
Chapter 149 In Trouble

"The messenger of the ghost castle, are you going to leave like this?" The shadow was shocked and asked, "Kid, how do you know my identity?" Liu Yunyang said indifferently, "That doesn't matter. The important thing is that I will keep you today."

The shadow questioned, "Is it up to you?" Liu Yunyang said proudly, "It's up to me!" After saying that, he glanced at the uncertain red tiger and said coldly, "And you, it's time to settle an account."

Seeing that he was arrogant, the red tiger said angrily, "Liu Yunyang, don't be proud. I'm not afraid of you."

Liu Yunyang's eyes were like a blade, and he said without any emotion: "Really? Then let's have a try."

Being provoked by him, the Red Tiger shouted, "Try it, I'm just about to teach you a lesson."

Hearing this, Liu Yunyang showed a gloomy smile at the corners of his mouth. He turned his eyes to Mu Yumei and said indifferently, "What about you? Do you want to have a try to see if you can take away the god of the ice field from me? Mu Yumei's face was gloomy. After pondering for a moment, she said, "Thousand Evil Sect never works with one person with Huolingmen. Next time I will find you in person."

Liu Yunyang took a look at Li Hate and asked, "How about leaving this woman for you?" Li Sheng said in a low voice, "Well, in the near future, I will kill all the villagers and mutilate me."

Under understanding his feelings, Liu Yunyang nodded slightly, withdrew the space gas lock added to Mu Yumei, and sneered, "Get out of here. He will deal with you next time."

Mu Yumei was so angry that she flew away and said with hatred, "Liu Yunyang.

Thousand Evil Sects will not let you go!" With a slight hum, Liu Yunyang turned his eyes back to the body of the red tiger and said gloomily, "Come on, you should have died long ago.

I'll send you to hell today."

Chihu took a look at the dark shadow in the air and sneered, "Don't worry, there are others besides me who want to kill you today."

Liu Yunyang snorted coldly, "There is no need to remind you that neither of you can leave alive today."

In mid-air, the shadow asked, "Liu Yunyang.

It doesn't seem to be any hatred when I meet you for the first time, right? Liu Yunyang said ruthlessly, "Insidious ghosts, specializing in bad things, everyone will be killed.

Coupled with the hatred between me and the ghost castle, it is normal to kill you.

Don't talk nonsense now. Are you going to go together or one by one? The shadow was a little angry, and his tone suddenly turned cold.

"Liu Yunyang, since you are sincerely looking for death.

I will give you a ride and take your soul as a good deed.

While talking, the gloomy wind suddenly rose around the ancestral hall, and a ghostly breath permeated within a radius of hundreds of feet.

Liu Yunyang's face was expressionless, and his left hand hugged the hatred tightly.

With his right hand behind him, he looked proudly at the red tiger and the shadow.

This moment.

Liu Yunyang showed a king's domineering spirit all over his body, which was the momentum that naturally formed with the surge of his cultivation.

It has the power of shocking people's hearts.

In the face of this situation, the shadow and the red tiger were slightly shocked. Although they were inexort with each other, they had the same hatred at this moment, and both pointed the spear at Liu Yunyang.

A few feet apart, calm down.

A big war is coming.

Next, between Liu Yunyang and the red and dark shadows.

How will it end? The encounter between him and hatred.

Is it a coincidence or God's will? What kind of mystery is hidden in it? A narrow valley.

The fragrance is like fog, with green bamboo and green pines, and wild flowers are everywhere.

A hundred-foot waterfall fell like a jade belt, forming a deep pool with rapid currents and turbulent waves at the end of the valley, with a shocking roar, echoing in the valley.

The waterfall is magnificent, and the huge flow of hundreds of feet is flowing down into the pool, but there has never been a river evacuation flow.

Obviously, there must be an undercurrent under the deep pool.

Such a valley, with mountains, water, scenery and things, is a rare place to live in seclusion, but at present, a life-and-death struggle is being staged.

In the valley, in the open space about ten feet from the deep pool, Tieshan, Lianxin, Xiaogui and Yan Feier are looking solemn and looking around warily.

Over the valley, twelve figures were separated in all directions, surrounding the four people on the ground.

These people look cold and wear the same clothes. The goose-yellow clothes are embroidered with a crescent moon on their chests. They are actually the masters of Aoyue Villa.

The leading person is in his early forties, handsome but cold-looking, showing a murderous atmosphere all over his body, giving people a feeling of the top of Mount Tai.

