
Chapter 96 Beast Park!

Looking back at the lonely figure, the subtle gaze of tenderness, looking at the deep starry sky holding hands, and holding it in arms!


In Zhiluo City, there is a very prosperous market, with all kinds of shops. Most of the shops are people coming and going without stopping. However, there are also some clerks of extremely deserted shops who yawn and will look up at the endless figures in front of the door from time to time. When no one enters, He lowered his eyelids and continued to immerse himself in his dreamland.

In the corner of the city, two large and three small figures are looking around, as if they are looking for something.

The whole city is in a noisy and noisy place. Occasionally, some high-level practitioners flying through the void will fall here. At the same time, some awe-faced guards will be found every other distance. It is to maintain the public security here.

Due to the crazy alchemy, his spiritual power was overdrawn, and his spirit was extremely tired. After waking up after sleeping for two days and one night, he adjusted his breath, and then came out with Lieyan and Xiaoying to buy a walking monster.

After all, if they want to reach the ghost city, it will take at least a month and a half at their speed, and there are still 50 days left. When the Dan Conference is held, they must sign up ten days in advance!

I said, do you know where it is? Qi Mo looked at Lie Yan looking east and west and asked.

"Well, I know, I know, I must know, let's go! Over there! "

Lie Yan, who was still dressed in a red robe, immediately stressed after listening to Qi Mo's words and stretched out his hand to point in one direction.

Zimo looked at the fierce flame that had already stepped forward, and a trace of doubt flashed in his expression. When he came out, the guy said that he knew it, but now he has almost visited the city, but he still hasn't seen any shadow of the monster park.

"Xiaoying, do you believe it? Qi Mo asked the little shadow who was already unhappy.

I don't believe it! The red-haired brother is lying. Xiaoying is so tired! Xiaoying did not stop to give face to Lie Yan, who was about to urge the two of them. He said directly without scruples.

Looking at the two staring at themselves with a suspicious look, Lie Yan's face turned slightly red, and his whole body was red.

"That... Well, I admit I don't know. "

After a few breaths of looking at each other, Lie Yan really couldn't stand it and said something that made Qi Mo and Xiao Ying roll their eyes.

Looking at Lie Yan's bad smile, Qi Mo would have wanted to kick this bastard if he hadn't thought that he couldn't beat him.

"Zimo ignored Lie Yan, but walked aside, grabbed a young monk in his 20s and asked, "Excuse me, where is there any place to sell walking monsters here? "

The young practitioners who were suddenly pulled were just about to get angry, but after not feeling Zimo's cultivation, they felt a sense of heart and quickly replied, "Are you going to the ghost city?" "

"Hmm! Zimo answered, waiting for the young practitioners' answer.

"Then you have to go quickly. There are too many monsters in the ghost city during this period, and the monsters in the monster park are in short supply, so... The young monk quacked.

"Well, okay, but will you tell me how to get there first? "

Zimo saw that the young man had a tendency to continue talking, quickly interrupted his words and put forward his purpose again.

Then the young monk smiled at Qi Mo with embarrassment and didn't say much. He directly pointed out the direction to Qi Mo and told him in detail.

After the young monk finished speaking, Qi Mo thanked him and turned to Lie Yan's place, and then stared at Lie Yan with a dry smile.

The direction referred to by this "divine stick" is exactly the opposite of what the young monk pointed out!

Let's go! "

Qimo said, pulling Xiaoying in the direction pointed by the young monk. Lie Yan touched his nose, coughed twice, and followed. The three of them went to the monster park.


Miss, why did you go to buy monsters yourself? "

In a very elegant mansion, a clear voice sounded with a trace of puzzlement.

Xiaoqing looked at her young lady in a red uniform and was ready to leave full of doubts. If she wanted a monster, why didn't she just let someone buy it directly? Why do you have to buy it yourself?

"Okay, Xiaoqing, don't ask so many reasons. Get ready and go out with me. "

The woman in red turned her head, revealing a very beautiful face. The woman's facial features were very delicate, and a beautiful face that could be broken flashed with a trace of coquettishness and heroism. The two completely different temperaments are extremely perfect in their bodies, which makes them laugh and addictive, and while they have a good skin, they are not a vase!

"Oh, all right. Xiaoqing on the side had to respond.



"Is this the Monster Park?! "

In front of a magnificent store, two young men and a little boy stopped.

In front of the three people is a strangely shaped super-large building. The whole house is semicircular and not high, but it occupies a huge area! The building is cyan, and there is a huge aperture at the roof, which is emitting light all the time. faintly, there is a faint light film on the periphery of the whole building to protect it.

"This is a large protective array! What a big hand! "

When Lie Yan saw that Qi Mo and Xiaoying were both looking at the aperture at the roof, he also turned his eyes and then exclaimed.


Hello, senior! What monster do you want to buy?? The monsters in our store are definitely the best, most affordable and practical in the whole city of Zhiluo! "

When the three were stunned, a clerk in the Monster Park ran forward enthusiastically to solicit business. I can't help it. A few days ago, the business of the whole monster park was extremely hot, but in the past two or three days, it was much lighter, so many clerks worked very hard to attract.

"Do you have any monsters on your side? "

Lie Yan asked the plainly dressed female clerk.

"Well, hello, there are one-horned horses, green wild elk, snow tigers on land, toothless sharks, killer whales in the sea, flying roc eagles, etc. "

The female clerk of the Monster Park introduced Lie Yan and led them to the store.

When the three of them stepped into the store, they were completely shocked by the scene in front of them!

First update! The second chapter of 3000 words is estimated to be around 233. Sorry! Ask for support! Next, it will be cool for everyone to see!