
Chapter 125 Magic Portrait

Sitting at the table, Qingsuo looked at Yunyang's portrait and sighed, "In such a life, the world is hard to find. It is a blessing or a curse. Who knows? Maybe... hey..." With a long sigh, with a little sadness, vaguely with a little mystery.

After a long time, Qingsuo put away his sigh, gently picked up the brush, began to color next to Yunyang's portrait, and soon drew a sea of flowers.

Later, Qingsuo's expression restrained, and his writing became more and more cautious. The whole person was completely integrated into a realm, as if he had been in the painting world and was weaving beautiful patterns one by one.

Time, go away unconsciously.

When Qingsuo finished drawing the last stroke, his sitting straight body suddenly trembled, and a stream of blood splashed out, and a few drops fell on the painting, making the whole painting flash, as if it was coated with a layer of colored light, and it was not seen in the blink of an eye.

Qingso's face changed, and he said to himself with vicissitudes of life, "So this is my disaster..." Looking down, Qingso looked at the painting on the table, his eyes were stunned, and he said in horror, "How could this happen? Could it be..." There seemed to be enlightenment, but Qing Suo closed his mouth in time and hid everything in the depths of his heart.

After a while, Qingsuo woke up in shock and saw a wave of the sleeve of her left hand, a flash of light flashed, and the blood stains on the table and the ground disappeared in an instant, as if everything had never appeared.

Get up, Qingsuo collected Yunyang's paintings and slowly walked out of the grass house. He happened to meet Xiao Boshan and Yunyang.

When he came forward, Qingsuo handed the painting to Yunyang with a complicated look and said, "Mr. Yun, although this thing is not a valuable thing, it is our intention. I hope you can cherish it well and don't give it to others."

Liu Yunyang is a little confused.

Obviously, he felt that there was another deep meaning in Qing Suo's words, but he did not show it on the surface and looked grateful.

"Don't worry, madam, you must keep your heart in mind."

Xiao Boshan ignored the conversation between the two, looked straight at the scroll and said eagerly, "Don't talk about this, open it first and let me see what has been added."

Liu Yunyang doesn't care about painting.

Open it by the way, and whoever wants to shake his whole body at the first glance.

is firmly attracted.

On the side, Xiao Boshan's face was shocked and his mouth was wide open.

After a while, he exclaimed, "What a unique pattern, what a delicate decoration, it's simply a magic pen.

God's pen!" Liu Yunyang was as dull as a wooden chicken, and he was completely lost by the painting.

There is no reaction.

Qingso paid attention to his expression and found that he sometimes smiled and sometimes worried, as if he had fallen into a memory.

In fact, Qing Suo's guess is roughly similar to Liu Yunyang's situation.

At this time, he trembled at the moment he saw the painting.

Thoughts have entered a wonderful world.

The soul flies in an unknown and mysterious area.

During this period, Liu Yunyang had a slight expression on his face.

The whole person is like a puppet, and there is no trace of anger.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and Qing Suo secretly speculated in his heart: "What on earth has he experienced? Why does the longer he get along with him, the more he can't see through? Can he understand the mystery in the painting and predict... It shouldn't be. If it's like that, wouldn't it be..." As if he thought of something, Qing Suo's heart was shocked, and his eyes suddenly moved to Xiao Boshan, with a look in his eyes that outsiders could not understand.

Time slips away silently at this moment.

When Xiao Boshan woke up from the shock, he found that Qing Suo was looking at him abnormally and couldn't help asking, "What's wrong? Do you have something to say to me?" Qing Suo's heart was bitter, but he said flatly, "Beshan, can we love for a lifetime?" Xiao Boshan was stunned for a moment and said, "Of course we can. Didn't we promise each other to love each other for the rest of our lives? Have you forgotten?" Qingsuo shook his head and said, "I haven't forgotten. I just want to hear you say it again."

Xiao Boshan didn't notice the bitterness hidden in the bottom of her heart. He changed the topic and said, "Qing Suo, how did you think of adding those clouds, flowers, sun and other scenery?" Qing Suo glanced at Liu Yunyang and said with deep meaning, "It's not what I think, but how can he have these."

Xiao Boshan was a little confused and was about to ask again, but Qing Suo suddenly turned around and left silently.

