
Chapter 106 Meet an acquaintance!

Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! xi...


Ghost city, the lord's mansion.

A man in black waited respectfully in front of the door of the courtyard where the city owner lived, and a trace of excitement could be faintly seen on his face.

When the man in black waited for about Mozhan tea, he only heard "squeaky!" With a sound of friction on the board, the black clothes raised their eyebrows with satisfaction, and then turned to the door of the room that had been opened.

A middle-aged man in a dark blue robe calmed down and walked out slowly. This man is the owner of the ghost city.

"Changyi, let's go! Guiyuan glanced at Chang Yi, a respectfully upright man in black, with a trace of satisfaction in his eyes, but his footsteps did not stop and continued to walk in the direction of the door of the mansion.

Yes! My lord. Chang Yi answered and followed.


The ghost city is extremely lively today. Countless practitioners come and go, but some of them are rushing in the direction of Dantang. Most of the young people in black and white robes are arrogant.

Around these young people, there are more or less people around them and keep saying something, but no one is surprised by such a scene. It seems that this is normal for everyone.

Many shops in the ghost city are very lively, especially the inn and some spiritual material shops are particularly booming! There is an endless stream of coming and going! The shopkeepers of many stores are talkative bosses who can't close their laughter.

"The shopkeeper's Tiandan grass and blood jade fruit are in short supply! In a spiritual material shop called Gui's Spiritual Material Garden, a servant-like man said to the old man who was constantly remembering the bills, with a trace of anxiety in his tone.

The little man's words made the old man keep moving his hand and look up at the little man. His black and white eyebrows frowned slightly and said, "How can there be insufficient supply? Isn't there a reserve inventory?! "

The old man's words are a little dissatisfied. You know, if you let customers know that the supply of their store is insufficient, then it will be a big blow to its reputation, and the competitiveness in the ghost city will also decline! This is unacceptable to businessmen!

"The shopkeeper went there to pick up the goods a few days ago, but the stewary said that there was something wrong with the supply of goods. "The little guy replied tremblingly to the old man that he was also very wronged. If the shopkeeper blamed him, it would be impossible for him to continue in the ghost city.

The old man ignored the little man, but after pondered for a moment, he looked at a man in white sitting on the other side of the shop recording something.

"Xiaocheng, come here. "

The man in white, who had been busy, raised his face slightly after hearing the old man's call, and then put down the things in his hand and got up to walk to the old man.

What's wrong, shopkeeper? The words of the man in white have a strong scholarly atmosphere.

"You have always been in charge of the spiritual material. What's wrong with the spiritual material inventory?! The old man's words have been vaguely fierce.

"I send people to urge the big stew manager every day, but the big stewman always says that they don't have inventory. "

Hearing the old man's question, the man in white also showed anger on his face. He was ordered by the shopkeeper to complete the handover of spiritual materials, but that guy always refused to deliver!

"Oh? There is such a thing... The old man narrowed his eyes and then said to the man in white, "You tidy up these. I'll have a look." "

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man got up and glanced at the man in white who was looking at him curiously, and then bs% said to him.

Yes! "



At the entrance of Dantang, two middle-aged men followed the alchemists with a solemn face. Today is the day of the Danhui test. For them, they must do their duties.

Far from the two middle-aged men stood two young men and a little boy, three of whom seemed to be waiting for something.

Before long, a white jade in one of the young people's hands suddenly lit up, and then he said something to the two. After that, he looked in a certain direction.

The other big and small ones are refreshed and follow the direction that the young people saw before.

In a while, three figures flew over, including two women, a middle-aged man with a cold face. The appearance of the three made some alchemists who came to test stop and look at the three people. Some people's eyes looked at the girl in red in the front, and their eyes were hot.

"Sister Hua! "

A crisp cry made a girl in red bloom with a gentle smile on her face. In an instant, it seemed to bloom, which made the lips of some young alchemists dry. Even the two middle-aged men in charge of the introduction turned their heads and looked at the girl in red.

"Hmm. "

Hua Xinyan answered, and then looked at Qi Mo and Lie Yan. When she saw a touch of surprise in their eyes, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, but she didn't say anything.

"Now that Miss Hua is here, let's go. "

Qi Mo suppressed his mind, his eyes returned to clarity, secretly said a goblin, then took out the induction crystal and gave it to Hua Xinyan, and led Xiaoying forward.

