
Chapter 393 The Humiliation of the Yun Family! Medium

Chapter393 The Humiliation of the Yun Family! ( Medium)

"The thousand-year humiliation of my Yun family, it's time to seek justice and come to an end!!!"

Yunyi's voice was full of coldness. When his face was straight, his long-term high-level momentum could not help but burst out, which made everyone present change their color without exception.

The cultivation of some ethnic groups is excellent. It turns out that their faith in Yunyi is a little less than before. However, at this time, they know that Yunyi's cultivation is more than one level stronger than their own, and they can't help but change their color.

These old people are still like this, and those descendants are even more unbearable. The momentum is like a towering mountain, which makes them stunned.

However, Lian and Qi Mo beside Yunyi are as if they are unaware of it. Obviously, this is deliberately targeting the people in the next clan. Yunyi can naturally perceive the psychology of those juniors and some clans who have been in power for a long time. For the direct family owners, they have lost some things they should have. , for example - proper etiquette and respect!

Some people naturally understand Yunyi's intention and can't help but feel at it.


Obviously, except for one or two old people present, the rest of the people present suddenly changed their faces!

Well..... Well, don't misunderstand, it's not Yunyi's deterrent, but that...

Thousand years of humiliation!!!

Although during this period, Yunfu has been motionless and secretly, in the eyes of many people, it is only said that it was 12 years ago. After all, they also understand the status of the owner's wife in the eyes of the family owner. Although some people are psychologically disapproving with Yunyi's approach, they also do things. There is no ambiguity.

However, many people also want to take this opportunity to express their dissatisfaction together. After all, if what happened 12 years ago is to push the whole situation into danger, they are also not allowed.

And what did Yunyi say?!

The thousand-year humiliation of the Yun family?!!!

Thousand years of humiliation?!

Many people can't help but be shocked, and their faces have changed. Not to mention the younger generation, even the elderly have changed their faces!

Among them, Lian also stared. When Qi Mo happened to see this scene, he knew in his heart that he was afraid Lian did not know about it.

In this regard, Yunyi's expression is still solemn, and it is also with killing!


Two crisp sounds, Yunyi's palm patted, and the top ten elders in Yunfu came out, and ten people came together, all with a line of white brocade cloud robes.

"Top Ten Elders?!"

One of those old people stood up from the chair and said in surprise.

Maybe many people in Yunfu don't know the top ten elders, but none of the older generation don't know, because their prestige is too high!

Yunfu is the head of the four hegemons of Liuyun Kingdom, which is tightly subdued under the Prague family, and Liuyun Kingdom has been standing for thousands of years. Naturally, its strength is extremely strong, and naturally the strength of Yunfu cannot be determined.

The top ten elders are one of the top combat power in Yunfu!

The existence of the ten elders who do not participate in the power layer and do not interfere in the affairs of the head of the family is a deterrent. They are a symbol of absolute strength and the foundation of the Yunfu. Of course, it is naturally unknown whether there is anything else.

No one will randomly question the existence of the ten elders. Of course, this should be feared by the outside world, but what shocked the elders is that these ten elders are really the real fighting power of the direct family heads!

They represent the family head!

"I have met the owner."

Although the ten elders are powerful, the head of the family is the real sovereign in the cloud mansion. Therefore, it is inevitable that these ten elders should still visit the head of the family and salute on the etiquette.

"You don't have to be polite."

Yunyi also stood up, raised his empty hand, and said, "Two elders, please tell me about the secret thousands of years ago."

Hearing this, the second old man with white hair among the top ten elders took a step and glanced at the people present and began to tell the story.

Everything has to start from the time when the Liuyun Kingdom was not established thousands of years ago.......

Thousands of years ago, the boundary of Beiyuan, that is, the place where cash flows the country, was originally a small town where practitioners gathered around Beiyuan to gather to rest and nourish, called Tongque Town! Similarly, it is also a big trading place here. After all, many genius treasures on monsters need to be hunted, and this area is an empty plain, which is very suitable, and wide, and they are not afraid of being attacked by monsters.

After long-term development, it is also very popular and prosperous!

Tongque Town has also become the favorite place for practitioners to gather here.

Prague, the first generation owner of the Prague family. The origin of the emperor is unknown, but with his extraordinary strength, he quickly became famous in Tongque Town, Beiyuan!

Prague at that time. The emperor is still very young, less than 30 years old, but in Tongque Town, where all kinds of strong people are constantly fighting for their prestige, it is also a spring breeze, which makes countless people envy. Naturally, there are also some people with great forces in Tongque Town, and some people deliberately meet with him and want to attract them. Among the forces he belonged to, but Prague at that time. Huang can be said to be peerless. How can he be willing to belong to others? Moreover, his origin and origin will not allow him to cling to others.

After the people of those big forces were riven with no results, they also knew that they were a lonely and arrogant person, so they also reported it to the heads of their respective forces.

For these leaders, many times, if you can't get something, then you can destroy it to your heart's content!

Since Prague. The emperor did not drink a toast, so naturally it is no wonder that they were cruel, and Prague at that time. Emperor, although his reputation has been ringing for a while, it is not something you have to get.

So, the minions of the forces who received the order of the leader changed their faces, and the original flattery all became cold and murderous, which was very good! Didn't you disobey our head?!

Then, I'll find you trouble!

Some forces are fine, but many forces are extremely fierce and even send people directly to hunt down Prague. Emperor.

Prague. The emperor did not expect to encounter such a situation. Although his strength is good, how could he be chased by wolves and tigers on all sides?

And in a desperate situation, the first generation of Yun family owner Yun was born in Prague. The emperor rescued it, and then helped him kill those vicious dogs all the way!

Cloud's strength is very strong, those with Prague. People with similar strength are easily solved by the emperor, which makes Prague. The emperor was shocked!

However, the emperor also saw that Yun was a chivalrous person. The two had no communication before and were rescued by Yun in a desperate situation, which made Prague. The emperor was very shocked and grateful. Along the way, he also roughly understood the origin of Yun. When he learned that his son was alone, he was sincere to each other. The two were blood-sworn and became brothers, and Yunguan Prague. The emperor is also an upright person and protects his safety along the way.

Prague. Yun didn't ask about the origin of the emperor. He was the kind of person who was frank and went out alone. After the discussion, the two actually killed directly back to Tongque Town, and they also did something that shocked the whole Tongque Town!!!



PS: Huh, I went out for dinner...