
Chapter 27 Jingyu

With the deepening of Qimo, the air in the White Tiger Cave began to become gloomy, but Zimo, who had already stepped into the innate ghost and the middle of the innate period, did not care at all. The practitioners of the congenital period no longer need to breathe the acquired qi to maintain the survival needs of life. Even if the five knowledge is closed in the congenital period, it will not affect survival.

Huh? Qi Mo was shocked, stunned for a moment, and then said, "What a strong innate aura!" "

Walking beside Qi Mo and looking left and right, Xiaoying felt very fresh about everything in the White Tiger Cave and kept looking at everything he saw. However, perhaps because of the previous physical changes, he was no longer as lively and cheerful as when he came, and became much silent.

Zimo is also aware of the change of ghosts, but he can't say anything. Maybe he knows it himself...

With the continuous deepening, the passage of the cave has become narrower than Zimo imagined, but becomes more and more spacious. From the original width of only two feet, it has become four feet, and it is very bright. Qi Mo is very strange. This cave is not bad!

"Dip! Dida! "

The sound of a drop of ** came into the ears of Qimo? Qi Mo frowned and was a little puzzled. Is this?

Brother, is this the sound of dripping water? The ghost's innocent and cute little face is full of curiosity.

"Hmm! "

Zimo is also very strange. This is a mountain. Obviously, this cave leads to the mountain, and the sound of ** dripping comes from the rocky mountain?

Qimo didn't say anything and continued to walk with the ghost shadow. After about a dozen breaths, his vision suddenly brightened. The object was a large piece of jade shining with a faint green light. The light of the jade was extremely gentle, but also very weak. It only showed green light within less than a meter around the jade, so, Qi Mo and others didn't feel the green light until they entered this area.

Zimo's eyes lit up when he saw the green light. Is this what the old man said? However, Qi Mo, who suffered losses, was no longer impulsive and stopped the little shadow who wanted to run to the jade and carefully glanced at the environment. In this cave, in addition to this large piece of jade, there is a round pool about ten feet away from the jade. The ** in the pool is green, as the rock above it drips. The water droplets, ** in the pool raised a circle of ripples.

This? For the ** in the pool, Zimo did not feel anything wrong, and then his mind turned back to the green jade.

Brother, this big stone is so beautiful! Let's go and have a look. Maybe this is what grandpa said, baby! Xiaoying looked straight at the jade in front of him.

"Good... Xiaoying, but if there is anything wrong, you should retreat immediately! "Zimo was also moved, but he still told Xiaoying very seriously.

"Good! Xiaoying replied cheerfully.

Zimo is slightly ahead of Xiaoying, which can give Xiaoying enough time to escape in case of a situation.

As the two approached, the green light shone on the two people, reflecting the green. Qi Mo squatted down and touched the jade in surprise. The jade was very hard. Qi Mo could sense that the fine steel dagger in his previous life could never cut this jade! However... Zimo touched the dark green dagger around his waist and the corners of his mouth turned up.

"Brother, there is a good thing in this big stone! "The voice of Xiaoying came from Qi Mo, who was looking at the green jade. Xiaoying's voice was not as crisp and tender as before, but a hint of hoarseness. However, it was very light and not difficult to detect if you listen carefully. Obviously, Qi Mo is not in the ranks of perception...

Huh? Does Xiaoying mean in the stone? Zimo looked at Xiaoying strangely and asked.

"Yes! Brother, the things inside feel so similar to the smell of your dagger! Xiaoying's affirmative voice made Qi Mo look at the dagger he held in his hand. When he raised his eyebrows, the old man said that this dagger seemed to lack something, didn't it?

Qimo looked up at the jade again, carried the ink spirit with a slight silver light in his body, and pressed his hand on the green jade to explore the inside of the jade. Faintly, Zimo felt that there was a very gentle thing inside the jade that was constantly shining green. The thing was not big. Through exploration, Zimo learned that the strange thing was only about the size of a human eye, or a flat object, probably a piece of jade, Zimo guessed.

"Cut it open, brother. "

Xiaoying seems to like the comfort brought by this gentle light and urges Qi Modao.

Zimo was also curious about what was inside. After hearing the ghost's words, he did not hesitate to hold the dark green dagger directly, infused the spiritual power in his body, and cut hard towards the jade...


Huh? Brother, what is this? Xiaoying looked curiously at the small stone with only an eyeball-like radius in his hand, but the flat stone emitting green light, and asked curiously.

"If I guess correctly, it should be... Gobble! "You can hear some uncontrollable excitement in Zimo's words.

"Is this thing fun? Xiaoying's voice made Qi Mo speechless for a while.

"Play? This thing is extremely precious and difficult to find than the intoxicated fruit eaten by Xiaoying! "Zimo praised.

"Well, it's not funny... Xiaoying is looking for something interesting. Brother, let's watch it. "Xiaoying suddenly lost interest, precious? For Xiaoying, only if it is fun or not, he will not care whether it is precious or not.

"Okay, Xiaoying, be careful! "Zimo should arrive.

"I know, brother. "

Before he finished speaking, Xiaoying jumped to take a good rest of the cave.

Qimo smiled slightly. Such a little shadow is the purest and innocent. Thinking of the previous changes of ghost shadows, Qimo sighed softly. He shook his head and began to look at the jade with green light in his hand.

The jade is in Qimo's hand, quietly sending green light, and Qimo's heart is full of ups and downs. From the memory of his predecessor, he learned that jade is an extremely rare gobump jade. The gobump jade is very rare, and its formation is more rare than the intoxicated fruit! Because the formation of gobrin jade is very harsh to the conditions of the outside world. It takes 30 years for the best jade to form, 30 years of cultivation, and then 40 years of warm up before it can finally be formed!

Zimo is very satisfied with today's luck. He has obtained two rare treasures in a row. The previous intoxicated fruit shadow only swallowed one, and there is still one left. Now he is very lucky to get the "gobler jade". Just as Qimo sighed today's luck, the little shadow who was playing by himself exclaimed coldly: "Brother Brother, come on! "

Zimo was shocked when he heard the words, and he heard a strong panic from Xiaoying's tone. There was another situation. Qi Mo hurriedly put the dagger and the goblin jade in his arms, and then turned his head to look in the direction of Xiaoying.

Then Zimo's pupil tightened, which...

Sorry, something happened in the afternoon. I just updated it. Let's compensate tomorrow. Now continue to type, and type in the small dark room all day tomorrow! Please click! Please collect it! Ask for red tickets! Thank you~~~