Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 85 The Last Artifact 3

On a cold night, Hongshang walked alone in the mountains and forests. The cold wind roared, and she hugged herself tightly, moving forward with her head, and didn't know where to go.

The past is vivid in my mind.

She remembers every bit of the past year, every frown, every smile, every lazy or empty words. She remembered his colorful shirt, his slippers, and the cigarette between his fingers.

Remember his white hair and his slightly lonely back.

But why is there always a gap between them that she can't cross?

On the way, an evil thing occasionally approached her. Although she lowered her head, she said coldly, "Get away" and didn't dare to approach her anymore. Now she is in an extremely bad mood.

She knows a lot of things about him that he has never said to her. She began to understand why he was so persistently eager to see Jiang Beichen's miserable end, and she even understood the person who had always lived in his heart. She can never touch the place, because there are already people living there.

Tired of walking and crying, she stood and looked up at the dark night sky. There were no stars and no moon.

But... faintly, there was the sound of people's footsteps.

"Red costume?" The tone of the person who came was a little puzzled.

She turned her head gently and saw his plain clothes, "It's you."

"Why are you here alone?"

Hongshang was silent for a moment and did not answer his question, but asked, "Where is Lian Qiao?"

"She's asleep."

"Then you..."

"I can't sleep, walk around..." Jiang Beichen could see her red eyes, but pretended not to see it and asked with a smile, "Are you lost?"

"...hmm." Hongshang's voice was muffled.

Jiang Beichen walked towards her.

When standing in front of her, he brushed the fallen leaves on her shoulder and said softly, "Have you seen Nanda?"

Nanda... The red clothes he met in the woods, who claimed to be Yin Guangyao's loyal servant... "Well, see."

"He said a lot to you?"


"He also said a lot to me."

"You... don't even remember?"

"How can I remember what happened in Cang Wu? All I know is that I am Jiang Beichen, from the 21st century... This identity is only real in front of Lian Jian. For more than a year, I have been used to 'soul-lebination'. Suddenly hearing this news really surprised me. Jiang Beichen's voice was very light and slow, but there was a touch of emotion in his eyes that he did not notice.

"..." Hongshang didn't know what to say.

"Otherwise..." Jiang Beichen put his face to Hongshang's ear, and the cold wind covered his voice. Only Hongshang could hear what he said.

"Oh?!" Hongshang looked at him in surprise.

He smiled, "Isn't it interesting?"

"This, this..."

Jiang Beichen reached out and held her wrist and pulled her to the mountain.

"Let's go."

The red dress was pulled by him. The two began to go up the mountain one after the other. Jiang Beichen's other hand was carrying a lantern. Although the light orange light was very weak, it could also illuminate the road ahead. Thinking of Jiang Beichen's words, Hongshang suddenly felt moved. She bit her lips slightly and didn't know what to do.

The air is filled with a faint feeling.

The red dress finally lowered her eyelids and sighed, "Okay."

Jiang Beichen smiled and did not reply, but the hand holding her wrist slipped slightly and clasped her finger. Hongshang was shocked and wanted to pull it away, but he held it firmly. "You just promised me, don't forget."


"I won't go back on my word here." Jiang Beichen's voice became a little ruffian, "I suddenly thought of a sentence, hold your hand and grow old with your son."

"..." Hongshang looked at the back of his head with a complicated look and laughed at himself, "You should have said this to many girls... Hey, people like me..."

"No, I haven't told any girl that you are the first one."


"There's no need to underestimate yourself for that guy, right?"


"No, but. He will know what's on his mind in a couple of days.



"Sneeze!" Lian Jian suddenly sat up from **. She covered her nose with her hand and couldn't help sneezing a few times, "Sneeze, sneeze, sneeze!"

"Ah..." Lian Jian rubbed her nose with her hand, and she lifted the quilt and came down from **.


She put on her coat tremblingly, and Bao opened his eyes in a daze, "Well, leader, where are you going?"

"I'm going to the hut." The tail of the forsythia couldn't stop trembling, "Go on to sleep, I'll be back soon."

"Hmm..." A Bao's head tilted and continued to lie down on ** and fell asleep.

Fortear carefully opened the door. In the dead of night, she didn't want to disturb others. Well, in fact, this small courtyard is just her and Bao. Hey, I drank too much soup at night. Now it's good. I have to climb out of the warm quilt in the middle of the night and go to the toilet - this is simply one of the most painful things!

She hurried into the hut and hurried back to the room. She never found the black figure on the roof.

