
Chapter 197 Destiny

For this reason, she turned her eyes and saw a dry branch a few feet away. She quickly climbed over and picked it up.

Sitting on the edge of the cliff, she waved the branch with difficulty, and soon hit a peach. Unfortunately, she rolled down to the cliff, which made her a little frustrated.

withdrew his eyes and continued to wave the branches. Soon, the second and third fell, and they all rolled down the cliff.

With a bitter smile, he looked up at the sky and said reluctantly, "If this is the blow you want to give me and the curse you want to give me, then I won't be afraid of you."

The sky is speechless, only the scorching sun is high.

He bowed his head and rested for a while. He waved the branches for the third time. This time, he finally got what he wanted. A peach fell into a thick grass two feet away.

Put down the branches and crawled towards the grass with some excitement. In a while, he came to the grass, separated the weeds with his hands, and looked for the peaches.

Suddenly, Xiwang screamed. The peach did not find it, but found a white bone submerged in the soil in the grass, which made her frightened, and her body immediately lost its balance and fell to the ground.

He propped up and crawled hard with both hands. In a panic, he just wanted to leave quickly, but he didn't find that the unconscious right foot tripped over something.

After a while, Xiwang climbed out of his feet. He was exhausted and was so tired that he lay on the ground to rest.

At this time, there was suddenly a dark shadow in the sky, like a cloud, shrouded in the top of Xiwang's head.

He looked up and looked at his face in surprise.

A huge eagle, three feet in size, is looking at itself fiercely.

For this reason, I hope to support the ground with both hands, move quickly, and try my best to escape.

Who thought it was like this? A pull came from her feet and tripped her body.

Look back and look behind you.

found a ribbon hanging on his right foot, on which was a shining pendant, reflecting the sunlight, which was very magical.

Turn around.

Xi Wang grabbed the ribbon with his hand and soon grabbed the pendant in his hand, showing intoxication on his face.

This is a transparent jade pendant, which is heart-shaped.

In the middle is a purple light spot.

is very thin, almost invisible, but it is so clear.

The chain of the jade pendant is made of pure gold, which is exquisite and unique, with a faint aura.

s sighed and said to himself, "If Feng'er is still there, how beautiful it would be to put this jade pendant on her neck.

It's a pity-" While talking, Xi Wang gently put it on his neck.

At that moment.

A wisp of light flashed, and then her whole body shook, and her eyes mutated in an instant.

An eagle's cry was deafening and woke up Xiwang from intoxication.

Look up.

I hope to look at the giant eagle.

found that it rushed down in the air and pointed it straight at itself.

For this.

She was shocked and angry, but limited to her physical condition, she had nowhere to hide, so she had to curse unwillingly. At this time, the ground suddenly shook, and a huge strange snake broke out of the ground and roared at the approaching giant eagle.

There was no sign of the strange snake's appearance. It not only bounced its body away tens of feet, but also surprised the giant eagle that fell down and quickly roared and flew away.

Looking at the strange snake, Xi Wang's face was shocked. The snake was ten feet long and nearly ten feet thick, with a blood-red crown on its head, spewing out a faint red fog from time to time.

The strange snake has a pair of dark green eyes, a little scales on its body, and its back is blue-brown. At this time, it is hovering in a ball, spitting out a long red letter, and looking at the giant eagle in the air with vigilance.

With a fierce roar, the giant eagle issued a warning threat, hoping that the strange snake would leave.

In response, the strange snake roared, raised its head high, and gave the same warning.

With an angry sound, the giant eagle flew down, and its claws sent out a sharp wind blade. With its own iron mouth, it launched a fierce attack.

The strange snake roared, the mouth was poisoned and the air flew, and the huge head moved left and right to cope with the attack of the giant eagle.

Eagles and snakes, natural enemies since ancient times, between them, eagles have some advantages, but snakes are not easy to deal with. The final result depends on the wisdom and strength of both sides.

Looking at the giant beast fighting in surprise, Xiwang was a little stunned.

From childhood to adulthood, she never knew that there were such huge eagles and such huge strange snakes in the world.