In this regard, Xiao Boshan wanted to open his mouth, but his words suddenly got stuck in his mouth. Finally, he had to shake his head and smile, and his eyes turned to Liu Yunyang.

With a smile, Xiao Boshan reached out and patted Yunyang on the shoulder and asked, "How's it going? Are you satisfied?" Liu Yunyang's body trembled, and the approach of external forces caused him to have an instinctive conditioned reflex, which suddenly returned to reality from the illusory secret place.

At that moment, the picture in front of him was shocked, and the picture that fascinated him seemed to lose color in an instant, so that he could no longer find the previous feeling.

turning his head, Liu Yunyang said to Xiao Boshan, "Very good. Such a good painting is very precious to me."

Xiao Boshan pointed to the painting and sighed, "Qingso and these things are really amazing.

Those seas of flowers seem gorgeous, but the color is light, which effectively sets off the theme of the whole painting. That's you.

In addition, the blue cloud in the sky means that the blue clouds go straight up, implying that you have a bright future; the pink sun is less dazzling, but it has a little more elusive mystery.

On the left, the bright red rose is delicate and thorny, but the needles avoid you, which seems to have a metaphor; in the back, although the bird does not have much ink, it has a unique charm, and its shadow is also clearly visible, and the two are inseparable.

Liu Yunyang looked back at the painting in his hand. This time he felt normal. On the drawing paper he saw, his portrait occupied most of the space. The pink sun in the upper right corner was like a smiling face, pure and holy.

The blue cloud is strangely shaped, far and near, and has great charm, which is difficult to guess.

On the left, the rose is as red as blood, like a flame, to melt his heart.

behind him, the birds in the sky are slightly smaller than the sun, blue clouds and roses. I don't know whether it is because of the distance or because of the green rope intended it.

On the left side of the bird, a faint shadow is blurred, but it cannot be ignored. The whole is coordinated and exquisite.

Withdrawing his eyes, Liu Yunyang exclaimed, "It's really amazing. It's so beautiful."

Xiao Boshan smiled and said, "Yes, this is also the most perfect work I have ever seen in my life. You should cherish it."

Liu Yunyang said, "Don't worry, I will save it well.

It's getting late now. I should go, too.

Thank you for your kindness. Say goodbye to Mrs. Zun for me.

I wish you all the best.

After saying that, fold the painting and put it in your arms.

Xiao Boshan smiled and said, "I also wish you all the best. Come to this green bamboo forest when you have time in the future."

Liu Yunyang waved goodbye and said, "I will come to visit you when I am free in the future. Goodbye."

After saying that, he strode away and disappeared into the bamboo forest in a while.

Liu Yunyang left, Xiao Boshan turned around and shouted softly before he stepped.

"Qing Suo, didn't you go back just now? Why again..." Qingsuo did not respond. She just looked at the direction of Liu Yunyang's disappearance and whispered, "Twenty years of happiness and joy in exchange for a catastrophe. Is this God's will?" Xiao Boshan was puzzled and asked, "Qing Suo, what are you talking about? Why did Qing Suo turn his head and look at him? He couldn't help sighing and said sadly, "You won't understand.

Forget it, let's not talk about that, let's go back."

He took his hand and strolled in the shady bamboo forest in the afternoon.

Out of the bamboo forest, Liu Yunyang looked back and saw that the bamboo forest was filled with gray fog, with a little evil spirit.

He didn't know much about this. He only knew that there was something wrong with Qingsuo according to his own reaction. He was not an ordinary human, but it was still difficult for him to determine what it was.

Thinking of Xiaoboshan's passion for himself and the love relationship with Qingso, Liu Yunyang couldn't help asking himself, "How different will their love be from my love?" Is it similar, or absolutely opposite? The faint question goes away with the wind.

When the sound gradually disappeared, Liu Yunyang had already walked in the woods a few miles away.

Suddenly, Liu Yunyang, who was walking forward, stopped, and as soon as he looked up, a person fell in front of him, which surprised him a little.

"It's you!" He smiled and said to the person, "Of course it's me, otherwise who do you think it is?" It turns out that this man is laughing at the sea.

Liu Yunyang used to smile and said, "Are you all right?" Xiao Canghai smiled and said, "It's my turn to ask you.

Where's Feng Yi? Why isn't she with you? Liu Yunyang smiled bitterly and whispered, "The monster appeared in Panyang Lake, and she went back in the morning."
