
Chapter 104 The Law of Rong Dan!

Ah, I can't afford to run naked...


More and more alchemists gathered here in the square in front of the Dantang, and the test will begin in a few days, which also makes many alchemists who sign up for the competition come early. After all, this grand event is only held once in ten years. If they miss it, it will make them regret for the rest of their lives!

Moreover, Danhui is also a great opportunity for many aspiring alchemists to fly to the sky. If they seize it, although it will not play a decisive role in their future alchemy, it will also be extremely important! This is also one of the reasons why many alchemists flock to it.

When a young man in black robe stepped into the square, the three middle-aged men who had been sitting quietly opened their eyes for a long time and moved. The other two middle-aged men also slowly opened their eyes and looked at the black-robed young man. Their eyes flashed and turned their faces to the middle. The man.

The man in the middle nodded gently without saying anything, and then did not pay attention to the man in black. He got up and walked to Dantang. The other two also followed without hesitation.

The departure of the three people attracted a lot of attention. Previously, these three people had been like sculptures without any movement, but now they have left.

Everyone is curious about it. No one knows why the three of them are here to maintain public security? No one will think of this reason, which is as if some dynasties are always shamelessly flaunting themselves. In the eyes of everyone, no one can find out the depth of the cultivation of the three. Among the many alchemists present, there are still many young strong men with high cultivation, but no one dares to come forward to ask anything, just three or three taels. I'm talking in a low voice.

The young man in black glanced at the whole audience. When he saw the three departing figures, his eyelids drooped slightly and continued to walk to the seven elders, but his footsteps slowed down a little.

The seven elders stayed with Lie Yan and several people at the elder's place for a while and returned to the square. After all, he was the elder responsible for signing up for the test of the Dan Association.

The seven elders paid little attention to the slow pace of the young man in black robes. In the square, there are already nearly 300 alchemists, half of whom are black robes. Although there are no regulations on robes among alchemists, most alchemists choose black and white.

Refining yin and yang in alchemy is the dream of countless alchemists. Why is yin and yang? Yin is the cold force of heaven and earth, and Yang is the hottest force of heaven and earth. Only by refining yin and yang and reversing the universe is the real peak of alchemists! However, black and white contain yin and yang, so most of the robes worn by alchemists are black and white.

After signing up, the man in black walked alone to the corner of a few people, sat down cross-legged, and fell into silence.

In the other two places, the two men in white robes moved their faces and looked at the man in black robe who had sat down cross-legged, with a faint chill in their eyes.

"Call... What a damn guy! One of them muttered in a low voice.

The man in black robe did not seem to notice it, and there was no movement in his expression. However, the slight curvature of the corners of his mouth could be seen. Obviously, he also knew the eyes that paid attention to him, but the curvature of the corners of his mouth could see his obvious sarcasm!

Another man in white robe narrowed his eyes and muttered with his own voice.

"As the teacher said, will this Dan be boring..."




Inside the Dantang, in the small courtyard of the elders.

"Nephew, this Dan meeting is very important. Our Dantang must win the first place! "

The elder said solemnly to Lie Yan.

"Oh?! "

The elder Lieyan sitting on the futon looked at such a serious tone and felt a trace of curiosity. Every time the Danhui was held by the Ghost City Dantang. Does Dantang have to win the championship? Lie Yan looked at the elder curiously.

In the small courtyard, only the elder and Lie Yan were talking. When Qi Mo and Xiaoying left, they also went to a wing room in the Dan Hall to rest.

"Hehe, it's like this..."

The elder was also able to understand the doubts of Lie Yan, and then explained it to Lie Yan.

Although every time the Danhui was held in Dantang, among the dozen dynasties that participated, there were not no alchemist organizations comparable to the Daluo Ghost City, such as the Dantang of the Daming Dynasty, the Dantang of the Dayan Dynasty, and the Dantang of the Dali Dynasty. These three alchemy organizations are not weak and have alchemists. Compared with Daluo's Dantang, it is not much more, but among the chief alchemists sitting in the town, it is slightly inferior to Daluodantang.

There are three six-star alchemy masters in the Great Luodan Hall, and only two of the other three dynasties. However, according to the news received by the elders, the Dali Dynasty, a five-star alchemist, is already very promising to break through to six-star. The growth of strength also represents the emergence of ambition. This time, Dali wants to win the later Danhui Quan directly sent their most talented alchemist, named Qiu Yuhui, a 21-year-old five-star alchemist!

