
Chapter 278 Fight!

Yu Tingting's words made Qi Mo and others stunned, while Wang Yu and others remained unchanged. Obviously, in this way, Yu Tingting did not think of it as she said, but had a purpose for a long time.

"A date? "

The butcher frowned slightly and then said.

Similarly, Qi Mo and others also looked at Yu Tingting with a surprised face.

"Well, the number of people on the three sides is about the same. In this case, we will choose a place for every four people. For example, if there are seven teams in Brother Tu's team, then you have seven appointment places. With this algorithm, there are seven sisters in Nangong, and my team is eight teams, and there are eight places. However, we will subtract one for this number, or you can add one. In that case, it is exactly the same. "

Yu Tingting explained with her mouth open.

After he said it, Zimo and others did not have an immediate interface.

"If you follow this algorithm, the strength of each team cannot be completely equal. If the strongest place after the integration of several teams is selected, it is absolutely unfair. "

Xiao Lan thought for a moment and said with a frown.

Indeed, as Xiaolan said, if all three teams only choose the strongest existence, then there is no doubt that the slaughter team is the strongest. Of course, this is an open cultivation. After all, if there is no fight, everything is variable.

"Ha, what Sister Lan said is that this little sister naturally also takes into account that there are old disciples in each of our teams, and we are all in the late and peak strength of the teacher level. Then, we will have a place at the peak of the teacher level, and one place in the later stage of the teacher level. Among the new disciples, the middle stage, the early stage of the teacher level, the peak of the scholar level, and the post-level. Period, the middle of the rank, and the beginning of the rank, each has a quota. In this case, you can add a quota. Each team has eight places. "

Yu Tingting glanced at Su imperceptiblely, and a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes.

"What about the way of the game? "

Zimo asked.

"In the way, each team has eight places, and three draws lots in each small realm to decide the two first to compete first. After that, the winner will compete with the other and determine the winner according to the number of wins. Among them, if there are two teams draw, then there can be a chance to challenge and choose the strongest of their respective teams. , replace your own team to fight a decisive battle and decide the winner! And there is no second or third, only the first! If you lose, hand over all the identity cards to the winner!"

Yu Tingting said with a shrewd smile in her eyes.

After listening to Yu Tingting's words, Qi Mo and others looked at each other in consters. Obviously, Yu Tingting's way is really good. In this way, the experience can be exerted, and the experience can also be quickly ended. If the previous melee is still carried out, now everyone is more or less A little resentment, in case of the focus in the melee, there are likely to be casualties that the senior officials and themselves and others do not want to see.

If you compete, you can avoid such a situation.

Therefore, Yu Tingting's proposal made everyone present realize that this would be a good way.

"I agree."

The butcher smiled and took the lead in expressing his position.

Qimo looked at Chen Yun, Nangong Scorpion, Yunyu and others. Seeing that no one objected, he also nodded.

"Ha ha, well, let's choose the quota we belong to."

Yu Tingting said.

Without probing, everyone began to choose directly.

In their team, there are two at the top of their ranks, Nangong Scorpion and Yunyu. Later, the division was Xin Min, Lan Lan and several other team members who later joined. Xiaolan, Xiaoya and a new disciple of Kunmai named Wang Ming. Pang Zi was alone in the early stage of the division. Three or four people, including Chen Yun, the peak of the scholar level, and several people such as Qi Mo and the weak teenager in the later stage of the scholar level. The middle rank is the most, among which Li Da's strength is the most fierce. At the beginning of the stilde, there were three or four girls including Su Su, and the girl waved her little fist and shouted that she wanted to play.

At the time of selecting people, there were no differences. Among them, Nangong Scorpion, Xin Min, Xiaolan, Chen Yun, Qi Mo, Li Da, and six people who had no controversy were determined. As for the early stage of the division, because only Pang Zi was alone, he was also pushed down under the condition of Pang Zi's sad face, which made Pang Zi a little suffocation. It's boring. Although this guy is good at cultivation, he is a little interested in fighting.

Finally, it was the candidate in the early stage of the sergeant. Su Su was in a coma at first, so this time, for some reason, she shouted to vent her unhate her unhatience.

This made several people who learned the result of the fight sweated wildly...


I don't know if the person who hit you is awake yet. You've been in a coma for a while. Now you're alive. Aren't you happy?! Then the 'pit girl' can't stand the stimulation and directly dig a big pit, bury herself, and really be a pit girl!

However, in the end, the little witch was still full of pride. Under the nod of Qi Mo and Chen Yun's internal injury, everyone had no objection, which made the little witch's pretty face full of pride.

Zimo was selected, and the same other one was also quickly selected.

Among them, the slaughter side——

The cultivation is according to the height to the end, Tianyi, Xiaosan, Tian Feng, Maizui, Guizi, Li Kui, Li Yun.

Among the ten people, what made Qi Mo's eyes narrow was that the wheat girl, as well as Tian Feng, who represented the early stage of the division, still had some memory of Tian Feng Qimo. When he was in the Danding Hall, he was also one of the first visions.

And the slaughter did not participate, which also made many people look at Xiang Li with solemn eyes.

After all, Tusheng's strength is obvious to all. Tusheng did not fight, but this cold-faced man, which proves that his strength is probably stronger than Tusheng!

After their team was selected, Yu Tingting's team was also selected.

It is natural for Wang Yu to fight on behalf of the peak of the division. I have to say that Yu Tingting's plan is still very beneficial to her side, because there is only one division peak in their team. In fact, it is also because of this that Yu Tingting said herself when she pulled Wang Yu and Wang Kui into her team. After thinking about the plan, Wang Yu decided to join, because in this case, if in the final fight, his team still has hope to make up for the gap in overall strength. Yu Tingting's team, in terms of comprehensive strength, is the worst of the three teams.

However, this plan makes up for this gap.

After that, Yu Tingting, Cui Yanyan, Yue Yuer and Liu Yun.

All these people present were slightly shocked, because all four of them were true disciples!

Next, the person who appeared made Qi Mo's eyes narrow again. This person is also one of the first visions in the earth vein Danding Hall, a proud young man in white.

Zimo didn't expect that these would not be a fancy shelf, but there were few simple ones!

Looking on, it was two women. Their faces were a little similar, and their clothes were also extremely similar, which made everyone's eyes bright. However, the other one was slightly higher than the middle of the taxi rank, and the shorter one was the early stage of the taxi rank. What Qi Mo and others did not notice was that when the two walked out, Yuting Ting glanced at Su Su, and a smile with conspiracy flashed in her eyes.

Now, the three teams have selected candidates. Next, it's time to enter the drama. Everyone came to a large open space about dozens of feet away from the woods. The open space is very large and 100 feet wide! After all, such a place is more convenient than fighting.

Zimo and others are also ready, and as the three participants, they step out and have a small black and white sign in their hands, which is used for drawing lots. After all, it is impossible for practitioners to really catch lots or something. In that case, if the practitioners cheat with consciousness, it will be very Simple.

And the black and white small brand can avoid such a thing.

Three people choose black and white independently. Among them, two people of the same color compete, and the other person wait for the next game. If it is the same color, it will come out again. This is like rock scissors, but naturally, this is not as embarrassing as rock scissors cloth...

Nangong Scorpion, Wang Yu, Xiang Li.

After the three people 'draw lots' according to the rules, when the palms of the scattered people spread out, the answer was also presented.

The first scene!

Nangong Scorpion vs. Xiang Li!!!