
Chapter 74 Purple Dragon Jade pendant

Canghai pondered for a moment and said strangely, "I heard that the willow got a pair of purple dragons in those years. The second condition of Xiao is to want it!" Hearing this, Yunlei's face changed greatly, and they all looked at Xiao Canghai in atun, as if this request was too sudden.

beside him, Liu Yunyang was a little confused. What on earth is this Zilongpei? Why did the four people of Yunlei become so surprised when they heard that they wanted it? Xiao Canghai looked at the four people and waited silently, and the four Yunlei also looked at Xiao Canghai, and no one spoke.

Silence wandered around the crowd. After a long time, Yun Lei seemed to calm down and asked in a low voice, "Can't the laughing hero change his request?" Xiao Canghai said in a low voice, "If you don't change it, I want it!" Yun Lei sighed softly when he heard the words and said bitterly, "Since the laughing hero insists on it, it is not convenient for me to postpone it. Everything depends on you.

It's just that I have a condition that you two have to wait until my teacher wakes up before leaving.

Xiao Canghai said indifferently, "Okay, it's all settled.

Should I give it to Xiao now? Yun Lei smiled with vicissitudes of life and said reluctantly, "Yun Yi, please give the time and space shuttle to the laughing hero.

As for Zilongpei, I'm going to get it right away. Please wait a moment.

After the words fell, he turned around and flew into the distance. Yun Yi took out something from his arms and handed it into the hands of Xiao Canghai.

Looking at the three-inch-sized eight-faced exquisite tower in his hand, Xiao Canghai questioned, "Is this the space-time shuttle?" Yun Yi said, "Yes, what do you think the laughing hero looks like?" Laugh a few times.

Xiao Canghai said, "The first time I saw it, it was really a little unexpected.

By the way, at this time, I need to ask more about the truth of the air shuttle, otherwise I won't need to borrow it.

Yunyi walked to him, talked to him for a while, and then said, "Xiao Daxia has a try when he has time. If there is anything else that is not clear, just ask me then."

nodded with a smile, Xiao Canghai lowered his head and studied the space-time shuttle in his hand.

For a moment, the five people fell silent.

For a long time, Yun Lei returned from a distance, which attracted everyone's attention, and everyone put their eyes on his hands.


A layer of faint purple light flashes with streamer, which gives people a kind of shock from afar, which makes people clearly feel that an unusual force is emitting a sacred light.

Looking at Yun Lei's right hand in surprise.

Liu Yunyang found that the colorful jade beads in his body had reacted, which made him understand that what was in front of him was absolutely extraordinary.

On the side, Xiao Canghai exclaimed and looked at Liu Yunyang strangely.

It's like watching a monster.

Yunyi, Yunhua and Yunying heard the sound. At first, they were just curious and didn't understand why Xiao Canghai exclaimed.

After a while.

The three of them also looked at Liu Yunyang in horror.

Incredible eyes revealed in his eyes.

Aware of the strangeness of the people beside him, Liu Yunyang was very confused.

asked, "What's wrong with everyone? Why are you looking at me like this? Is there something wrong with me?" Xiao Canghai and Yun Yi and others didn't say anything, but looked at him strangely.

At this time, the cloud thunder just fell. At the sight of Liu Yunyang's whole body faintly revealing a layer of colorful light, he was also a little surprised and didn't understand why.

Put away the distracting thoughts, Yun Lei looked at the sea of laughter and said reluctantly, "Laughing hero, I've got the purple dragon pendant. You can take it."

After saying that, his right hand was loosened, and suddenly a purple light filled the four directions, so that everyone was shrouded in this layer of sacred light.

At this critical time, Yunlei suddenly exclaimed, and the purple dragon pendant in his hand automatically flew out and shot at Liu Yunyang.

The sudden change surprised everyone, but the next more surprising thing was that when the purple dragon penet flew close to Liu Yunyang, the two jade pendants that were originally glued together automatically separated, flying around Liu Yunyang on the left and the right, and flew two purple dragons from the purple jade pendant, hovering around Liu Yunyang. He firmly protects his body.

Looking at this scene in surprise, Yun Lei said in a daze, "Laughing hero, look at this-" Xiao Canghai smiled bitterly, and then calmed down and said indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I'm going to come and give it to my cousin. Now that Zilongpei automatically recognizes the Lord,

Yun Lei shook his head helplessly when he heard the words, and his expression was a little sad.

