
Episode 1 Who Am I in a Different World Chapter 15 Tough Little Shadow

The first layer of Heartburning can generate a fire seed in the body. Every time you stimulate the aura in the body to inject the fire, it can incinerate the filtered aura into a fire. If you can reach the fifth layer, you can convert all the attributes of the aura in the user's body into the attributes of the underworld fire. Zimo is not very familiar with these. According to the introduction of the skills, this underworld fire only has the form of fire, but in fact, its nature is extremely cold. When it cultivates to the peak, the user can rely on it to The volcano is cooled to rock! With this one, you can see its hegemony!

Zimo learned that this skill is divided into seven layers, which are: the first layer of fire, the second layer of fire dance, the third layer of fire rain, the fourth layer of fire waterfall, the fifth layer of fire spirit, the sixth layer of spirit devouring, and finally the great success of burning.

The first four layers are relatively easy to reach, but the fifth layer is a threshold. As for the seventh layer, the Fire Satan also succeeded in cultivation not long before his death.

Zimo is relatively satisfied with the current situation and does not think too much about it. This physical qualification is not bad, although it is not as good as in his previous life, because the old Taoist priest Li Zongyuan, that is, Chen Lin's master in another parallel world, is full of praise for Chen Lin's qualifications. If it hadn't been for Chen Lin's intoxicated life in the underworld at that time and could practice the skills of heaven with peace of mind, he would have been able to successfully turn the accumulated yin virtues into merit to cultivate himself in five years. Its realm is enough to catch up with his teacher Li Zongyuan, who has been practicing for decades. Of course, the five-year underworld career made Chen Lin have no virtue in his previous life. Even if the people who killed him were not good people, the blood still made Qi Mo spend two hours a day to cultivate a trace of merit. It has to be said that Chen Lin in his previous life, if he relied on accumulating yin virtue to cultivate himself. Words are absolutely beyond the cover of the income... If the so-called road exists, I guess I don't even have the interest in looking at him...

A heavy fire, this underworld fire is extremely cold. Although the current realm is still low and I don't know other wonderful uses, but if it is used against the same realm as the enemy, it is definitely a good thing for Yin people! The curvature of the corners of Zimo's mouth flashed.

The lights in the small bamboo building went out, and the last light of the bamboo forest at the peak was integrated into the quiet master.


"Brother, brother. Grandpa asked Xiaoying to ask his brother to have breakfast~" Early in the morning, outside the bedroom door where Chen Lin was waiting, there was a childish shout.


Qimo straightened his dark cyan robe and opened the bamboo door. Chen Lin, who had been meditated all night, was full of energy and did not rest, but was more energetic. This is the benefit of stepping into the innate. Those who step into the innate warriors are collectively referred to as practitioners. Such people no longer need deep sleep to recover their energy. Many practitioners will choose to meditite all night instead of rest, but they still need to eat to supplement their daily physical consumption.

"Xiaoying, you woke up so early."

"Hmm! Xiaoying still has homework to do~" Xiaoying saw Qi Mo come out and said happily as he pulled Qimo to the old man sitting on the stone table.

The old man still looked light. When he saw Qi Mo coming, he smiled kindly. Thinking that in the eyes of the old man, Qi Mo and his grandson Xiaoying were both children.

In this world, Qi Mo is not as tall as Chen Lin's 1.8 meters in his previous life. For a special reason, Qi Mo slept for six years and did not wake up until shortly before Qi Tianhan's death. Although it has been half a year since he woke up, Qi Mo's figure is still not as good as in his previous life. General. Of course, the current Zimo is also 1m7 in height. After all, Qi Mo is only 16 years old now. Of course, his body is a teenager full of masculinity. However, his psychological age is enough to become an uncle in two generations.

Qimo nod his head to the old man and was not polite. He sat on the stone bench and ate breakfast with his grandfather and grandson.


"Grandpa, brother, Xiaoying is going to do his homework~... Brother wants to wait for Xiaoying to come back to play with Xiaoying. Xiaoying will give you his favorite snow fruit~"

After breakfast, Xiaoying said to the old man and Qi Mo, and then quickly turned around and ran to the bamboo forest and went straight to the peak. She did not forget to tell Qi Mo for its benefits.

The old man and Zimo smiled at what Xiaoying had done.

"Excuse me, why did the old man react so much to touching Xiaoying's head yesterday... Isn't it?" Qi Mo waited for the little shadow to disappear in the bamboo forest and asked the old man with a trace of curiosity.

When the old man heard this, he did not immediately answer Qi Mo, but stroked his half-foot-long white beard and asked Qi Mo, which was also very puzzled, "Did you really feel anything yesterday?"

Zimo showed a wry smile. Why is this old man so stubborn? What will happen if he touches his head?!

Looking at Zimo's shaking his head, the old man also saw that Zimo did not have a trace of fraud, and there was no need for fraud.

The old man had no choice but to explain: "For specifics, I can't tell you now. As for Xiaoying, he can't be easily touched by others before he is congenital. If he is not from our people, he will be unlucky! However, what puzzles me is that you have just stepped into nature, why can you touch it without suffering..."

It seemed that the following words would cause some bad consequences. The old man stopped talking in time and smiled apologizing to Qimo.

Zimo realized that this was not a topic suitable for follow-up and stopped asking the elderly.

"Young man, how can you be in a coma in the bamboo forest? Besides, you are obviously dead, but you are full of anger." Speaking of this, the old man shook his head with a confused face. Obviously, I feel very puzzled by Zimo's strangeness.

Zimo naturally knew the reason. Gain crossed from another parallel world, and the trace of death was naturally the predecessor of Zimo.

"This..." Zimo paused for a moment and then said, "I remember being hunted down by the enemy, but I was awake and didn't die."

"Oh?? End together? There are no bones where you lie," the old man said.

"I don't think he is dead!" Zimo's eyes were cold, shooting out a bloodthirsty cold light.


The old man and Zimo talked a lot, but they didn't inquire about each other's roots.

Time passed quickly and fleeting, and the two talked for about two hours.

"Grandpa, brother, Xiaoying has finished his homework~"

After a while, Xiaoying came from the bamboo forest with a trace of triumphant cheers.

As Zimo turned his head, he could see several hill-sized beasts behind the little shadow. For monsters, there is basically no threat before Xiaoying set foot.

Looking at the huge beasts piled up together, Zimo's face was full of surprise...

This pink and jade-carved little boy didn't expect to be so tough...