
Chapter 420 Suppress the Strong Enemy

Yang's yin and yang's qi is sacred and majestic, and it has the power of mountains and rivers to destroy the sky, which hits Ruyilang. /First/send

At that time, the rotating Ruyi Lang suddenly trembled, and then the wind column was broken, and his body was hit by the light column. With a muffled hum, it popped out hundreds of feet away.

At the same time, Yunyang's outer space tightened. The seemingly silent power with the breath of destruction instantly acted on Yunyang's body, making his body shake, and immediately spit out a stream of blood and was seriously injured.

Then, the space continued to shrink, and the power of destruction was close to Yunyang.

In the face of this situation, Yunyang waved the magic knife in his hand, and the red knife came out of the air. The sharp knife spirit forcibly split the closed space and resolved the danger at the critical moment.

Shaking his body, Yunyang moved hundreds of feet across, looking at Ruyilang flying from the ground, with a cruel smile in his eyes.

"How does it feel to be helpless?"

Ru Yilang's face was gloomy, with hatred in his eyes. He shouted, "Liu Yunyang, don't be proud. You didn't get a bargain in the battle just now."

Yunyang said, "That's just the beginning. With your sins, I will end you with one knife. Isn't that too cheap for you? Once upon a time, you may have no disadvantage. But in the future, you will taste the taste of fear. I remember that the guardian of the Plague Temple once said that the curse of hundreds of people will be the beginning of your gloomy life. I wonder if you believe it now?"

Ruyilang said coldly, "With you, Liu Yunyang, you don't have that ability. Now I'll let you know my strength.

The end of the language. Ruyilang's colorful body appeared. The powerful land is all over the four fields. In an instant, the nearby space was solidified. Set Yunyang firmly in place.

At the same time. Ruyi's body rose slowly. A cloud of auspicious clouds appeared behind him. It looks like three lotus flowers. It is presented in red, yellow and purple.

This auspicious cloud is changing. Under the control of Ruyilang. It soon flew into the sky.

In a moment. The wind is roaring. Nine days of clouds. The sky is bright and dim. Lightning and thunder are endless.

For a moment. The thunder became clearer and clearer. Countless lightning fell on the head. It's like consciousness. Specially for Yunyang.

Aware of this situation. Yunyang's eyes narrowed slightly. First, it forcibly shattered Ruyi Lang's space air lock. Then he performed the magic of infinite transformation in the fairyland of flowing clouds. Xuanzhi mysteriously avoided the lightning attack.

At the same time, Yunyang secretly prepared, took back the magic sword when he was dodging, and used the magic knife to display the Holy Dragon Eight Beheading Method.

In this way, the dragons are flying in the sea of clouds in the lightning, and all kinds of dragons are crisscrossed, weaving into a gorgeous scene of Jiulong beads, which is dazzling.

Ruyilang was a little surprised and asked, "What's your trick?"

Yunyang said indifferently, "No comment!"

Hearing this, Ruyi Lang was annoyed and said with hatred, "Bad boy, I want you to know how powerful it is."

He waved his hands forward, and his momentum changed. Ru Yilang's body shook, crossed dozens of feet of distance, and appeared in front of Yunyang.

At that time, the lightning in Ruyilang's hand shone, and the terrible power of thunder and lightning approached in an instant, approaching Yunyang's eyebrows.

Feeling unavoidable, Yunyang roared, and a flash of light on his forehead, and a lightning pattern appeared. In the blink of an eye, a flash of lightning was emitted, just in the face of Ruyilang's blow.

At that time, the forces of the two sides converged together, and immediately exploded, euncing the two people in one fell swoop.

In this way, the vision of the sky disappears, and the sun appears overhead again.

Ruyilang turned over and retreated, with surprise in his eyes. He stared at Yunyang with hatred and said gloomily, "Kid, why do you have this sign on your forehead?"

Yunyang stabilized his body, secretly adjusted his breath, and replied, "What's the matter, are you afraid?"

Ruyilang snorted coldly and shouted, "Don't show off your words. I'm just curious."

Yunyang sneered and said, "If you want to know, you just need to give your life to pay tribute to the hundreds of villagers who died here."

Ruyilang said angrily, "Damn it, I have to destroy you today."

After saying that, Ruyi Lang flashed away, appeared behind Yunyang in the blink of an eye, and slapped his vest.

His eyes were slightly shocked, and Yunyang showed his illusion and launched a guerrilla with Ruyilang with his mysterious body.

At that time, the two of them have learned what they have learned. The strange and fast body is rare in the world. You chase me in mid-air, and it is difficult to distinguish between high and low.

This scene lasted for a moment, and Ruyilang took the lead in changing the way.

He gave up the fast attack and chose to approach slowly.

This time, Yunyang is not easy to dodge, so he has to face the enemy head-on.

With a palm wave, a cruel smile appeared on Ruyilang's face.

His palm can't see any mystery, but it gives people the feeling that they can't be underestimated.

Yunyang showed the eyes of the soul, but he could not see through the enemy. He had to be careful, waved his knife to cut the dragon, and met the enemy's first blow.

In an instant, the knife meets the palm.

