Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 8 6

(third update)

"Well, another question - did your sister really take away by the Liu family?"

"It's true!" Xiaoqi said first, "Our sister was taken away six months ago!" Our family lives at the foot of Liujia Mountain, and the first town where the children were taken away by the Liu family is our place! My parents were killed by the Liu family because of this incident. My brother and I really can't help it! We, we!——"

They live closest to the Liu family, and this is the farthest from the Liu family. Almost as long as they leave Qinghe Village, even if they are out of the scope of the Liu family, so... they don't want to go to the Liu family, but to leave.

Fortear threw a piece of wood into the fire.

"Is your sister's name Apple?"

"Hmm!" Xiaoqi nodded heavily.

"Well, if she is still alive, I will definitely bring her out."


Daqi and Xiaoqi looked at forsythia incredulously--

"What did you say? ..." Daqi muttered, "Are you going to help us save Apple?"

"Yes, I didn't say just now that you can call me if you need anything. Is it possible that I only listen to you and don't give you ideas?

Both children were stunned...

Just now, when this woman was about to go to bed, she did say such a sentence - I'll sleep for a while, and you can call me if you have something to do. But they didn't expect that she would say so unsavily that she would save the apple from Liu's house?! What the hell does she... do?

There is a faint smile on the forsian's face.

It is very simple for her to go to the Liu family to settle accounts this time and save the child by the way. Unfortunately, no one in Qinghe Village is willing to resist like the Liu family. Now they are two children, trying their best to rescue their sister... However, what are they going to do when they leave the power of the Liu family and go to a far away place? Are you going to find someone? Or...

"Are you going to the Imperial City?" Lian Jian asked directly what he thought of.

Daqi shook his head, "No... There is no owner in the imperial city. Even if we go, no one will care about us."

They also understood in their hearts... Lian Jian nodded and didn't intend to ask anymore. All right, go to bed quickly. When it's dawn tomorrow, will you leave or go to Liu's house with me - you decide for yourself.

Lion forsari took care of her clothes, and now she is really tired. After all, I'm on the road every day, and I don't have much time to rest. In addition, I often sleep in the wild, and the wind and grass will wake up, and the quality of sleep is much worse than before.

Well, in the past... what was it like in the past?

She has been in Cang Wu for three years, as if she has been running outside, but why does she always feel that she used to sleep soundly?

Well... the strange feeling comes again. Whenever she remembers the past, there is always a vague figure in her mind. But when she wanted to look carefully, she couldn't see it. Doesn't she remember what kind of brain damage she suffered and amnesia? How can this happen without a reason? Or... Just like Fu's autism blocked her skills, was even her memory...?

Huh? Pay autism? Yes, at that time, she was taken to the imperial city, but she couldn't remember why she was executed in public.

Inexplicably upset in Lianqi's heart.

She opened her eyes and just as she was about to knock on Bo Yunlongxi and let him speak, she saw Daqi and Xiaoqi staring straight at her with four eyes.




Three people are relatively speechless.

"What to do." Lian Jian is ashamed in his heart.

Although the two little boys are very young, it's too...

to stare at her without blinking.

"We have decided that we... still have to leave."

Hmm? Leave? It seems that I miscalculated... Lian Jian took a deep breath and smiled indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I'm just making a suggestion, but I will still save your sister. I'll do what I said."

"My sister... was arrested six months ago, and there has been no news for half a year, maybe..."

"..." Forgings meditated.

Yes, anything can happen in half a year. Will the Liu family really lock up the children for half a year? I'm afraid it's a lot of bad luck. She can't even say a word of comfort now. Because in her heart, she has acquiesced in the possibility of the little girl's death.

"But... there are still many families who haven't been taken away!" Daqi's attitude suddenly became very firm. "Recently, I found that some children have just been taken away, so it's not too late to leave now!"

"The Liu family has never spoken accurately. They are now saying that each family only needs one child. But what if they still want children in the future? It's still us." Xiaoqi looks about seven years old and has a clear mind. Indeed, this possibility is very high.

"So... are you going to escape?" Lian Jian nodded, "Indeed, a place like the Liu family can't stay at all. It's hard to believe that they are doing things with conscience. It's good to leave early. If those people in the village could think the same as you, there would not be so many tragedies..."

"Sister, aren't you... from here?" Daqi listened to the fore's tone and became more and more sure.

"Yes, I'm from outside, just passing by here."

"Then... don't blame them... After all, you come from the outside. You don't know what's going on here..." Daqi sighed, "Everyone wants to leave, but if you are not careful, the whole village will die. The Liu family is very strict and there is nothing we can do... But we are different. We hid when our parents died six months ago. After hiding for a whole month, the Liu family gave up looking for it. Although we are walking very slowly now, as long as we leave the Liu family's sphere of influence, we can definitely speed up the journey!"

"So...?" Li Jian didn't understand.

"So! As long as we can find that person as soon as possible, more than a dozen towns and villages near Liujiashan will be saved!"

"That man?" Lianqi suddenly thought that when the villagers of Qinghe Village drove her away, they said, "Unless it's God." "Do you want to find the person live in... Luoxia Hall?" Lianqi heard that the only night god in the continent, his palace is called Luoxia Hall.

"Uh." Daqi and Xiaoqi are all stunned.

Lian Jian shook his head in distress, "The mortals can't find that place at all. Even if they find it, they can't get in. Even if they go in, they can't see the night god. Even if they see him, they may not be willing to help you. A selfish god like him who doesn't pay attention to everything at all, how can he care about such a small thing as you?