In an instant, Ling's eyes were cold, but there was a deep touch of pain. The last artifact was about to be found, and then...

As Gallo said, he and Forthia never go the same way.


The cold wind mixed with wolf howling rolled up the desert layers of yellow sand. Standing in the northernmost part is an earthen building with thousands of years of history. In the most corner room, there is also candlelight swaying. Here, the most secret meeting is being held.

Sitting at the top is the wandering immortality. Next to him stood two disciples, Lan Ming and Mu Ying. On the side seats, there are the stewants of the gates of Wangchen, Butterfly Dance, Dong'e and Shang Tomb respectively.

The Wangchen School is the largest sect in the East. Just like their names, it seems to be free from the world, and the people of their faction are also like immortals. In fact, their cultivation is mainly "quiet", so everyone seems to be calm. And their last head was Baili Tuoming. Since Baili Tuoming disappeared, Wangchen faction has been temporarily replaced by an elder. Now the real leader is still vacant, because no one in the young generation is really qualified to be the leader.

Butterfly Dance School is a sect that only receives women. This sect has a deep history, and the current head is particularly mysterious, and almost no one knows what she looks like. The butterfly dance school originally originated from assassination, and finally embarked on the road of cultivating immortals under the bleaching of one leader after another. In the past, the half-fairy flying out of the butterfly dance made the whole Cangwu have to look up to it, and the five saints who cultivated into immortals from the butterfly dance all died in the fairy and demon war a thousand years ago.

Dong'e faction is the northernmost gang. Originally, it was just a small gang, mainly medical, but under the leadership of the previous leader, it gradually defeated several sects in the north and almost merged all the smaller sects there. Until one day, no sect in the north could fight against it. Moreover, the current sacrifice of Dong'e has a Linjiang immortal who is not known as the first immortal doctor. He is also one of the few people who has become immortals.

The Shang Tomb Sect is the largest sect in the south. They are good at poisoning and assassination, so they have always thought that the impression is very insidious and cruel. But you have to admit that their poisonous plan will never be able to compete with them. Originally, the Shang Tomb Sect and several other sects have not had deep contacts, and even had some grievances, but now the awakening of the Demon Lord has forced the most powerful sect to unite and fight against the enemy together.

Well, the leaders of every sect far away have come, including the most mysterious butterfly dance. Of course, she is veiled. Fu Zishu took a sip of tea and slowly talked about his plan.

The words made people calm in an moment, but the listeners were extremely shocked.

The head of the butterfly dance school was the first to exclaim, "Senior Fu, are you true?"

"As long as we seize the opportunity, we will definitely succeed."

"Night God... Is the next night god really Cang Liusu..." The replacement leader of the Wangchen faction stroked his beard and took a breath of cold air. "And it's incredible that there is a body in the world that can store the power of God..."

"The key is Cang Liusu. How can he be at our mercy?" The head of the Dong'e faction is not very optimistic about this proposal, "Moreover, what if the person you said can store the power of God will fight back at that time?"

"The will of that person is completely under our control. Now, you just need to give him the power of God. Fu Zishu answered the words of the head of the Dong'e faction and said, "The 10th of next month is the best opportunity. If you miss it. The next night god Cang Liusu successfully returned... Everyone knows his nature. Although his only apprentice Xiaoxuan has promised to persuade him, Xiaoxuan is just his apprentice after all.


"That's right..."

"That guy never cares about the world and only has absolute dedication to the pursuit of power."

"Maybe I will fight with the Demon Lord?"

"But maybe... I will become an alliance with the Demon Lord."

Several leaders were whispering to the deputy leaders around them, and there was a constant discussion in the room. Lan Ming stood on one side, with cold eyebrows. Mu Yi lowered his head slightly, and his eyes flashed with a little uneasiness. Stealing the power of God... Master's idea is really...

This meeting ended very late. Everyone finally has a unified answer, which is to take away the divine power of Cang Liusu on the 10th of next month!

The people who came came out of the door one after another, and Fu Zijing only left Lan Ming.

"Be fully prepared for this matter and don't let anyone disturb you."

"Yes, Master."

"I heard that forearcom has come back... If she learns the news, she will definitely come."

"Well, according to her nature, it will be."

"So try not to let the news go."

"Apprentice understands!"

"And..." Fu Zixi stood up from his chair and approached Lan Ming a little. "These days, I have been watching Mu Yu. That child, I'm afraid that she will do something that she shouldn't do for a while.

"...Yes, Master. I will."