Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 19 Hopeless City, Gentle Countryside 2

"I want you to be the hostess of this city."



There was doubt in the forgedia's eyes, "Say it again?"

The virtual charm looked at her stupid appearance and suddenly laughed. Unlike the previous smile, his current smile is particularly bright. Fool." He flicked her forehead with his fingers, "Little girl, if you want to date me, I will let those children go now."

Dating... How could this word that will only appear in the 21st century suddenly run out of his mouth? And! He actually called her Xiaoya!!

Xiaoya is her nickname! Only her mother should know about this world!!

How's it going? Do you want to think about it?"

"Wait! - Who are you? Who the hell are you?!"

In the face of Foreng's question, the virtual charm became gloomy in an instant.

"..." Lian Qiao quietly moved back. This man is so moody!

"Mu Lianqi, your memory is incomplete."


"That's all. It's useless to keep those superfluous memories. Just erase them. You just need to remember that the man standing in front of you now is called the virtual charm. He is the person you love - that's enough."

"Me, the person I love?"

"Uh-huh." The virtual charm smiled, and the whole person became sunny again.

"Foria...don't believe him..." Bo Yunlongxi in the corner suddenly said, " not the person you love..."

"Tut talk!" As soon as the virtual charm raised the palm of the forsythia, it immediately jumped up and hugged it to death——

"Don't touch him!!" Lian Jian shouted anxiously, "I believe it! I believe what you say!!"

Bo Yunlongxi has been seriously injured. If he slaps it again, won't its sword body be destroyed?!


"Hmm." Forsia nodded solemnly.

The virtual charm raised a bright smile, and he held the forearm into his arms, "Well, from now on, you are my woman."

"You just said those children..."

"I'll send them back early tomorrow morning."


The door of the room was suddenly opened, and a strange woman who had never seen before stood at the door and shouted at the virtual charm, "Master! You can't do this!"

"Get out." The virtual charm glanced over and showed his murderous intention, "Who allowed you to come in?"

"I...Master, please think about it again!"

"Give me an order to send the disciples back door-to-door tomorrow morning with their children."


"Don't challenge my patience anymore."

"..." The woman standing at the door seems to have something difficult to say. Maybe the virtual charm doesn't want forsythia to know that it's the matter. She believes that if she is still there, the next second will tear her body mercilessly. Yes, I know." She slowly closed the door and turned away.

The fortear leaned stiffly in the arms of the virtual charm, and she heard their conversation. It seems that... this virtual charm still keeps its word?

"Are you satisfied with me doing this?"

Fortear gently pushed his body away, "Do you really want to send those children back?"

"My orders have been sent out. How can I fake them?"

"But... why did you catch it at the beginning?"

"Because I need them."

"Then why did you... just..." Why did you agree to let someone go so easily?

"As long as you ask me to do what I can do, I will do it. If you can't do it, I will do it."

Even if the price to be paid is extremely painful.


"Xiaoya, what are you doing?"

"Avoid it! In this way, it won't hurt!"


"One two three four, five six seven eight. Two two three four, five six seven eight. Three two three four, five six seven eight..." Early in the morning, Gallo stood in the yard doing sports. This morning exercise of moving his arms and legs was often done when Lian Jian was in the demon world. He learned it because he was curious. Later, he found that it was good to get up early to do this.

He still remembers the time when Bao and Foria just stayed in the demon world. Bao goes to see for the fortia every day. Every time he mentions forkia to Bao, Bao is always very happy, as if the name of forachio is happy even if it is just mentioned.

That little monster... This separation is three years. She must want to die, right?

Galo smiled and took out a note from his arms.

Abao has left. She should be on her way to Liu's house now. Galo has been standing in the yard for a long time. Well... She will go back to the domain later. Without Abao, the whole space will be much more deserted, right?


"Hello, guest! What can I do for you?"

"Give us four rooms."

"Hey, hey, good! Xiao Er - Take these distinguished guests up quickly!" The shopkeeper shouted hurriedly.

Xiao Er, the shop in the inn, quickly came out and made a gesture of invitation, but he just raised his head and was almost scared by the people in front of him! - The green monster mask, the bloody mouth on the mask was open like that, if he had to scare people to death at night! However, based on the quality of a second child in a store, he immediately piled up smiles and said, "This way, please, this way, please..."

The masked man took the lead.

Behind him, there are also four... Er, the ghost exorcist?

Look at their clothes, they are indeed ghost-exorcism robes, and they are not the ghost-exorcist robes of the Liu family! ......

"This is the deposit, and the rest have been checked out once."

"Hey, okay! Well... Brother, what's your name, please? The shopkeeper needs a name when making accounts.

"My name is Mu Jin."

"Good, good...hmm! OK! You can go up! Oh, by the way, what about your food?

"We'll come down later."

"Well, okay."