In Dantang, there are also several alchemy geniuses, but compared with Qiu Yuhui, they are slightly insufficient. Three of them are Lieyan's brothers. They are all registered disciples previously received by Danyun in Dantang, one of whom is Chen Guang. Two years ago, he entered the ranks of five-star alchemists, 26 now. One is Fang Yun, 25 years old..

The other name is Danxing. Danxing's talent is also great. He is 22 years old and a five-star alchemist! It's just slightly inferior to Qiu Yuhui.

Danxing is the grandson of the elder Danchen. Danchen's parents pursue the way of cultivation and power. Therefore, they lack interest in alchemy and did not become an alchemist. However, Danchen is gratified that his grandson Danxing has a strong interest in alchemy and has a good talent. After the star alchemist, he worshipped Lieyan's master, Danyun. However, Danyun did not accept him as a direct disciple because he did not like restraint. For Danxing, it was not because of his talent!

Each alchemist conference in the Eastern Region can be said to be a time when real alchemy geniuses gather, but the qualification for the competition has to participate in a screening, and the champion of each elixir meeting does not need to be screened. In the eastern region, not only one place will hold an elixir meeting. Every dozen dynasties will have a Danhui, the Daluo Dynasty Dan will be just one of them.

All Dan meetings are basically held at the same time. The alchemist conferences in the Eastern Regions, like the Dan Conference, are held every ten years, but each time is staggered with the Dan Conference for three years.

"Dai Dynasty? Lie Yan muttered.

"Well, they have always been coveting the right to host the Dan Association. In the last session, they almost won the championship. This time, we have to be prepared. Dan Chen said solemnly.

"However, I'm only four stars. There are not more than a dozen five-star alchemists at this Danhui, and Brother Danxing should be more confident than me. Lie Yan was a little puzzled by Danchen's words and blurted out.

"Ha ha, let me tell you the rules. Each Dan meeting is divided into three levels, three stars, four stars, and five stars. The age limit is 18, 20, and 25 respectively. There are three champions in each session. Of course, the five stars really play a decisive role, because this is the backbone of their respective Dantang in the future. At the same time, after the champion of the Danhui is decided, it can be challenged, regardless of the star rating! "

Regardless of the star rating? Lie Yan frowned, and the elder's words obviously made him a little stunned.

"Well, you have broken through four stars for a year and a half, and now you are very sure about the level of refined elixir? The elder smiled at Lie Yan, who looked at him with a confused face and asked.

Lie Yan pondered for a moment, and then said, "The four-grade middle-grade elixir is only 30% sure!" "

"It's enough. I think your master should teach you a method of melting elixir! "

Although the elder is asking Lie Yan, his tone is extremely affirmative. It can be seen that he really knows a lot about Danyun.

Hearing this, Lie Yan's pupils shrank. At the beginning, after receiving him, when Dan Yun broke through three stars, he had seriously told him that he would teach him a supreme method of alchemy! That was the first time in a few years that Lie Yan felt that the old man's expression was so serious, so Lie Yan also laughed again, seriously remembered what the old man taught him, and then kept practicing!

rong dan, as the name implies, is to melt multiple elixir into one, which is absolutely fantastic for countless alchemists! How is this possible!! Not to mention, the power between the elixir will be rejected, and if there is a slight error, the whole elixir will be scrapped, that is, when refining, the control of it, whether it is fire or the tempering of the drug power, is an insurmountable chas!

Seeing Lie Yan's expression, the smile on the elder's face became stronger, and then said, "I know Xing'er's ability. He can refine up to four top-grade elixir, which is still different from you. "

Lie Yan looked at the old man speechlessly. No wonder he saw that he was so happy and dared to wait for himself here.

"That's right, nephew, those two little friends? "The elder knew that Lie Yan would never refuse, and the character of the disciple who could be valued by him would never be bad, so he did not pester that question, but asked Qi Mo and Xiaoying.

"They are my friends, and Zimo is also an alchemist, and... "When it comes to Qi Mo, there is an inexplicable smile on the corners of Lie Yan's mouth.

The elder beside him looked at Lie Yan, raised his white eyebrows, and waited for Lie Yan's next answer.

"In Samsung, no one can overwhelm him! Expectation flashed in Lie Yan's eyes.

First update! The second update is around 9 o'clock! 5000 words are updated every day, which are 3000 and 2000. Please support~! I've been running naked, please give me some comfort...