
Chapter 391 Wish to win a person's heart and never leave each other!

A few miles away from the gate of Liuyun Kingdom, a young man in white stood alone.

The saga strong wind blows away its long hair and flies freely!

Leng Yi's face looked back at the majestic giant city with a trace of worry.

"Everything, hold on!"

Yuntian's voice was slightly hoarse. Through a long talk with Yunyi, he finally made it clear that his efforts for so many years had not been in vain. The man who once hated him did not let himself down. He... I've been working hard!

And now, I'm finally going to do what I've been looking forward to for many years!

"Mother, the child can finally have a chance to avenge you. I hope you can bless Yunfu. The child will be back soon. At that time,... It is bound to flatten the whole Prague family!!!

The cold and harsh voice, with the cold roaring wind, vividly showed the resentment in Yuntian's heart!


A light flashed, and the people standing there had turned into streamers and disappeared into the sky.



In the Prague Royal Palace.

"When I return to the king, everything is clear, and the rebellious heart of the Yun family is clear. The attitude of the three families of Qi Chengguan is obscure. I don't know why. The owners of the three families are avoiding guests!"

A man in brocade frowned coldly and said with a rigid look.

Above the dragon in front of the man in brocade, Prague. Gey's face is gloomy.

For a long time, the Prague family has been on guard for the Yun family, and the three families of Qi Chengguan are also extremely stable and down-to-earth. Those big families such as the Wang family are even more honest. Although sometimes some families will break the rules, those big families are bright-sighted people. No one will rebel against the rule of the Prague family. For thousands of years, not many people will rebel through the iron fist of the Prague family!

However, no, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist!

On the cloud family, Prague. Gei is the white hair of his fist!

He hates!

He hates the man in the Yun family who stole his beloved woman!

With him, he also hated the whole Yun family!

He knows that the Yun family is a powerful existence no weaker than his Prague family!

So, he put up with it!

However, when they got married, he couldn't stand it!

At that moment, he only felt that his whole heart was washed over and over again, and suffered in the mountains and sea of knives and fire over and over again.


Everything is broken!

The beautiful smile has sat in the arms of others and sighed heavily, Prague. Geyi put away his men and sat down on the dragon chair, recalling the scene of the past.


That year, he was young.

That year, she was young.

That year, he was also young.


He has outstanding talent and excellent ability.

She is as beautiful as an empty valley and orchid, and her voice is as sweet as the spring breeze in April.

He comes from a noble background, elegant, handsome, and a generation of crown princes.


He and she are childhood sweethearts.

He is commensurate with her brother and sister.

He and he are friends of life and death.


He said, "I don't want life to be as gorgeous as fireworks, but I just want to be as light as clear water."

She said, "I only want one person to be separated from each other."

He said, "Life is a long way, and you should hold hands on life and death!"


He loves her!

She loves him!

He loves her too!

She doesn't love him!


He said to her, "What else can a man ask for a wife like this?"

She said to him, "It's lucky to be with your wife for life!"


He said to her, "I wish you a bright moon in the sky!"

She said to him, "I treat you like a brother!"


Thoughts are flying all over the sky, and the old one has turned into a pile of loess.

Prague. Geyi was extremely depressed. Thinking of the charming figure, his eyes were hazy, and he unconsciously muttered, "I... Is it really wrong... lan.....”

In the empty hall, the figure of the man on the Dragon Throne is becoming more and more ricke...

There is a power called - vicissitudes!



The third prince is a little irritable today.

A lot has happened during this period of time, which makes him extremely surprised.

Prague, the eldest brother who usually helps his father deal with government affairs. Feng is always mysterious and doesn't know what he is busy with. The second brother Prague.lei also came back to Wangcheng, and his face was often tense.

Those forces are constantly mobilizing.

Do you want to take action against the Yun family?

Really take action?!

The third prince who is familiar with political affairs knows very well that if he takes action, then the whole country of Liuyun is bound to set off a huge wave, and such influence is not comparable to his small fights all the time!

What surprised him was that he always thought that his father always let himself keep an eye on Yunfu, pay attention to everything in Yunfu, and marry Lian was just a means of exchanging rights and interests and constraints between politics, but he never thought that at this time, the situation of the whole Liuyun country suddenly became tense!

"Dad Da Da."

A series of slightly rapid footsteps showed that the three princes were not calm at this time.