Yan Feier's face was heavy, and he said to the three people beside him, "These people have a cold breath and should be strictly trained. They are all cruel people. You should be careful."

Tieshan said in a low voice, "People in Noyama Village are not afraid of death. You don't have to worry about us.

This time you exposed your identity, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on you in the future.

Yan Feier shook her head slightly and said helplessly, "There are some things to be faced sooner or later. You don't have to think about me."

Lianxin frowned and said doubtfully, "It's strange that when we left the silver wolves, there was no one nearby.

Why were they ambushed as soon as they got here? This is too strange."

Xiaogui said with hatred, "Since we have met, it doesn't matter too much.

Anyway, we have to settle accounts sooner or later. Let's have a good calculation with them today.

Tieshan knew that he was impulsive and reminded him, "Don't be reckless. This time the enemy is prepared. We have to find a way to leave."

Xiaogui smiled angrily and said, "Since you are prepared, how can you give us a chance to leave?" Why don't you fight to the death? Even if we are gone, Yunyang will avenge us.

Tieshan is silent, and Xiaogui's words are not unreasonable. Since the enemy has been prepared for a long time, how can he not have expected this? Yan Feier knew more or less about their mood and whispered, "Don't be discouraged. We have no hope of leaving.

I will deal with the leader. As long as you join hands to fight, when I clean up this person, we will have a chance to leave.

In the middle of the sky, the master of the villa, who led the words, sneered and said, "Yan Feier, you have a big tone.

In your identity, you openly walk with these evil people, and also specifically fight against my Aoyue Villa. When I see it, how your parents explain to this village.

Yan Feier sneered and said, "There is no need to explain. We don't care about Aoyue Villa at all.

My father is from the Star Courtyard, my mother is from Cihang Jianzhai, and my red leaf valley accounts for half of the world. You Aoyue Villa dare not do anything to me.

Now you'd better sign up for it. If there is anything, we can see the real chapter.

The man was furious when he heard the words and said harshly, "What an arrogant junior, you dare to despise my Aoyue Villa by virtue of your family background. Today, I, Longgang, not only want to teach you a good lesson, but also take you down to see what your parents dare to do."

After saying that, he waved his hand and ordered, "Yan Feier will give it to me. If the other three can't be captured alive, they will be killed without mercy."

The eleven masters who accompanied him answered, and then waved the sword, and the dense sword light with the roar of the soul-shocking sword, permeated the top of the valley.

Seeing this, Tieshan roared, "Come on, let you thieves see the spirit of our wild mountain village people."

The iron sword waved, the sword was flying, and the iron mountain was full of hatred and launched a counterattack.

Xiaogui and Lianxin joined hands to fight against each other. The two of them flew with two swords on the left and one right. The tacit understanding of practicing kung fu since childhood exerted amazing power at this moment, and remained undefeated with two against six days.

Yan Feier paid attention to Long Gang's situation. Seeing that he was arrogant and unruly, he changed his mind. When the three people in Tieshan fought back, the red figure suddenly diverged in an instant, as if a person had been divided into hundreds of parts. In the blink of an eye, it was spread over dozens of feet, so that people

In the air, Long Gang saw this mouth roaring angrily, and his vigorous body turned over in the air. In the gap of a line, he also transformed into hundreds of splits and chased Yan Feier.

It's just that the dragon just made a move a little later. When his body was exerted to a certain extent, Yan Feier had already launched an attack. The flying rainbow sword, with red light, appeared in hundreds of places at the same time. The sharp sword light was crisscrossed and woven into a big net, covering everyone together.

At that moment, in order to reduce the burden of the three people in Tieshan, Yan Feier displayed the Wangchen sword formula of Cihang Jianzhai. In cooperation with the Taixu spiritual body method of the Star Courtyard, she organized a round of fierce and domineering attacks in the shortest time. When the masters of the eleven villas were not aware of it,

In this way, the sword light floated and screamed everywhere.

Eleven seniors of Aoyue Villa were killed and four injured on the spot.

In this time, the pressure of the three people in Tieshan has been greatly reduced.

Unexpectedly, Long Gang was extremely resentful. After a yellow finch came, the sharp sword light was like a shrinking balloon, and it rushed from the outside to the inside. At the moment when Yan Feier pulled away, thousands of swords were filled with the heart of killing, like layers of waves hitting the three people of Tieshan.
