Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 26 Become a Waiter

"Break the ice and take out the gems inside." Cang Liusu ordered indifferently.

"Oh..." Lianqi took out Bo Yunlongxi and easily chopped the ice. The chopped ice quickly disappeared into the air, leaving a red gem lying on the ground.

Forever took the gem in her hand to observe. This is the first time she has seen the gem so closely! I have to admit, it's really beautiful...

"Handle the gem with your right hand, close your eyes, and read with me." Cang Liusu continued.

"Uh, what do you read?" Lialy held the gem in her right hand. She didn't know what the meat was doing.

"Close your eyes." Cang Liusu didn't even seem to want to say a word of nonsense.

"Close it!" Forsian curled his lips and closed his eyes.

"From today--"

"From today--" the forsythia parrot read like a tongue.

"I am willing to use my life--"

"I am willing to use my life--"

"Protect Lord Night God."

"Protect..." The fortighty stopped.

"After reading it." Cang Liusu's voice was a little cold when she saw that she did not cooperate honestly.


Once upon a time, her wish was to protect him.

Once upon a time, she only hated herself and was unable to protect him.

If...if it really can...

Lion's face smiled slightly. She closed her eyes and said extremely piously, "From today on, I am willing to use my life to protect Lord Night God."

The right finger of the fortear clenched fist emitted a red light, which lasted for a few seconds, and the light slowly disappeared.

When she opened her eyes, she found that her hand was empty.

And Cang Liusu looked at her with a slightly stunned face.

When Mu Lianqi said that sentence, why did there be an inexplicable throb in his heart?

"This..." Forthia doesn't know where the gem has gone.

A Bao squatted beside her and blinked curiously. It kept watching from beginning to end and only felt funny.

"The leader! The back of your hand--" Bao suddenly found something.

Forte turned the back of her hand and saw a gem-sized cinnabar near the tiger's mouth. She rubbed her hand and found that she couldn't get it off. She stood up from the ground, stretched out her hand to the front and asked, "What is this?"

"Now, you are my servant." Cang Liusu walked slowly towards her.

The young fox beside him looked at Forthia in surprise. Oh, my God, just now he witnessed the scene where the god signed a contract with the waiter!

Xiaoxuan looked at Forgingia, and a trace of pain flashed in her eyes.

She thought that the master would leave the position of the waiter to her... Unexpectedly...

"Serving God...Serving God? ..." Lian Jian muttered that this name is a little familiar. She seems to have heard a lot of people say it, so has she become a meat waiter now?

Cang Liusu had come to her. He looked at her, with a complex mood in his eyes.

"From now on, you can't leave me for half a step."


The situation happened so suddenly that Lianqi's head was still dizzy. She couldn't figure out how Cang Liusu, who had been ignored her before, suddenly came back to her and concluded such a contract with her. If she becomes his god attendant, won't she get along with him day and night?

Faced with her doubts, Cang Liusu just handed the paper in her hand, took it over, and looked carefully at the content - "How come?!" Her right hand covered her mouth in disbelief - on the announcement, it was clearly written that Lilies and Cang Liusu were connected by blood because of Xi Zhenwan, which means that the whole Cang Wu knew it!! - He and his weakness of Cang Liusu were the head of the Mu family, Mu Lianqi!!!

"Do you understand now?"

The indifferent voice came from the top of his head, and forsythia looked up at him in panic. His face was very calm, as if it had no effect on him at all.

But Li Jian understands that he cares very much! Otherwise, I won't find her at the first time and sign a contract with her at the first time!

Cang Liusu bent down slightly, and his eyes looked more directly into her heart-

"If you are left alone, we will all die."

Lian Jian nodded in a stature to show that he understood.

"So, no matter where you go in the future, you have to come with me."


So familiar, so familiar... A long time ago, meat also said so. He once said, Lian Jian, no matter where you want to go in the future, take me with you. I have no problem.

I know that Cang Liusu said this for his own reasons. But her eyes are still red with no good. Even if these warmth are not from the bottom of your heart, you can still touch her. She is such a promising person.

Cang Liusu's heart rippled again.

He couldn't keep calm in front of her.

When he came, the knife light reflected on her face, and for a moment, he suddenly felt scared! He was afraid that he would come one step later. Maybe she has already!——

No, no, no, this woman and his life are tied together. If she dies, he can't live. that's why he's afraid... Yes, it must be so... Impossible, there will be other reasons...

The fortear nodded like pounding garlic, and tears couldn't help sliding down. The next second, tears were brushed away by a pair of slightly cold hands.

The two were stunned.

Foria looked at him stupidly... It was him, it was him! He really wiped her tears!

Cang Liusu suddenly withdrew his hand and took two steps back.

- What is he doing? What the hell is he doing!

He really doesn't understand himself more and more now! He hardly noticed the action just now. When he found out, he had already done so!!

