Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 16 Pucao's Wish 6

The meat had no time to explain. He sat on the stool and began to slow down his luck. Gradually, a strong airflow emerged from his body, and everyone present could feel it.

is forcibly digesting Xi Zhenwan... A touch of surprise flashed in Lan Ming's eyes.

"After eating Xizhen pills, it took a long time to digest, but Mu Sheng was working hard to forcibly absorb it. He wanted to..."

Something is gradually different. The mana of the meat seems to increase sharply, and he sweats coldly because he is doing his best, but he still tries his best to digest it, hoping that the sooner the better...

Only the last obstacle was left... The flesh fiercely exerted his strength, and the wind brought by his body made his hair tied behind him messy. He flew around and reflected the blue airflow around him, and his white face was a touch of pink.

Slowly calm down and breathe, and the meat opens its eyes. This time, even the red man can feel it - it's different!

"Mu Sheng..." she muttered.

got up and walked to the forcisian. The little crescent gave way for him. The meat sat down, took out the sharp blade in his arms and hit his wrist. The blood immediately flowed out, and the meat moved his wrist to the lips, allowing every drop of blood to flow into her mouth.

It turned out to be like this... It was not until this moment that the other three in the room knew that Mu Sheng wanted to save Forsia like this.

"I hope it is useful, I hope it is useful, I hope it is useful..." Hongshang kept praying with her hands together, but she couldn't help asking, "Why did forsythia give such a good thing as Xi Zhenwan to that person? Wouldn't it be better if I gave it to you?" She hasn't even seen a woman who came out inexplicably!

Watching his blood slowly flow into the forage's body, and his thin lips opened slightly.

"I'm afraid she wants to give it to us, but she can't."

At that time, they were all fighting with monsters, and no one could pull out.

"And for the dying forclipsia, the person who is with her, let her think more or less what she can do for the other party."

Such for forsian makes many people confused. Why did they give such an important thing to a person who meets each other?

But he understands.

For for forsythia, Xizhen Pill is an ordinary ball. Even if you tell her how powerful it is, she won't know how to use it.

And the man named Pucao is the one she wants to protect. He remembered what he looked like when he cried in the woods because of his lack of ability.

This is a girl who is always so unconfident, always wants to help others, and always suffers losses - this is forsythia, who never considers the forsythia. Meat began to worry. If he is not here one day, how can this stupid and naive girl survive?

"However, what's wrong with this Xi Zhenwan?" Little crescent interrupted.

Why was Xi Zhenwan, who was robbed, sent back?

The blood of the flesh was still flowing, and his white skin was paler and almost began to become transparent. His thin lips squeezed tightly, and he stared at **'s forthia. Looking at her slightly better face, he was finally relieved.

Although he lost a lot of blood this time and almost lost half his life, it's worth it as long as he can save the fortigo.


Dah, Da, Da...

Under the plum tree, there was a rocking chair. The man in purple lay on it, with his right hand on the armrest of the rocking chair, tapping on the smooth board.

The winter sun shined on his face through layers of branches, and Yin Shuo closed her eyes as if she were enjoying the warmth. The plum blossoms are blooming quietly, and when the wind blows, they seem to be fragrant.

"Do you know what will happen if the task is not completed?"

Hearing the demon king's words, Pucao, who was kneeling on the ground, kowtowed to him again, but his voice was as calm as water.

"I know."

Somehow surprised, Yin Shuo opened her eyes and looked at the woman kneeling on the ground. She didn't know what she was thinking about at this time, and her expression was as elegant as never before.

raised her hand and snapped her finger, and a famous maid came this way with a tray, with a small red wine glass on the plate. The maid squatted down gently, and Pu Cao straightened up her upper body, took the cup in her right hand, raised her head and drank it all.

Yin Shuo's eyes were half-squinted and half-opened. The person in front of him was a fake girl. She had a mission, but after coming back, it was very different from before. All the anger on her body disappeared, and at this moment, the person who fell to the ground painfully because of the attack of poison, but her eyes turned out to be...

