Cat Travels: The Road to the Devil

Chapter 18 Murong Xue

"King." The person in charge of the survey knelt down.

Yin Shuo wiped his fingers with a tissue. He looked at the person and opened his mouth faintly.


"King Qi, my subordinates found that Chi Shaluo returned Xi Zhenwan to the group of people in the inn, and now it has been eaten by an exorcist teenager in a dark blue Taoist robe."

"He eats fast."

"The woman who was seriously injured by the serpen also seems to have survived, Wang, we..."

"Originally, I just wanted Xi Zhenwan, but they were so ignorant... Did they eat it? Since you dare to eat such a good thing, you have to pay a price.

"Please order the king."

"Let the dark demon girl kill them for me."



The wind chime, who had just woken up, was forcibly pressed in front of Mrs. Li by two maids. Seeing that she did not kneel, she kicked her leg and forced her to kneel down.

Mrs. Li, dressed in pink and gorgeous clothes, looked at the arrogant woman who was straight even if she knelt down, and her eyes were a little more disdainful.

"Sooner or later, you will be a member of the Demon King. Why do you have to embarrass yourself?"

Fengling has a cold face and doesn't say a word.

Mrs. Li stood up and walked around the wind chime, her eyes turning around her body.

"Yes, I'm a little beautiful, and I feel that I'm beautiful, so I'm arrogant?" Looking at her, Mrs. Li walked towards the calligraphy and painting in the room step by step and ordered, "You two, help her come with me."

The two little maids rudely pulled up the forsythia and pressed her behind Mrs. Li. Mrs. Li stopped at the calligraphy and painting, gently tapped the lotus on the calligraphy and painting twice, and the wall beside her turned over.

Mrs Li lit the torch in her hand. She walked towards the wet and dark passage with the corners of her pink skirt. Two maids pressed the wind chimes, and the three of them walked just right.

It looks like a relatively small dark room, and they quickly come to an end. Mrs. Li turned the stone on the wall, and the stone door in front of her was changed and opened. Starting to walk in, she lit every candle in the secret room. Slowly, the secret room became very bright.

"This is my collection room. Let me show you the babies in my collection."

It seemed that Mrs. Li, who was in her forties, turned around and looked at the enlarged pupils of Fengling, with a smug smile on her mouth.

--This, this... Fengling looked at this secret room in disbelief. She could see each glass bottle on the stone table, with water, petals, and - human head!

No, that's not right! Fengling looked over one by one. In addition to the head, some had fingers, some feet, some ears, and some only hair! Each glass bottle is filled with petals of different colors, reflecting people's limbs. How weird it is...

"These are the women who were sent before. After they died, I cut down what I liked and put them here to treasure. When I hide it for a hundred years, these good things soaked in wine are fragrant and definitely the best food.

Suddenly feeling nausea, Fengling stared at the woman in front of her. She was absolutely a pervert! Pervert!!

"No, the prince plays so well, so... I can't help..."

The prince in white wears plain clothes without too many hanging decorations, and his beautiful face looks the same, but his temperament is extraordinary and not ordinary people at first glance.

"I don't know if the prince is..." Fengling doubted her identity. This should be the back garden of the demon king's concubine. How can there be a man in it?

The man in white suddenly realized that he quickly raised his fist at the wind bell.

"I forgot to introduce the dancer of the demon king. How abrupt. I hope the girl is not surprised."

The musician... Fengling looked at him and thought that there was still a musician in his concubine's residence, and he was such a red-lipped and white-toothed musician... This demon king was also...

It seemed to see Fengling's mind. A touch of bright red flashed on the man's face in white, and he explained:

"Absolutely not what the girl thinks. My Royal Highness is innocent... We absolutely don't...

The voice stopped, because the wind chime on the opposite gave him a "appoint" smile, and the smile was clear - I didn't say anything. You said it yourself.

Looking at the embarrassment on the man's face getting heavier and heavier, Fengling's mood suddenly improved. She smiled and said, "I'm kidding, please don't be surprised. My name is Lin Fengling. How about you?

"You are Fengling..." The white-clothed pianist looked at her with a flash of surprise in his eyes, but also replied, "Hello, Fengling girl, Murong Xue, will be your royal pianist from today on."