At this time, she witnessed everything with her own eyes. In addition to her shock, she was also thinking that the eagle suddenly appeared and attacked her, just to satisfy her hunger? If so, why did the strange snake appear? Is it to grab food from the giant eagle, or for other reasons? Time passed in the battle of the giant beast.

The battle between the eagle and snake was fruitless in the end, and the eagle was unwilling to retreat.

In this regard, Xiwang was a little surprised. Originally, she thought that the giant eagle would win, but in the end, the giant eagle was injured and left.

The strange snake is also seriously injured, but it is large, hard and thick, and doesn't care about the scars left by the giant eagle on its body.

At this time, the strange snake approached Xiwang, and the dark green eyes stared at Xiwang, making her whole body tense and almost unable to breathe.

Due to the disability of her legs, she can't escape, so she can only face everything calmly with uneasiness.

The strange snake stopped and looked in front of her, and her red tongue flew to Xiwang's face. The cold and soft feeling made her whole body numb, and she almost couldn't help collapsing.

For a moment, the strange snake withdrew the red letter, moved its eyes to the jade pendant on her neck, and whispered softly, faintly with a little nostalgia.

Xiwang was very shocked. The strange snake did not eat her, which surprised her, and at the same time, she vaguely understood some things.

He bowed his head, looked at the jade pendant on his neck, and whispered, "You know what you have, don't you?" The strange snake nodded slightly, and then shook the snake's tail, sending out a swing force, bouncing up Xiwang's body, let her fall on the snake's back, and took her to the middle of the mountain forest.

Xi Wang was a little surprised. He held the body of the strange snake in his hands and asked, "Where are you taking me?" The strange snake roared and turned into a strange voice, which sounded in the bottom of his heart: "Five hundred years of waiting, fate or evil, it depends on your luck."

Xi Wang was shocked and asked puzzledly, "What 500 years of waiting? I don't understand what you mean. Who are you?" The voice said, "Don't ask too much. Right and wrong are fate. It's all fate. It depends on God's will whether it's success or not!" Xi Wang wondered, "Why don't you explain it more?" The wind roared around, and the strange snake rushed forward, but there was no sound at all.

She didn't give up and asked again, but the result was still the same, which made her smile bitterly and had to stop mentioning it.

In terms of hope, I have been disabled since I was a child and cursed by God.

So far, my dearest sister has also died. I don't care anymore, so why do I care where the strange snake takes me? Thinking of this, Xiwang suddenly calmly let go of everything.

In the clouds, Liu Yunyang flew while looking at the scenery under his feet, and his whole body fell into meditation.

The trip to Aoyue Villa is over. Although the revenge was not successful, it is also a relief to rescue the four people in Tieshan.

Next, revenge will continue, but is there nothing else to do besides revenge? Thinking of this, Liu Yunyang's face showed complicated feelings. A past event made him have a certain expectation and eagerness in his heart.

Suddenly, Liu Yunyang was shocked and quickly looked down at his feet. On a mountain peak, two shuttle figures echoed up and down and were fighting fiercely.

Stop, Liu Yunyang fell quietly, hiding in a tree, staring at the two people who were fighting.

At the peak, one white and one black figure is extremely fast. The man in white is twenty-three or twenty-four years old, elegant and elegant, and his swordsmanship is amazing.

The man in black was about thirty years old. He was a little handsome, but there was a little gloomy smile on the corners of his mouth. He used a centipede sword in his hand, and his moves were extremely vicious.

Looking at the two, Liu Yunyang was slightly surprised and said to himself, "It's Yunbao. I didn't expect to meet him here."

It turned out that the man in white was the cloud leopard in the fairyland.

After careful observation, Liu Yunyang found that the cloud leopard's strength was extraordinary, and its flowing cloud sword was amazingly powerful, not under the man in black at all.

Seeing this, Liu Yunyang's mood was a little complicated. He killed his father. How should he face him now? Yunbao grew up in Liuyun Wonderland. No matter what hatred he has with Aoyue Villa, he is at least innocent.

But if he wanted to help him by himself, he was reluctant, so Liu Yunyang had to leave.

Come quietly, walk quietly, Liu Yunyang is like a breeze, leaving no trace of footprints.

However, not long after he left, he was shocked by a tremor, and the ominous foreboding made him very scared.

Who is in danger? Nk"