
Chapter 71 Inheritance (5000 has been updated!)

People leave, tomorrow's yellow flowers, gently wipe the hazy tears from the corners of your eyes

The dream finally wakes up, and the virtual is also divorced, and the silent and lonely time


Bai Yu's exclamation made everyone who had returned and wanted to quit stunned, and then turned around and looked at the corner that Bai Yu was staring at.

The small space in the middle is not very large, and the inside is not very bright, just like the visibility on cloudy and rainy days, a little dark.

I only saw that in the original empty place in the corner, the starting point suddenly lit up, and the light spot was not big and extremely small. However, it is dense and large, each of which is suspended and keeps beating, as if it wants to show something.

"Is this?"

Cheng Jiaojiao said in surprise, obviously, this situation is a little strange.

"Let's step back and wait and see what will happen."

In the presence, Oriental literature is the most calm, and it is necessary to keep an appropriate distance from the unknown.

Zimo is not too surprised. If his experiences are said, I'm afraid none of the people present will calm down... Therefore, he treats these very calmly, but he doesn't like to express anything.

In the salute of several people, those light spots gradually converge together.

"Ah, they are gathering into words!" Cheng Jiaojiao exclaimed again.

"Well, but it's so strange!" Oriental text interface.

"What's wrong? Big brother."

Ouyang Kai looked curious when he saw Dongfang Wen's strange face.

Dongwen did not speak, because the convergence of those light spots suddenly accelerated, and one by one into small words. As those fluorescent words appeared in front of everyone one by one, Dongwen's face became more and more strange.

Qimo looked confused, because those words were very strange. Even if he searched the memory of his predecessor who had read countless classics, he still had no acquaintance. Therefore, although he was curious, he did not disturb the meditative oriental text. Ouyang Kai and others were also puzzled, and of course they did not say anything more. Words.

After a moment, all the mysterious characters flew up, and then converged into a light and shadow throne, quietly suspended, filled with an extremely noble and elegant atmosphere.

"So that's it. What a strange generation!"

Dongfang Wen shook his head and sighed.

"Oh? Brother, talk about it.

It must not be easy to see Dongfang Wen's worshipful look and the strange throne of light and shadow. After these few days of brief contact, Qi Mo also knew that although Dongfang Wen was elegant and had an indisputable example, he was also extremely arrogant!

"This cave was left by a senior more than 900 years ago." Dongfang Wen said slowly, and his tone was also full of sighs.

Looking at the shocked faces of several people, Dongfang Wen smiled. At this moment, he was also in the same mood, but he still forced himself to calm down, calm down and continue to talk to several people.

It turns out that this site was left by a capable monk who was injured thousands of years ago. From that text, Dongwen does not know why the senior was injured, but only tells that 90% of his cultivation has gone to 90%. After looking for this valley and opening up the cave, he recovered here. After 50 years of cultivation, half of his cultivation has also been restored. Due to some special reasons, some spiritual grass needed for Ningying elixirs was planted here. Unexpectedly, 30 years later, this place was discovered by his strong enemy, and he left an inheritance in this small space in a hurry, because, according to his words He also didn't know whether he could escape from the pursuit of the strong enemy. In order not to break the inheritance he had learned in his life, he left the inheritance here with the secret method in his own door. Waiting for the arrival of the predestined person. And a token was made to be found here, so that predestined people can come here as soon as possible.

As for why the aura in the cave is so hot, the senior also made some simple descriptions, because the strong enemy of the cave predecessor collapsed a magic weapon when fighting with it, and the fragments of a magic weapon left at the door of the cave, which became extremely At first, even the spiritual strong can't pass, but after hundreds of years, the heat has also faded a lot, and the scholar's cultivation can be passed through.

The existence of Yanshi is not explained. After all, judging by Yanshi's cultivation, it is only one or two hundred years old. However, Dongfangwen did not struggle with this problem.

"The senior said that this throne is the place of inheritance. Now that it appears, obviously, some of us are the predestined people in the description. Dongfang Wen said with a smile.

"Inheritance?! "Ouyang Kai frowned, and so did Qi Mo. After all, this is a little mysterious...

"Oriental prince, what is inheritance? Cheng Jiaojiao asked puzzledly.

Looking at the faces of several people, Dongfangwen sorted out his thoughts and then said, "According to some classics, "If you want to leave the inheritance, you must reach the spiritual level above the spiritual level. "

The spiritual level is the second hurdle in practice, and countless practitioners can't step out of it all their lives. As far as Qi Mo knows, the strongest in this area is the strongest at the peak of the spiritual level, but further up, they don't know.

The Five Jue Sect is located in the northwest corner of the Chen Tomb Continent, where there are many large, medium and small sects, and the Five Jue Sect is one of the middle-level. It can be said that such an existence is just a mediocre. Of course, these are not what Zimo is thinking about today.

"Inheritance is to leave what you have learned in your life and transmit it all to the other party by means of soul communication. But the one who uses it must reach the realm of becoming a god!" Dongfangwen breathed a breath and continued to say.

Everyone was stunned and turned into gods?

"Brother, what is the realm of God?" Although Qi Mo is familiar with many classics in the Five Jue Sects, he does not know this state.

Dongfangwen looked at Qi Mo and smiled and said, "The god is the realm above the spiritual level. After the cultivation level, the foundation of practice is laid, followed by the innate. Stepping into the innate world is regarded as entering the practice world. After the innate, it is the scholar level, the scholar level, and the spiritual level. Many people think that the spiritual level is the peak level. In fact, this piece The continent is extremely vast, and we are just an extremely remote place. There are many levels of cultivation above the spiritual level, and after the spiritual level, there are two realms of condensing and transforming gods! These two levels can be regarded as stepping into the ranks of the strong.

"Condensed baby? Huashen?" Ouyang Kai also asked doubtfully. Obviously, he also didn't know.

"If you can calmly look at your family's records, you can't know it."

Dongfang Wen shook his head helplessly and said to Ouyang Kai.

Second update! Nothing has risen. It looks really sad... Ask for some comfort~ Even if you complain~~~~~ I can't give you the essence...