Looking up at the quiet temple not far away, the third prince's heart was even more eager.

"I have met His Royal Highness the Three Princes."

"His Royal Highness the Third Prince."

After seeing the third prince, the two guards in front of the palace saluted respectfully.

"Well, is the prince there?"

The third prince's face was indifferent, and his previous eagerness disappeared.

"At. His Royal Highness has been waiting for the third prince for a long time, please!"

A guard respectfully answered.


Hearing the words, the third prince raised his eyebrows slightly.

Does the big brother know that I'm coming?

Although there was doubt in his heart, the third prince did not hesitate. He pushed his hands forward, and the heavy door was retreated by him.


After stepping in, the temple door was closed by the two guards.

The third prince blinked, and his eyes suddenly became dim, which made him a little uncomfortable.


In the temple, not far away, a straight figure exuding the noble atmosphere of the king stood proudly.

The third prince took a step towards the figure.

"Third brother."

The figure seemed to be pondering something. When the third prince was about to approach him, he turned around. It was Prague, the great prince of Liuyun. Maple!

"Brother, do you have something to find me?"

The third prince was still extremely interested in what the bodyguard said and waited for him for a long time. For a long time, his eldest brother was extremely busy and let him wait for himself. This was the first time for a big girl to get on a sedan chair!

"Well, third brother, what do you think of the situation of Liuyun at this time?"

Unexpectedly, the eldest prince asked the third prince at the exit.

The third prince was stunned. Obviously, the words of the eldest prince made him a little unreactless.

Looking at the stunned third brother, Prague. Feng smiled slightly, showed an inexplicable meaning at the corners of his mouth, and said, "Third brother, just say it casually."

Looking at the eldest brother with a faint smile on the corners of his mouth, the third prince couldn't figure out what it meant, but it was not easy to go against his will, so he also said, "In Liuyun Kingdom, many undercurrents are surging, and they are constantly changing clearly and secretly!"

Hearing this, the eldest prince narrowed his eyes and said, "Continue."

Seeing that the eldest prince did not look like a joke, the third prince continued to say, "At this time, Liuyun Kingdom has become a gunpowder barrel, and the four families are all in a strange atmosphere. The Yun family, the head of the four hegemons, suddenly became low-key. However, judging from some of the behaviors of the Yunji Chamber of Commerce, the Yun family must be preparing something, but everything is like a windless sea, with infinite crisis in peace. Although the three families of Qichengguan act carefully and obscurely, they have been many times since childhood. It can be seen that the three families have an ambiguous attitude and must form an alliance. The three families work together, and most of the large and small families act by looking at the faces of the four hegemonic clans. Although our Prague family is at the peak of the mountain, it is not up to the sky, and the wolves are staring at it!"

After saying that, the third prince looked at the eldest prince with calm eyes.

Although it has been rumored that the ability of the eldest prince is far from enough than that of the third prince, and the position of the prince depends on coming out of his mother's womb for a while, the third prince is very clear about his and his eldest brother's awareness!

It's true that he has a little false name, but his eldest brother who hides his light and has been unable to bear to show himself in front of the world is the real cruel character!

can win the deep trust of his father, and the affairs of the whole Liuyun Kingdom are basically handled by him. How can such a person be mediocre?!

And the three princes are psychologically clear. In fact, among the three brothers, maybe he is the real mediocre talent!

Let's not talk about the eldest brother's ability. That's the real king, the second brother Prague. Although Lei is a fierce man, his leadership ability is really handsome, and his strength is also extremely strong!

The rest of himself was just a little false. Unconsciously, he remembered that night, the talent reception, and Qi Mo's evaluation - the pattern was not enough!

Yes! I'm just a frog in the well, pattern! Haha!

Inhibited, the third prince's heart gushed out with sadness, and he only felt that his eyes were slightly sore. However, he was not a simple person, and those thoughts were hidden when he moved.

"Haha! Third brother, it's really my third brother!"

The prince laughed twice, but it was strange with a faint feeling of gloomy.


The third prince's eyebrows moved slightly, and curiosity appeared in his eyes. What's wrong with the eldest brother????

Without waiting, the third prince thought more, but the prince's face was straight and said seriously, "Third brother, I want to entrust you to complete something!"

PS: I just opened the previous chapters to know that the other three of the four families were written wrong by me, that is, the three families of Qichengguan. Not Tong Licheng. Sorry! Corrected!