Mu Jin saw that the shopkeeper had nothing to say, so he strode up the stairs. There were not many people eating in the inn, but there was a table of guests who looked at Mu Jin's back and were so excited that the chopsticks in their hands were about to fall off!

"Guys, guys! Did you hear that just now?!--" He was so excited that he almost screamed.

"Hi! I said Zhang Laosan, what's wrong with you?" The guest at the other table smiled and said, "Are you interested in the girl who just went up? Don't think about it. It's just the right age to be your daughter!"

"Haha..." The laughter in the inn comes one after another. There are few outsiders in this town, so everyone has a good relationship with each other and makes any jokes casually.

"Ouch! Didn't you notice!!" Zhang Laosan didn't notice when he saw that the big guy was like this. He quickly explained, "The five people who just went up, the one with masks will not talk about - let's talk about the four teenagers in dark blue ghost-exorcism robes? - Shopkeeper Li, tell everyone! What did the teenager say when he was bookkeeping?

"What's your name?" Manager Li really didn't care. He opened the account book casually and read, "Mu Jin--"

Huh? ...Mu, Mujin?

Zhang Laosan suddenly clapped his hands, "You are too slow!! Did you hear that? Mu Jin - his surname is Mu!!"

A word woke up the dreamer, and several tables of guests in the inn stood up and said incredulously, "The ghost exorcist, surnamed Mu? -Isn't it possible! --"

The answer is ready to come out.

In the whole world, only one exorcist has this surname, and this exorcist family has also disappeared for three years!

"Well, that's the case... If it's the exorcist of the Mu family, does it mean..."

A woman's voice trembled, and half of her words suddenly covered her mouth and cried. The big guy sighed in his heart. Shopkeeper Li quickly called the shopkeeper over and put the silver given by Mu Jin before in his hand - "Come on, go!" Return the silver to these young heroes - they came to our town at this time. I really can't think of anything else but going to the Liu family. Tell them that no matter how long they live, all food and accommodation are included!"

"I understand, I understand!" The second store was also very excited. He immediately ran to the second floor with silver in his hand.

Mujia, Mujia! Mu's ghost exorcist is really here! They have been waiting for this day for a long time!!!


"Bump." There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

"Master, the second child just came up and returned the money to us... They said that everything we spent here was free!"

"I know."

"Ah, shall I go back first?"

"Don't call me when you have dinner. By the way, inquire about the Liu family."

"Okay, I understand."

Mu Jin gently closed the door.

The call on the first floor has not stopped yet, and he is also very excited.

Three years have passed since they finally came out, and the first thing they did was to recover the Liu family! Three years ago, he thought that all of them would die in the imperial city, but he didn't expect to be rescued and meet the current master... It's really an immortal Mu family. This mysterious master's martial arts skills are unfathomable. Although they have been together for three years, they still don't know his true identity and how high his spells are...

But it doesn't matter! In the past three years, they have absorbed and grown up quickly like sponges, and now it will be time for them to prove that they have proved the Mu family!!

Mu's family is still there! The Mu family is not dead!!


"The Liu family was really abominable at the beginning, Master, they bullied us. They knew that the leader had not come back and sent us a life-and-death battle post - there were only ten people left in our Mu family, but they sent 300 people!" Although the matter has passed, Mu Shui wanted to be angry together, "Master, do you think they have gone too much?"

"And then."

"Then we all lost the battle, and only Xiaofeng resisted at Mu's house... Hey, we dragged her back, and we all became hostages, so that Xiaofeng almost went crazy under the urgent situation... At this time, Sister Hongshang came back! Unfortunately, Sister Hongshang was also defeated by the deputy head of the Liu family. They asked her to tell her whereabouts of Bo Yunlongxi, so Sister Hongshang would not tell them, so they wanted to kill her at this time! - The head appeared!!"

"I'll tell you!" Mu Tian heard this and quickly said, "It's not the leader who appeared first, but Bo Yunlongxi! Master, do you know that Bo Yunlongxi inserted directly in front of Vice President Liu, and Vice President Liu quickly pulled it out, but he couldn't pull it out!"

"Yes, Master! Several of our hostages were rescued by A Bao, and then the leader flew to Bo Yunlongxi and pulled out the sword easily, and that's it was just like this! --" Mu Shui said while imitating, "She waved the leader so gently, and more than half of the 300 people at the scene fell down in an instant!! That's awesome!!"

"There's more!" Mu Tian also rushed to say, and Mu Shui quickly pushed him with his hand, "Go, you go away. Can you not interrupt when I speak!"

"Oh, why? Master wants to hear this most proud thing. As a member of the Mu family, why can't I say it?

"You are not allowed to say it! Don't, don't!"


The quarrel between the two children was endless, but the masked man sitting on the right position was slightly distracted.

The Liu family... The Liu family... It seems that the first thing he will do after the children learn is to go to the Liu family.