Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 39 Descendants of the Royal Family

The majestic palace has become a ruin in a blink of an eye.

Lion fortight supported his body with Bo Yunlongxi and reluctantly stood up. There was a pool of blood in front of her.

Her face was as pale as paper. She clenched her teeth and told herself over and over again that she must not fall down here...

A Bao was bound by Lan Ming's spell and couldn't move in the air. She could only watch Lian Jian fight alone. Although Lan Ming is also a little gasping, the injury on her body is nothing compared with fortula.

It's so strong.

He narrowed his eyes slightly. Lian Jian is not the little girl who used to know no magic. Now she is a veritable leader...

"This is the last blow. If there is an afterlife, I hope you won't come to this world again."

Lan Ming concentrated all the spells in the palm of his hand. There may be a trace of regret in his words, but his look is close to the madness of the devil - those who rebel against him are never allowed to live in this world! The Mu family is the end. After today, all the sects will kneel at his feet!

"Hmm." Lian Jian sneered. She wiped the blood stains from her mouth with her hand and replied, "If there is an afterlife, I hope you can really be a great hero."

The last blow.

Success or failure in this move.

A burst of heat gushed out of Lianqi's body. Although her body was already very weak, although she was about to fall... However, she was okay. She must be able to. Looking at Lan Ming a few meters away, her eyes showed unprecedented firmness - in this world, it must not be handed over to a son, absolutely not!

Lanming in the distance suddenly raised his hand, and a powerful airflow tore the ground and rushed towards her. Bao's whole heart was already hanging in his throat. If the forsythia was hit in the front! - It would be smashed to pieces!

"Power will always stand on the side of justice. I am a bright choice. Hold on! - God's boundary!"

The forsythia's palms were pushed out, and with her movements, a layer of blue boundary blocked in front of her, and the evil black airflow was so abruptly resisted that she could not move forward.

The long black hair flew in the air, and Lianqi looked at the power gradually swallowed up by the boundary of God, and there were layers of sad ripples in his heart.

Really, goodbye, Lan Ming.

Goodbye, Brother Lan, who once took care of her and protected her.

The forsone's palm pushed forward, and the pure blue boundary moved in the direction of Lan Ming. In an instant, it surrounded Lan Ming's body!


The earth-shaking explosion sounded in the ruins, and Lian Jian closed her eyes quietly. At this last moment, she did not look.

And A Bao was so shocked by all this that he couldn't say a word.

What's going on?!

"God's boundary is not only able to protect the person who casts the spell, but also his most powerful thing is that he can bounce back other people's attacks at all!"

A clear voice came from behind, and Lian Jian turned around and saw Mu Ying in white standing not far from her.

"Mu Wei...sister..." Lianqi said astringently, "I...killed him...killed him..."

There is a feeling of tightness in the chest.

It's so painful.

"Why do people change? For strength? For spells? If...if nothing had such a thing, it would be good, so that there would be no war, and there would be no..."

Once a side-by-side partner, it will end up.

"Anyway, Bao will not change!"

Abao knew that Lian Jian's heart must be very uncomfortable. She shouted that she hoped that Lianbao would know that she would always be on her side!

Lie knelt on the ground, and her tears fell down. She thought she wouldn't cry, but she couldn't help crying.

I used to cry because of cowardice, but now? For what? She won, didn't she? She was the last winner in this battle, but why does she still want to cry?

Suddenly, a warm hand pressed on his head.

Lion stopped crying slightly. She turned her head and saw Cang Liusu kneeling behind her with one leg.

The brown pupil looked at her quietly without saying a word, but she could feel the warmth from him...


It's meat...

Foria threw himself into his arms and hugged him tightly...

I didn't expect that she could hug him so tightly, and they could still... still be together...

Reia intends to keep those memories that will embarrass everyone, at least she doesn't want to mention them now. If you don't mention it, can she and Cang Liusu still be like this?

"Forgsia, you did a good job. Don't be sad." Mu Yu also came to Lian Jian's side and comforted him.

After Lan Ming died, the bondage on A Bao disappeared. When she ran towards the forsorgia and ran to the forear, she deliberately became a monster.

He held his huge head and said with a smile, "Look at me, forkia. I'm still the same as before!"

Fortear raised his face full of tears and was amused by A Bao's appearance. A Bao's classic action is to hug his golden big head with green leaves, showing a brilliant smile.

"But...what should we do next?"

The country can't be without a king. Isn't the world going to be in chaos?

"Don't worry, Cang Wu will be fine. It will make great strides in the normal direction."

Lian Jian looked at Mu Yi puzzledly. What she said was not very easy to understand.

"Foria, do you know where Lan Ming's spell came from?"

"I paid him to be autistic."

"No, he robbed it. In order to get this powerful spell, he killed the master himself.


"Also, his throne was also robbed. The real royal descendants were killed by him.


"Yes, he is going to kill, but I'm not so cruel." Xiaoyue and the Mu family arrived. When they happened to hear them talking about this, she said, "That day, Lan Ming wanted me to kill the child, but I killed him with illusion and secretly hid him. Because I know that one day, Lan Ming will come down from that position.

"Mshang, are you all right?" Mu Huo asked with concern.

Lian Jian shook his head, "I'm fine."

In fact, Cang Liusu is pouring a force into her body, and those wounds are no longer so painful...

The reason why Cang Liusu is not worried about the accident of for the forears is because of the boundary of virtual charm. This is the strongest boundary. He said that maybe only he can break it, otherwise other people can't get the life of fortsia at all. Not only that, the attack they gave to Forage will also be rebounded back. Lan Ming is an example.

Hearing Lian Jian's words, the Mu family was a little relieved. Mu Jin's eyes then fell on Bao, and there was a smile on the corners of his mouth, "A Bao, how about you? How's it going?"

"Hmm! Bao is very good!" The little flower demon responded happily.

It finally ran out of the claws, how nice it is!

Suddenly, its smile stiffened, because it saw the red figure far away.

Suddenly, there was a trace of grievance in his heart. He stamped his feet and ran towards the man.

"Where is that child now?" Lian Jian asked.

"In a hidden place, the guards outside were stabilized by Mu Yu. I'm going to bring the child here so that he can ascend the throne. He is the last person to be qualified to be the king.

"Hmm." Lian Jian nodded, but when it came to Mu Ying, she couldn't figure it out... Because Bo Yun Longxi told her that all the people in Kongshan were dead except Lan Ming, and Mu Ying...

Cang Liusu knew what forsibi was thinking, "I invited the magic doctor Lin Jiangxian, although he only has ten years of life... But I think Cang Wu needs her."

This "she" naturally refers to Mu Ying. The descendants of the royal family are only ten years old, and they need someone to assist them. Mu Ying is the best choice in terms of prestige and ability.

So Cang Liusu specially found Linjiang Xian, who lived in seclusion after the war, and reshaped Mu Yu's body.

And now, the feud between the human race and the demon race can finally come to an end.

"Fortear, when you recover, I'll take you to see someone."


"A person who can reverse time and space."