
Chapter 21 The Hall of Nothingness

Canghai said in a low voice, "This is not something strange, but that I don't seem to know him. It's a little strange."

Yun Yi: "What the laughing hero said is good. After our research, the patterns above the void hall are indeed some sky star maps, but none of them are complete. This is the most unpredictable place."

Xiao Canghai was stunned and asked, "Can you be sure that it is all incomplete, not a complete one?" Yun Yi said in a low voice, "For this reason, our nine brothers have studied for 200 years, and naturally we can be sure."

Liu Yunyang asked, "Since it is incomplete, where is the residual part?" Yun Yi smiled bitterly and said, "If we knew, we wouldn't have invited the hero to come."

Liu Yunyang said nothing, and Xiao Canghai said with a smile, "Maybe what he originally wanted is incompleteness, not completeness."

Yun Yi was puzzled and asked, "What's the explanation of the laughing hero?" Xiao Canghai smiled mysteriously and did not answer, but Liu Yunyang said, "There is also beauty in the incompleteness. If you pursue perfection too much, you will fall into a misunderstanding."

Yun Yi thought about him and said with some approval, "This also makes sense. After all, there are too few complete things in the world, and the only incompleteness is to exist forever in the world."

Liu Yunyang smiled flatly, and his mind turned to the hall of nothingness, and his eyes flashed with a faint look.

During the observation, Liu Yunyang showed his spiritual eyes, and suddenly the scene in front of him was much clearer, but he still couldn't figure out the patterns on the door of the hall.

Through the observation of the eye of the soul, Liu Yunyang's biggest discovery is that the dazzling light around the hall has disappeared, but some things that could not be seen before have appeared and are running around the hall at a strange frequency.

These so-called invisible things are actually just some light clouds. They condensed together to form twenty-four ribbons, shining faint light and alternating between each other.

Around the hall, some strange patterns are formed.

These patterns are very special, somewhat similar to those on the door of the hall, but although they are uncertain, the overall position remains unchanged and does not shift with the rotation of the hall.

Thinking about the key, Liu Yunyang has several speculations in his mind.

First, the patterns composed of these clouds are just a decoration, in order to decorate the hall.

Add a little mystery to it.

Second, the pattern composed of clouds is generated by the mysterious power of the hall itself, which is just a disguise that confuses people's eyes.

Third, this pattern hides a secret. As long as you unlock it, you can open the door of the hall.

The fourth is the possibility other than these three possibilities.

The first, second and fourth are not worth paying attention to. The important thing is the third inference.

If there is a secret hidden in it, what kind of secret would it be? Thinking about it.

Liu Yunyang looked at the hall in a daze, but his mind flew to another place.

I am painstakingly enlightened.

In this case, Liu Yunyang was in a trance, and when his consciousness was blurred, a spiritual light flashed.

let him catch a trace of breath.

When he came to his senses, Liu Yunyang looked at the hall carefully and found that whenever the hall turned to a certain direction, the pattern on the door would overlap with the fixed pattern.

Form a brand-new pattern with each other.

With this discovery, Liu Yunyang was overjoyed, but soon he calmed down, because he suddenly realized that there were hundreds of patterns produced by this combination arrangement. From which angle does the hall turn to, is this domestic and foreign wrong pattern really paired? This is a very critical question.

After mastering the mystery, Liu Yunyang began to analyze carefully and screened with his own subjective consciousness. It was difficult for him to judge whether it was right or wrong.

At this time, after observing for a long time, Xiao Canghai beside him seemed to have no big discovery. His eyes couldn't help but move to him and pay attention to his expression.

Looking at Liu Yunyang's dull appearance, Xiao Canghai understood that he had mostly understood something, and did not open his mouth to disturb him. Instead, he moved to Yun's side and asked in a low voice, "Two hundred years is not short. I think you have more or less aware of some things. I don't know what major discoveries are Yun Yi said bitterly, "To tell you the truth, in order to let you crack the secrets smoothly and quickly, I will never hide the clues that can be provided. But to be honest, there is really nothing to provide reference about this empty hall."

