve it, but this is really... shameful.

Formentia slept soundly now because she went to bed late last night. She didn't even know that Hongshang left the carriage. Yin Guangyao leaned against the door and looked back at the sleeping fortibi, thinking that this girl had really become more powerful. He always thought that she could only be a junior exorcist and live a life. Unexpectedly, she really had the strength that the leader should have... No, maybe stronger.

He remembered that when he first noticed the forearm, she was only a 16-year-old high school student. That year, she was just a freshman in high school. She seemed to be a soft persimmon that could be bullied and dared not shout. Anyone could pinch it. At that time, he still felt that Jiang Beichen could be so interested in this ordinary girl, well, even if they were childhood sweethearts.

Time flies, and the forengia of those years is gone forever. Now she should pretend to be... Cang Liusu.

"One day, you will regret it." He suddenly said this sentence.

"...ah?" Lian Jian opened his eyes hazyly and looked at Yin Guangyao.

"I didn't say you."

"Oh..." Lian Jian closed his eyes again and continued to sleep.

"What I said..." The following name was not shouted out, and Yin Guangyao only said in his heart: Jiang Beichen.

-Jiang Beichen, you will regret it one day. I don't think people can be wrong? I have already said that if one day you will have someone you like, it must be fortear. Let's wait and see which day, my words will work. But I think it's not far away. Hey, you pushed the person you liked away with your own hands. In the future, when you think of what you have done, you will regret it, right?

Thinking of this, Yin Guangyao's mood was quite comfortable, but the flashing stunnedness was naturally ignored by him. It's...

"Mu Hongshang, why haven't you come yet? Constipation?"

He was a little impatient after waiting for Hongshang for so long. God knows how much he wants to rush to Zhenyao Mountain. Compared with Jiang Beichen, he is fully prepared.

On the other side, Mu Hongshang was pointing her sword at a very short ghost with an angry face. She gritted her teeth and said, "When were you here?"

"I've been following you..."


"No, no, no, Hongshang, you misunderstood!" The ghost is an old man with a crutch on his back and a crutch in his hand. "I know you have to do something big, so I've been waiting over there. Well, I didn't come here until you got better..."

"Is this true?"

"Naturally it's true! I'm so old that I won't...hehe." The ghost suddenly smiled.

Hongshang was even more ashamed and angry, "Are you still laughing?! Believe it or not, I'll cut you now!!"

"Don't, don't!!" The little old man shook his hand repeatedly, and his face became anxious. "In a few days, you are going to go to Zhenyao Mountain. I have been wanting to see you all this time, but I haven't found a chance... Miss Hongshang, you must help me with this matter!"

"Are you looking for me? Did you come to see me today?"

"Yes, I think no one else can do this in the world except you."

"What's the matter?" Hongshang's curiosity was aroused by him.

"This...this..." The ghost pointed to the long sword across the edge of his neck and took the sword back in red. Then the ghost relaxed and sat on the ground. "Well, let me introduce myself to you first."


"My name is Nanda, and I am the most loyal servant around the king of grievances. I was responsible for taking care of my master when he was very young until today.

The king of resentment... "You mean, Yin Guangyao? Oh no, is it blazing?"

"Well, blazing is my master."

"So you came to me today for his business?"


"...but why do I believe you? Maybe you lied to me?"

"Then ask the girl to listen to what I said and then judge for herself."

Hongshang lowered her head and thought for a while. That's right. Listen to it first. All right, you can say it."

"Well... Girl, let's sit down first. It's a little long."

"That's a long story short!"

"I try my best..."


Yin Guangyao has been waiting for almost half an hour, but the red man has not come back yet. He couldn't sit still and jumped out of the carriage and wanted to walk into the woods, but he was a little hesitant... What if she was really constipated? Isn't it true that he went in like this... He was still struggling to shout whether to turn up or not, a figure slowly walked out of the depths of the woods.

He quickly shouted, "Hey! Why did you use it for so long?!" Although his tone was very bad, his original hanging heart fell back into his stomach.

"I'm talking to you, why don't you reply to me?" Hongshang has always ignored him, and he said unhappily.

Hongshang slowly walked to him, and his tone calmed down a little, "What's wrong with you?" Why does he think Hongshang's face is not good?

"I'm fine..." Hongshang's voice was a little far-fetched, but she took a deep breath and raised her head with a smile, "If one day you die, I will remember you... I will remember you all my life."