"xiaoxuan." He suddenly shouted.

"Master." Xiaoxuan came to his side.

"Let's go."


The two walked towards the gate together and walked about a dozen steps. Cang Liusu found that Lian Jian did not keep up. He turned around and said coldly, "Why don't you keep up quickly?"

"It's gone!" The young Ahu quickly grasped Lianqi's wrist and took her to chase her to Cang Liusu.

The backward little flower demon stood in place with his hands covering his mouth and laughing, and it found it! The relationship between the leader and Mu Sheng seems to be much better than before! Haha!

In this way, a group of five slowly left the small city.


The next day.

A surprising news spread all over the world. For a moment, streets, alleys, restaurants, hotels, and all public places were talking about it!

"Have you heard? It's the town closest to the demon world - washed by Lord Night God's blood!"

"Lord Night, Lord Night God? ......”

"Those people are chasing and killing Mu Lianlia. After Lord Night God appeared, he did not leave a living mouth!"

"...that...that's not true, is it?" Xiao Er held a piece of red paper in his hand. He swallowed his saliva and felt that what was written on it was ridiculous!

While preparing the dishes for noon, the cook of the restaurant said mysteriously, "It's probably true, otherwise the Night God would not have killed so many people - it is said that those people are his former enemies. After learning the news, they all wanted to kill the forsythia... If it's fake, Lord Night God can naturally Don't care!"

"This is too strange. You said that Lord Night God... and a woman of an ethnic group... How can they, how can they do it? ......”

"Well, who knows? Everyone used to guess whether this forbion really knew Lord Night God, but now it seems that they don't know each other!"

"But...who released this news?"

"That's unknown - anyway, it's not me and you. This kind of thing has nothing to do with small people like us." What the cook said is very easy, and the gossip is back to gossip. After all, he has never seen Cang Liusu or Lian Jian. Whatever they do has nothing to do with him. As long as he can live a stable life every day, and after the restaurant business, he can earn more money to support his family!

As for the enmity between those races - what can a small person like him do!

"That's what I said..." Xiao Er nodded thoughtfully and continued to sweep the floor with a broom.

Suddenly, another young man from the restaurant ran in through the back door. He suddenly stopped beside the cook and patted him on the shoulder excitedly - "Money, money!!"

"What?" The cook looked at him inexplicably, "Early in the morning, what are you crazy about!"

"Hey, let me tell you! You, you - you can't repudiate the debt! We have long bet on who the Lord Night will choose to be the waiter - whether you admit it or not!"

"Acknowledge that we made this bet. What's wrong?"

"Do you remember who you bet on?"

"I bet - his apprentice, Xiaoxuan!" The cook said it without thinking about it.

The second child clapped his hand happily and pointed to him excitedly, "Look, you can't deny what you said! - At that time, you bet on Xiaoxuan, and I bet on the head of the Mu family - Huzi can testify, right, Huzi!"

Ah? Yes, yes!" The tiger with a broom nodded repeatedly.

"Ouch!" The cook suddenly hit himself on the head with his hand, "Look at me! This Cang Liusu is obviously pretending to save Mu Lianlia, which is equivalent to admitting that his life and Mu Lianlia are tied together! How could he not let forsythia be his godservant? - Ouch!" The cook regrets it. It's all silver. Who can't get along with silver!!

Xiao Er smiled proudly, "Ok, big fat, bring the silver quickly! I can tell you that this matter has been confirmed. Cang Liusu let Mu Lianxuan be his god attendant! - In the town where the accident happened, the contract has been concluded!"

"Hey..." The fat cook shook his head repeatedly. He reluctantly took out two taels of silver from his sleeve. He wanted to give it, but he was reluctant to give it... Xiao Er grabbed the silver, ran to the front hall with a smile, and began to show off to everyone.

It's not just here. In many places, the news spread like a flood, and it can't be stopped.

Sure enough, people are gossip. Especially the big man that you may not see in your life. For example, the night god, such as the demon master, such as the demon king...

In a secret corner of Kongshan, Xiaoyue was stunned by the announcement in his hand.

Lan Ming walked back after her body.

"I have long thought that forsythia would not die so easily - Master, this time, it's really a step-by-step mistake. If she pushes this fortight, maybe she will really defect to the Demon Lord! I just don't know what the devil planned after seeing the news - is it to keep her? Or kill her?"

The little crescent silently rolled up the announcement.

"What about them? Have you been buried well?

"Uh..." Lan Ming looked back at her, "Well... now, it can't be buried yet."


"Master, use their corpses to attract forsibi."


"But this is just a cover. After this matter is dealt with, I will definitely bury the children of the Mu family in a feng shui treasure..."

(Happy doomsday~~~~he~~Today is also A Luo's birthday~~~ Ah, he is one year older!)