Yunyang's extremely fierce knife met Ruyilang's silent palm. The electric light floated between the two, and the airflow overflowed. In an instant, there was a terrible explosion, which shook Yunyang away in one fell swoop and shook Ruyilang back.

For the first time, Ruyilang had a slight advantage, which shocked Yunyang's heart and unexpectedly raised a psychology of comparison.

Shooting back, Yunyang's eyes were as cold as a blade, and he said coldly, "Your strength is rare in the world, but I said I would never give up if I wanted to kill you."

Ruyilang said indifferently, "Liu Yunyang, you are more powerful than the legend, but unfortunately you are doomed to die here."

Yun Yang smiled, with a little strangeness, and asked, "Really? Then let's decide whether we live or die and see who can leave alive.

Flying up, the golden light gathered around Yunyang, and the whole person became mysterious and unfathomable in an instant, giving people a strange and strange feeling.

Ruyilang was shocked, and there was a faint ominous feeling.

This is the first time in his life that this has happened, which makes him somewhat shocked.

Slowly rising, Ruyilang kept parallel to Yunyang, his hands were raised high to the sky, and his palms were dazzling, surrounded by a silent whirlwind, like a pool of silent pool of water.

Condensing the enemy, Yunyang said cruelly, "Ruyilang, if you die here later, will you regret your previous behavior?"

Ruyilang shouted, "Shut up. If you have the ability, just do it. Don't show off your tongue."

Yunyang said gloomily, "Ruyilang, your tone is a little anxious when you speak. Does this mean that you have regretted it?"

Ru Yilang said angrily, "Nonsense!"

Seeing this, Yunyang smiled and continued to mock: "In your eyes, the lives of these people are as light as grass mustard. You can control their life and death at will without any regret. This right comes from the fact that you have strong strength and can kill people. Now, they are lying here silently, and the curse before death is full of this land. Do you feel the breath?

Ruyilang said coldly, "Liu Yunyang, if you think such words can stimulate me, it's a big mistake. Now, it's getting late, and it's time for you to go.

The body rotated, the hands waved, and the light of the palms shot straight into the nine days, forming a bright cloud of light in the air, instantly drowning the brilliance of the scorching sun.

In the sky, the light clouds fluctuate endlessly, which seems to be under some kind of control. They emit strangely bright beams by themselves, like lightsabers, shooting directly at Yunyang's body.

In the face of such an attack, Yunyang's expression was calm, his breath changed, and a domineering spirit of nine days spread all over the sky in an instant, solidifying those beams of light a few feet away with absolute strong force, making it disappear one by one.

At the same time, Yunyang's body mutated, the dragon was densely scales all over his body, and a pair of meat wings grew on his back. In a moment, he turned into the appearance of Yinglong, which was as big as the world and unique.

Awareing the change of Yunyang, Ruyilang's swirling body suddenly stopped. He looked at Yunyang in consternation and found that there was a lightning light charm on his forehead, which was very mysterious from light to time.

In addition, Yunyang is covered with Jin Hui, revealing the spirit of the king. The strong dragon spirit is domineering for nine days, which overwhelms all the breaths nearby.

This situation is unique in the world, which makes Ru Yilang's face change. He blurted out, "Are you Ying Long's apprentice?"

Yunyang's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "Do you know Ying Long?"

Ruyilang's face changed, and he said gloomily, "That's my business. I don't have time to tell you."

Yunyang said coldly, "Well, people always have to leave some secrets to go to hell."

Ruyilang hummed, "Liu Yunyang, don't be complacent. Even if you have learned the ability of Ying Long, you can't help me."

Yunyang sneered and said, "In this case, why do you care?"

In the questioning, Yunyang flashed, the lightning floated on his forehead, and hit Ruyilang's body in an instant.

With a hiss, Ruyi Lang dodged quickly. After learning that Yunyang was Ying Long's apprentice, he seemed to be a little scrupulous and took the strategy of dodge.

In this way, Yunyang showed his power, waved his wings, controlled the lightning, regarded Ruyilang as a living target, and wholeheartedly displayed the dragon's unique skills.

In the face of Yunyang's attack, Ruyilang was furious. His proud power of the wind was irresistible at all, and the power of lightning could not help Yunyang, which put him in trouble.

However, Ruyilang's identity is mysterious, and his strong cultivation is shocking. If it had been someone else, he would have died in his hands long ago. Only Yunyang was unique, and what he had learned was just in line with him, firmly suppressed him.

Time, pass slowly.

With the deepening of the battle, Yunyang has become more and more proficient in Yinglong's stunts and has taken an absolute advantage.

At this time, Ruyilang had realized the ending. He immediately lost his mind and showed his secret skills. His whole body was instantly bright and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Yunyang snorted coldly, and the eye of the soul instantly raised to the limit, and immediately saw Ruyilang who escaped invisibility.

After flying in pursuit, Yunyang solidified the space with great strength and displayed Yinglong's supreme stunt - Youdian Purple Light.

In an instant, nine days gathered, lightning, countless thunder and lightning intertwined with each other, forming nine bright beams of light. Under the control of Yunyang, it turned into a purple lightning, with the power to destroy everything, and instantly hit Ruyilang's hidden body.