Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 6 Starlight

The blurred consciousness of the fortear gradually woke up. She opened her eyes slightly, and the stars flashed outside the window. It seemed that it was late at night. Feeling very sultry, she sat up from ** and picked up the alarm clock next to her - 23 o'clock.

"Mom..." Her voice was very dry, so she got out of bed and went to the living room.

"Xiaoya, are you awake?" Ms. Ren heard the movement in the living room and came out of the bedroom to see her daughter drinking water.

Lian Jian nodded and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

"You are sick and have a high fever and slept for two days - are you all right now?" With that, he walked towards Lian Jian and stroked her forehead with one hand.

There is a slight sweat.

Fortear scratched the back of his head, put the putt in place, nodded and said, "It should be all right."

"Yes!" Ms. Ren suddenly remembered something. She grabbed Lian Jian's wrist and looked at it carefully. After reading this hand and looking at the other, she frowned doubtfully, "I remember that there was a red mark on the back of your hand... I also asked the doctor to come home to see it. He only said it was a birthmark? But I don't remember that you have such a conspicuous birthmark... Why is it gone now, as if I had misread it..."

It's strange to think about it.

" Birthmark? What birthmark? Is there a birthmark on the back of my hand? Lianqi didn't know what her mother was talking about. She pulled out her hand and turned to the room. "I'm a little tired and want to rest for a while."

"Well, have a good sleep - by the way, Mom will leave early tomorrow morning."

Lian Jian stopped slightly. She suddenly remembered that she was also going to go to Cang Wu, so she turned around and smiled, "Be careful."

It's strange that if it had been before, she would have pestered her mother for a long time, but why does she only feel weak and particularly stuffy today? Even Cang Wu, who couldn't wait to go back, made her lose interest. Obviously, nothing happened. Why did she suddenly become like this?

Forsythia sat alone in front of the desk, and the window in front of her had been opened. She looked at the night scene outside the window and looked in a trance.

I always feel that something is different from before.

But she doesn't know where it is different from before?

Suddenly, I really want to blow the wind.

Cang Wu... Cang Wu... Should she go back? It seems that something is calling her there?

The fortear's body walked uncontrollably towards the living room. She left the house without making any sound.

It's close to 12 o'clock, and the community is very quiet. The forsythia did not leave the gate, but performed light skills and flew to the roof of the 16th floor on the wall. At midnight, when the wind was strong, she jumped from one roof to another alone and kept approaching the amusement park.

The closer to the city center, the higher the floor is. With the shadow of the night, it is difficult for others to find the figure leaping in the air. Lian Qiao's body specially changed into the clothes that came back from Cang Wu, so as not to attract the strange eyes of others when he went back. On the way, after passing the big clock in the city center, the fortula stopped.

She looked up for a long time, then jumped and flew up effortlessly.

The girl in white stands at the top of the clock, with a golden full moon behind her.

She looked down on the whole city.

The street lights of the bustling streets illuminate all the night scenes. Although there are not many people, they still walk together.

Standing at such a high place, Foreng can't hear the sound of cars or people's voices. All she can hear is the wind.

The sound of the wind blew through my ears. I don't know if it was because of the wind, the forcisian's eyes suddenly felt very sour. She just touched it with her hand and found that something dripped to the back of her hand.

There is endless pain in my heart.


She asked in her heart, but she couldn't answer.

"Let's go back quickly... Hongshang, Bao... They... are really reassuring."

Forsythia turned around and flew to the floor below and arrived at the amusement park from here, only 100 meters! - Cang Wu! She went back!

The stars twinkled in the deep night sky, but Missed the most beautiful night scene since 2012.


At the top of the building in front of the amusement park, Forsythia stopped on the outer railing and turned around indifferently.

"What are you doing with me?"

The black eagle was suddenly shocked. It suddenly turned into an adult and squatted in front of the forsythia - no, a 17- or eight-year-old teenager.

"I...I...I want to go home..."

"Are you afraid of me?" Lianqi bent down slightly, and she could feel that as she approached, the little eagle seemed to tremble more fiercely.

" spell is so high...naturally, naturally..."

"Since you are afraid of me, why do you follow me?" Lian Jian straightened up and turned around, but did not intend to leave. She just suddenly wanted to tease the little eagle.

The teenager wears 21st century clothes with short hair and pure black. He slowly stood up and seemed to find from his behavior that he should have been here soon.

"I accidentally... came here...please take me back!!"

The corners of Lian Jian's mouth rose slightly. She didn't look back, but said coldly, "Take away your knife."


Hey? The teenager holding the knife blinked inexplicably. How could this woman... see her invisible dagger?

"How can I leave you here to harm human beings? Come with me." As soon as the fortight sleeves flew, the teenager immediately returned to the appearance of an eagle. He curled his lips and hid the heirloom knife, but he still followed happily.

He was foraging in the valley two days ago. I don't know what happened. When he opened his eyes, he had come to this strange world. Whoo-hoo, he hasn't eaten for two days. It was hard to see a man who could fly around the wall, and his intuition told him that her meat must be delicious! - He followed up, but he didn't expect that his deception would be recognized so easily!

It's strange that she didn't feel such a powerful spiritual power in her. How could she... Is this what people often call "real people don't show their appearance"?

"What's the wrong idea?" Forsythia stood outside the door of the amusement park maze and glanced back.

The black eagle quickly shook its wings, indicating that it didn't.

Forteared nodded, "Let's go."

"Well, isn't this the place where I came out..." He still had an impression in his heart.

"Try up, or you will never go back!" Lian Jian scared him.

The black eagle flashed its wings and flew close to the fortight fort.

This strange world is full of strange things. He doesn't want to stay here! He is a demon. It is said that the demon clan is about to carry out a great migration. At that time, he will leave with many predecessors and go to the legendary paradise - the demon continent! Humph, only demons are the best place to avoid seeing these delicious but can't eat human beings... Whoo... He took a look at the fortilarate.