Xiao Canghai frowned slightly and said, "I think you also broke through at the beginning. Can you tell me how it feels. Yun thought about it and said strangely, "As far as I know, the feeling of each of the three magic cloud halls is different.

In the Hall of Thousands of Illusions, thousands of phantoms rushed to my face when I broke through. Although I knew that it was a phantom, it was very easy to have an illusion, and even a little less, I would fall into the danger of going crazy.

In this empty hall, it is completely the opposite. Without the slightest illusion, the whole person is like entering the vast sea. The boundless and powerless feeling is extremely clear.

And the big hall is the most eccentric. It feels like shuttling between countless time and space. The speed change is dazzling, and it has been bounced before I can experience it too much.

Xiao Canghai's face was heavy, he frowned and said no words, and his thoughts fell into meditation.

According to Zhao Yunyi's statement, the Thousand Magic Hall is only an illusion and easy to crack, so it took them two hundred years to unlock the mystery.

This illusory hall is boundless, infinitely vast and powerless. Although it is difficult, it should be able to solve it.

The remaining Taiyi Hall is unpredictable. What is the hidden key? Taiyi, Taiyi, what does it mean? Can you enter it by unlocking this secret? While thinking about it, the triple room regained its tranquility. Liu Yunyang continued his exploration, laughing at the sea and bowing his head and saying nothing. The rest of the cloud looked at this side and there, with a confused expression.

* Time passed in silence. During this period, Liu Yunyang was dedicated and had gained a certain amount.

From his observation, it was found that the rotation speed of the void hall was not fast, so according to the analysis, the pattern on the door and the pattern composed of the outer clouds should be retained for a period of time when they overlap.

Of course, this time is very short, but with the naked eye, it is enough to distinguish a lot of things.

However, this is not the case in fact. Although the overall rotation speed of the hall is not fast, Liu Yunyang found that it will have six extremely weak vibrations in the process of autobiography.

And these six times are exactly the time when the pattern on the door of the temple is intertwined with the pattern of the outer clouds.

In other words, when the door of the hall is staggered with the cloud pattern, the speed of the autobiography remains unchanged, but once it overlaps, it should not be a short time, but it is staggered instantly because of the faint vibration of the hall.

In this way, it is much more difficult to distinguish whether the pattern is complete with the naked eye.

With this discovery, Liu Yunyang's heart was a little heavy, but he was more sure that there must be a relationship. Otherwise, why did this happen? Putting away the distracting thoughts, Liu Yunyang was absorbed, capturing the staggered moment with the eyes of the soul, and distinguished the mystery.

Soon the palace rotated around, leaving a flow pattern in Liu Yunyang's mind, but he didn't understand which one was paired at all.

In view of this, Liu Yunyang shook his body and staggered 60 degrees. He began to pay attention to the pattern composed of the second cloud gas, observed the changes in the same way, and got six sets of patterns.

Later, Liu Yunyang and so on. In the surprised eyes of Xiao Canghai and Yun Yi, he changed his position four times in a row and collected thirty-six patterns, but which six were the most matched, and he was still at a loss.

Stop, Liu Yunyang thought about the key. How can we clearly distinguish who is paired with whom? This problem is a little complicated. At least for a person who doesn't understand the star map, without the judgment of experience, he can only make up for his shortcomings and find out the key from other aspects.

After careful analysis, Liu Yunyang felt that it may not be easy to see anything one by one. If he compares two pairs, three pairs and six pairs together, it will be much easier.

Thinking of this, Liu Yunyang also didn't care about the smiling sea and Yunyi calling beside him. His body flashed rapidly and displayed the "clouds are changeable". His body was divided into two parts. At the moment when the door of the hall of nothingness and the cloud pattern overlapped, his body appeared in front of the two nearby halls at the .

These are simple to say, but it is a little difficult to do.

The reason is that the time when the door of the hall overlaps with the cloud pattern is extremely short. Liu Yunyang should be separated in two places at the same time and observe the result from an accurate angle. Naturally, it requires full concentration and the corresponding speed.

beside him, Yun Yi asked in surprise, "Laughing hero, did your cousin find anything?" Nk"