On the side, Yun patted him on the shoulder and comforted him, "Brother, don't think too much. This is also Liu Shaoxia's fate. Otherwise, how could this happen?" Yun Lei sighed softly, "I know it's just a little touching."

Here, Liu Yunyang was also a little surprised when Zilongpei flew, but soon he understood that the colorful jade beads in his body were doing something, so he relaxed and didn't want anything. He left everything to the colorful jade beads to deal with. He just watched silently and paid attention to the mystery.

Because he had nothing to think about, although he did not enter the ethereal realm, he also clearly saw that the sacred light emitted by the purple dragon pendant was intertwined with the colorful light emitted by the colorful jade beads in his body, and the two sides soon merged into one, creating some indescribable connection.

In Liu Yunyang's feeling, Zilongpei also seemed to have its own consciousness, but it was not as strong as the colorful jade beads, so it was soon controlled by the colorful jade beads and became some kind of appendage of his body.

Liu Yunyang was a little happy about this, but he was a little uneasy.

Joy is because of the defense of the Purple Dragon Page, I am much safer than before.

Uneasy is that the purple dragon pendant is not controlled by himself, but by the colorful jade beads, which makes him feel a little inconvenient.

While thinking, the colorful glow of Liu Yunyang's whole body gradually faded and soon disappeared.

At this time, the purple dragon pendant was also greatly affected by it. Finally, the purple dragon returned to its position, and the jade pendant closed the wall and turned into a faint purple light and fell on Liu Yunyang's hand.

Looking at the transparent jade pendant, the two purple dragons of different shapes flashed from time to time, like living things, giving people a sense of mystery.

In this regard, Liu Yunyang was a little surprised. He looked up at Xiao Canghai and asked blankly, "This-----" Xiao Canghai shook his head indifferently. After taking a few glances of the purple dragon pendant, he returned it to him and said, "In the future, you can keep this jade pendant. Now you'd Let's do it."

Liu Yunyang hesitated for a moment, then put away the jade pendant and walked to Yun Lei.

without waiting for him to speak, Yun Lei pulled him aside, carefully told him everything about the purple dragon pendant, and told him the effect of the purple dragon pendant and taught him how to use it.

After Liu Yunyang figured out everything, Yunlei accompanied him back to Xiao Canghai.

took a look at the crowd and said with a smile, "Now that the matter has come to an end, it is not convenient for us to disturb.

I'm going to look around when I have time, and it's worth my trip here.

As for Yunyang, he learned miscellaneous but not refined. He just took time to practice more, so we left first.

Yun Lei said, "Don't be polite, just think of this as your home, and everything is casual.

After the master has news, we will inform both of you.

Now we won't keep you. Remember to walk around more and have a look.

Xiao Canghai smiled, and then pulled Liu Yunyang away.

As he saw the two of them go away, Yun Lei said sadly, "Now there are only four of us in Liuyun Wonderland. In the future, everyone remembers to love each other and don't quarrel with each other again."

Yunhua sighed, "Brother, don't worry, we won't do it in the future.

Now you and Yunying's sister go back first, and let Yun guard here.

As soon as there is news, I will ask him to inform you immediately.

Yun Lei was silent for a moment, took a look at Yunying, who had never opened his mouth, and whispered, "Well, it's up to you.

Yunying wants to be open. Go back and have more rest.

After saying that, he left sadly.

In the next few days, Xiao Canghai occasionally studied the space-time shuttle, occasionally wandered around, and lived a comfortable life.

Liu Yunyang has been practicing his unique skills and seizes the time to strengthen his comprehensive strength.

Through a few days of efforts, Liu Yunyang's cultivation has been significantly improved. At the same time, his personality has also changed. His whole body is more quiet, his face has changed less and less, and his mind is hidden deeper.

On this day, after practicing, Liu Yunyang thought about it carefully and found that he had really learned a lot.

First of all, there are colorful jade beads and nine heavenly flames in the body, and there are also two great secrets of fire and mysterious ice.

Secondly, the "Xuanyuan Beheading Method" taught by Xie Zun, the "Ice Soul Destroying Sword Secret" on the god of the Icefield, and the "Holy Dragon Eight Beheading Method" and the self-created "Cangyun Bai Transformation Method" on the Holy Dragon Tripod.

Third, with the help of colorful jade beads, he inadvertently understood the "eye of the soul" and met all kinds of wonderful experiences in Liuyun fairyland, which made him learn a lot from it, including the "illusion of infinite" in the seven unique clouds.