Zimo doesn't want to be perceived at all times, which makes him feel insecure at all.

Hua Xinyan was a little curious about how Qi Mo could wake up in an instant. Although she did not deliberately show her charm, it was not easy to wake up so quickly and with her innate cultivation. Hua Xinyan looked at Qi Mo's beautiful eyes and flashed a strange color.

As for Lie Yan, this guy was completely enchanted because of Dongfang Waner. Hua Xinyan's stunning color was like nothing in her eyes, without any feeling. After glancing at Hua Xinyan, she held her arms and followed Lie Yan's footsteps.

Hua Xinyan, Xiaoqing and the middle-aged man also followed.

Hua Xinyan's departure stunned those young alchemists. They didn't expect that Hua Xinyan's departure was so refreshing, and some arrogant geniuses who wanted to talk to her had a touch of regret. However, there are also some guys who are determined to find out the origin of Hua Xinyan. If they can have such a beautiful color, it will make their hearts hot!

Zimo and others walked for about a moment, and Qimo suddenly asked, "Miss Hua, you should also attend the Danhui, right?" "

Zimo's words made Hua Xinyan, including Lie Yan, take a step.

"Hmm, what? Hua Xinyan asked.

So, you don't need to test it? "

This problem has only been raised by Zimo. She can't delay others because of her own affairs. Of course, she is because of Xiaoying, but it is necessary for Zimo to remind her.

Hua Xinyan looked at Qi Mo and smiled, "Ha ha, don't you two also participate? "

Qimo was stunned, and then he also reacted. The smiling eyes made him blush and embarrassed.

"Hehe, I'm stupid... "Zimo laughed.

Hua Xinyan looked at Qi Mo's slightly red and beautiful face, and the smile on her face flashed a soft color, but it did not show it, and the touch of softness also flashed away.

"Thank you." Hua Xinyan's sweet voice stunned several people.

You know, not to mention Lie Yan and the middle-aged man, Xiaoqing is the most surprised of several people. She knows a lot about her young lady. Since she met these people, her personality has been a little less popular and quiet and elegant.

Lie Yan also felt the same. He still remembers the delicate and strong lady's breath when he first saw Hua Xinyan in Zhiluo City, now... What's the situation?

However, everyone's eyes are slightly strange, but no one said anything.

Zimo didn't feel anything, but the embarrassment in his heart still hasn't completely disappeared. He quickly stepped forward and looked a little embarrassed.

"hehe." Lie Yan laughed, took Hua Xinyan for a while, and looked at Lie Yan's little shadow and walked forward for a while.

Deep in Hua Xinyan's eyes, with a touch of complexity, she didn't say anything but looked at Qi Mo's figure and also walked away. Behind her, she followed by a puzzled little green and a strange-aged man with a strange face.


On the way to the ghost house, Xiaoying swept away some unhappiness after passing by Qi Mo and Hua Xinyan. His little face was always smiling and jumping along the way. He was extremely happy. Xiaoying's happy atmosphere made Qi Mo and others feel dull, and the atmosphere along the way was not too overwhelming. yi.

I have to say that Hua Xinyan's appearance is indeed beautiful and a girl at any time. However, wearing a fiery uniform, her beautiful face has attracted a lot of hot eyes along the way. There are even several unknown guys who want to come to talk to her, and one of them can be seen as a young man

, it seemed that she was used to doing whatever she wanted. When she saw Hua Xinyan, she was immediately shocked. She directly waved her arms to the hands of several of her teachers and rushed to Hua Xinyan and others. Because the middle-aged man restrained her breath all over her body, those teachers just felt that they were hidden. There is a little threat, but I don't care.

However, when he stepped into the distance of Hua Xinyan, he didn't see any action of the middle-aged man. Those teachers were hit hard and flew out of the blood, which made the prince's legs pick up a sieve dance!

"Let's go."

For such a guy who can't stand on the table, Hua Xinyan has no interest in paying any attention to it, and even lacks interest in watching it.

Zimo also shook his head slightly, and a sigh flashed in his eyes.

Several people were waiting to continue to walk, but suddenly they heard Xiaoying's cheers.

"Five Grandpa!"

First update! Ask for support! Thank you!

The second update is before 9:30! I have to go to class.