De relief?


As soon as the day was dawn, the little girl who was still sleeping was pulled up from **. She didn't care about it and rudely pulled her neckline and walked out of the door.

opened the wooden door at home and threw the girl out like garbage, with an indignant expression on her face.

"I told Xiang'er that it's not good to pick up something. You have to pick up an ominous object with a birthmark on your face. Is that okay? A good purchase can also cause an accident. Now people lie in Langzhong's house and don't know whether they are dead or alive! You... you dead girl! Get out of here!"

She closed the wooden door fiercely, and the old woman walked towards Lang Zhong's house and spit on her as she passed by. The little girl stared at the woman leaving, but knew in her heart that she had been abandoned again...

But, but... but Brother Xiang won't...

Brother Xiang, who was only 20 years old, picked her up from the street and has been so good to her that he won't dislike her!

Hmm! That's it! She stood up, quietly followed the old woman, and followed her to Langzhong's house.

The little girl hid secretly until the old woman left. She trembled into the room. The simple man who was drinking medicine was stunned when he saw her, and then turned his head.

The atmosphere is a little awkward.

"Brother Xiang, Xiang..." The little girl opened her mouth gently. She ran to Brother Xiang's bed, held the edge of the bed with both hands, and complained, "The aunt drove me out... I... I haven't eaten for a day..."

A thin anger suddenly flashed on the man's face. He suddenly looked at the seven-year-old girl with a cold voice.

"Let's go, we don't have any money to support you. Don't come again."

How, how could it be... The little girl looked at him in a daze, and the first meeting between the two flashed in her mind. When Brother Xiang took her home, the warmth in his hand was so gentle and gentle...

Seeing that the girl still didn't leave, he frowned impatiently.

"Have you not made me miserable enough?! Since you lived in our house, our family has been a thief, followed by a recurrence of my father's old illness, and then a fire broke out in the kitchen. Now my carriage has overturned in a place where no one is - do you know! Do you know!! I--my leg!"

The man took a deep breath, his hand slowly slipped to his leg, and tears appeared in his eyes: "My leg is useless. Our family can't afford you, so go, let's go--"

It's not invisible... The disgust in her eyes makes the little girl see it clearly.

Didn't you say that those were accidents before? Why does Brother Xiang, like others, think it's all because of her? Or is it really because of her?

Looking at the little girl still looking at herself stupid, the man couldn't help shouting, "Get out--"

Get out! - The little girl suddenly retreated, and she cried aggrievedly, in exchange for more fierce words. She finally understood that her brother Xiang, who she thought would be good to him forever, also abandoned her and didn't want her. Turning around and running out of the door, the little figure shuttled through the crowded crowd. She couldn't remember that this was the first time she had been abandoned...

It's such a day.

Escaped from the home disliked by her father and stepmother, she was taken home by a kind lady, adopted by a kind old woman, and helped by a helpful uncle...

But these people who are good to her are obviously good to her, obviously accept her, give her warmth and give her hope, but why... why did they abandon her with their own hands in the end!

"Today, Nianlang came to my house to ask for a divorce... You go! If it weren't for you! How could Nianlang get rid of the marriage?! You ominous person, leave my house quickly! You go, you go!——"

"What on earth did I do... Unexpectedly, a white-haired man sent a black-haired man... You girl, you... After you came, there was a lot of disaster at home... You go, you go..."

"A person who is so healthy... How can he die in childbirth... I shouldn't! My asshole! She told me that you were an ominous person and let me lose you, but I still kept you! - She left! She gave up on me! She punishes me with death now!! - I, I don't want to see you again!! Go!!——"

She abandoned again and again, and every time she couldn't believe it. Why did she say such vicious words? Why did she push all the sins on her? Why is everyone regretting that they took her in? Why on earth is this???

What a warm smile...

Beautiful sister...

A kind old lady...

A kind-hearted uncle...

