
Chapter 135 First Round, Eliminate!

I just found out today that my psychological endurance is not bad... Ha ha, shout! It's not bad, please support! This book soon had a big turning point. At the beginning, it was not very smooth. Next, it will certainly not disappoint the friends who insist on reading it every day!!!


Quiet! Silence! It's so quiet that the needle can be heard! Qi Mo swallowed his saliva and stared at a fat man with an excited face in front of him. A fat palm was raised high, and his long body was a little trembling. He only felt that his breathing was a little short...

"This guy... Goo!... Awesome! "

Lie Yan also swallowed his saliva and muttered in a low voice.

As for Hua Xinyan directly touching her forehead with one hand, she came from a big family. Now she knows that she can be so "cute"...

All the people present were shocked by this inward "exposed heart"! Totally shocked!!

Danchen and the old man surnamed Wang also shook his face. Danchen glanced at his head and couldn't help rolling his eyelids when he saw his old friend Wang smiling. However, at this moment, Danchen knew that he could not be like others. This Danhui was a grand event only in ten years ago, and this time The Dan Society is too important to the Eastern Alchemists Conference three years later, but Danchen can't let it happen at all!

"Ha, this friend, I think he is also a hard alchemist. Well, everyone can't wait for this grand event. I don't say much. Now, I officially announced that the Great Rodan Hall, representing more than a dozen surrounding countries, will officially begin at this moment!!!" Danchen also thought that those trivial things could not be entangled, so he simply avoided the nonsense as usual to delay the world too much, and directly announced the beginning of the Dan meeting.

Everyone did not dwell on this topic, and they ignored this colleague who didn't know what to describe it in. Such a thing was over with a smile!

The slightly fat repairman named Ergou scratched his head awkwardly and realized his gaffe. He kept scolding himself for not being too excited. You know, it was his idol standing on the stage! Alchemy master-level figure! When he secretly caught a glimpse that Danchen did not seem to be angry, he secretly exhaled. If he missed the Dan meeting because of his momentary excitement, he would rather be 20 years later...

"Young people, use your achievements to show your strength!!" Dan Chen immediately added.


For a while, all the hundreds of alchemists waiting for the game cheered!

The time for them has finally come!

The stage to achieve their future has ignited a dazzling light!

Danhui! Start!!!

"Next, please invite Mr. Hunyuan to host this Dan meeting!"

Dan Chen nodded to the smiling old man surnamed Wang and left the high platform.

"Ha ha, Chen Lao opened his mouth so concisely, and I didn't say much. For me, I think most of you know that I am an old man, so I won't say much. I and other Dandao colleagues will be your referee this time, and the elixir you refined will be tested by us together. Well, now you are participating in the competition. Dan masters all go to get the futon they are in in their own order!"

The old man surnamed Wang did not say a "feeling". In short, he announced the beginning of the Dan meeting!

Most of the alchemists present still flew to their own futons with excitement. Naturally, Qimo and others did not say much. After a few words of encouragement to each other, they also flew away!

Qimo was still a little nervous about this kind of elixir in his heart. He peeked at Xinyan, but found that there was no tension on her delicate face. He couldn't help laughing at herself, and then he also straightened his mind, sat on his own futon and closed his eyes to sort out the emotions in his heart.

Hua Xinyan's position is not far from Qi Mo. After all, both of them are three-star alchemists. There are 180 three-star alchemists present, 25 four-star alchemists and 15 five-star alchemists. Hua Xinyan is located in the fifth to the right of the two rows behind Qimo, so you can see Qimo's head.

As for Lie Yan, he is in the four-star, but because he is sitting in the matrix, it is very coincidental that Lie Yan and Qi Mo are just in the same row, and there are only two people between them. Lie Yan tilted slightly towards Qi Mo to see that he was also quickly adapting to such an occasion. Lie Yan pulled a smile from the corners of his mouth and then Also close your eyes to adjust its state.

And Danxing and several people are all five-star alchemists, so the fifteen five-star alchemists present were before everyone. After all, they are the real focus of the scene! And their duel will be the final focus of Dan!

Next to Danxing, two figures, one black and one white, sat quietly, and the breath on the two were extremely obscure. Danxing frowned slightly and quietly gave a look to Danchen sitting in the Dantang. Then after Danchen nodded, he also calmed down and adjusted himself.

When all the alchemists calmed down, the faint light curtain outside the futon suddenly lit up, and then turned transparent. However, the people in the field could clearly perceive that although the breath emitted by the faded light curtain was much more restrained, people with high vision could feel the power of that thing. , more domineering!

Both Yuhui and Sac trembled slightly when the light curtain changed. Both of them opened their eyes and glanced at each other. Then even if a chill flashed in their eyes, they no longer cared. At the time of the Dan meeting, even if the people of the Great Rodin Hall found their identity, they could not be here. You can receive threats!

"Well, I think you also know the rules of the Danhui. Well, we will start the first round of this Danhui later. You guys are ready to prepare. After a incense, we will officially start!"

The words of the mixed elixir shocked many alchemists present. At this time, they remembered that most of them would be disqualified to continue to participate in the first round! With this in mind, everyone quickly adjusted their breath!

The game is always cruel!

After a scent, the words of Hunyuan Danshi sounded again.

Dan will be in the first round, the knockout match! Start!!!"

For a while, everyone in the whole Dantang was shocked and finally started the game!!

Second update!!!