And...and...and Brother Xiang...

Gang her warmth and her home, but in the end, he roared and asked her to get out of here... Let her get out!!

Hypocritical human beings!! Let her carry all the mistakes - she hates it! She hates!! She hates!!!

"It's rare to have such a strong hatred." The man in purple raised her chin with the folding fan in his hand and looked at the girl's hateful eyes. He asked, "Tell me what your wish is. I'm in a good mood today. Maybe I can help you finish it.

A face that disliked her flashed in her mind, and the little girl said without hesitation:

"Kill all those who hate me."

Gently raised his eyebrows, but the man in purple saw something available from her, so he said, "Yes. But you have to give up your human identity and fall into the demon path. Would you like to?"

Hearing his answer, the little girl immediately knelt down to him--

"I do!"

As long as she is given strength and allows her to kill all those who look down on her, she is willing to exchange everything!

Kill all those people! Kill all those people!!


Blood flowed from his mouth, and the grass lying on the ground opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the clear sky, but a forsythia figure suddenly appeared in front of him...

Foria...that fool...

The dying papyrus sneered on his face.

She has lived for so long, and forear is the stupidest girl she has ever seen.

It's easy to believe in her play, and it's easy to feel sorry for her. Many kind-hearted people will have some sympathy for a poor girl like her...

Isn't the door that fell for no reason and the wine bottle that fell for no reason enough to prove that her cattail is the beginning of bad luck? If not, what about the suddenly killed demons? - Hate her! Scold her quickly! Hurry up and say that she is an ominous person and hate her!!

But why - why - why is her expression so gentle, why is she dying but still telling her - "It's not because of Pucao, it's just a coincidence"?

Even, even!! He even gave her such an important Xi Zhenwan!!

This stupid woman! Do you know that you have been cheated? Just as she stood up and smiled disdainfully, she knew that she had been cheated!

She was obviously cheated... She should feel disgusting and should hate her... But why... why...

That day, she could see that the dying forearm lay in the teenager's arms and looked at her in the air. At first, she was surprised, but finally became... A second before she fell into a coma, but a smile clearly flashed in her eyes...

The task is completed, isn't it? She can work well, can't she? But why, as long as she thought that such a smile would disappear from the world, her heart began to have a dull pain. Xi Zhenwan, what an important thing, she actually put it in an envelope and sent it back with her own hands...

The sight in front of her gradually began to fade, and the grass lying on the ground gently closed her eyes. She knew that she was going to die. Now think about it, how incredible it is to send Xi Zhenwan back... In fact... she is just a fool...

When she saw the demon king for the first time, the demon king asked her her wish. What was her answer... "Kill all those who hate me"? Ha... She is a complete fool... How can she make a wish randomly with the hard-won opportunity to make a wish... Mingming, Mingming... Her wish is not like this...

Over the years, she has been killing everywhere, and the name of the Red Lady has been remembered by everyone in Cang Wu Continent. In the demon world, she is admired by all demons. Among the twelve demon princesses, she is the most outstanding and valued by the demon king. After killing too many people, no one dares to show disgust when looking at her, but only awe and fear.

Only awe and fear.

What she wants...isn't this...

She just wants someone and really smiles at her... She won't change because of anything...

That's all.

Other women can easily get... the smile of her parents, the smile of her brothers and sisters, the smile of her friends, the smile of her husband... Why is she the only one... She will bring disaster wherever she goes... She can't get such a simple smile...

But now, she got...the girl...the girl named Forsian... smiled at her at the last second when she fell into a coma...

All the strength disappeared, and the papyrus lying on the ground finally tilted its head feebly and left the world forever.

It's just her mouth, but with a smile.

Yin Shuo stood up. He looked at the body on the ground and said, "It's really different."

Why did the former Chishara girl show such a gentle smile?


The night was dark, and the foreared foreared, who had just woken up, lay in ** with a note in her hand. After reading it, she hid in the quilt and cried in a small voice.

- Thank you, forsythia.