
Chapter 460 The self-detonation of the dragon and lion beast!


The dragon and lion beast suddenly turned their eyes to the entrance of the cave, which made the people present extremely surprised and couldn't help looking over.

What's going on?

Everyone has a big question mark on their heads. Of course, Mo Xu is not among everyone.

In fact, he paid more attention to the situation of the cave than everyone else. Qi Mo was instructed by him to put good things in his bag first, and also tested his ability. After all, the flowers in the greenhouse could not survive in this cruel world of competition!

It's not that Mo Xu doesn't want to take the first place directly by virtue of his strength. The strength of him and Xiaoyao Wang absolutely overwhew everyone. However, if he really commits public anger and will be besieged by everyone, this can also be a great smear on his image. This is not good!

Before the dragon lion beast reacted, Mo Xu sensed that there was a great spiritual turmoil in the cave, and the dancers and others did not notice it because they were physically and mentally attacked by the dragon and lion beast. It was not until the dragon and lion beast found the roar of the change of the cave that they realized it.

However, they don't know that the cave has been looted by Qi Mo. If they knew, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so calm. These guys can't go completely crazy???

I'm suing!

Our buddy and sister are killing and fighting here. It's too immoral for you to sneak in and rob the baby alone, isn't it???

Of course, no one talks about morality. At first glance, the people present are not good at it. Is it moral? What the hell is this? It must be a swarm of bees rushing up and fighting directly!!!

"Good opportunity!! Destroy the dragon and lion beast!"

Mo Xu's eyes turned, and an evil smile appeared at the corners of his mouth.

Because the whole mind of the dragon and lion beast was attracted by the great changes in the cave, this guy directly ran away and devoted all his attention to the changes in the cave. He didn't care that there were still a bunch of fierce gods behind him!

And Mo Xu's shout suddenly woke up the man, dancer and others. When Xiaoyao Wang and Mo Xu's bellyworm were old, they became refined and shouted, "Hury to destroy this dragon and lion beast, and everyone will discuss the things in the cave!"

I have to say that the prestige of King Xiaoyao is still higher than that of Mo Xu. After all, this is a recognized strong man in the central region, unlike Mo Xu. Although King Xiaoyao is respectful to him, maybe he is just a son of a family, and his own strength has not been shown much, so, Naturally, the words of King Xiaoyao can be heard more by these strong men!


The burly man shouted with thunder in his mouth, and the fists on his fists were extremely big, fiercely bombarding the head of the dragon and lion beast!

At the same time, although the dancers and others are a little confused, compared with the ** of killing dragons and lion beasts, it is obvious that they can well distinguish how to choose!

Everyone also worked together to launch their strongest blow!

Several powerful spiritual fluctuations rushed towards the dragon and lion beast fiercely!

For a while, the spiritual power fluctuated greatly, and there was a frenzy in the whole canyon, and the colorful spiritual power was rolling!


After everyone took action, the dragon and lion beast finally reacted, and this guy was completely in a state of rampage! It doesn't matter if he was bullied by these human monkeys, but he also made a big move. He was also ready to lose his original spiritual power and strived to repair it. Unexpectedly, he found that his master's cave had a big problem. You know, he has always been guarding the cave and is naturally familiar with everything in the cave. And some things in the cave also left their own marks, but at this time, it was found that all of them had been moved. How could they not let them go away!

And the people who entered the cave are naturally one of this group. Not to mention, they are all in the same group!

So, the dragon and lion beast can't stand it!

A bunch of hateful and despicable human monkeys!!!

And when it reacted, it was this thunderous fierce attack!


The dragon and lion beast roared suddenly, and a pair of bloody pupils were full of murderous intent, and at the same time, there was a decisive fierceness!

He is desperate!

And the consequences of despair are naturally...


The dragon and lion beast stepped on the ground of the canyon fiercely, and the huge body, which originally accounted for almost one-third, floated quickly. At a vague time, the spiritual power in the whole canyon drilled into the body of the dragon lion beast.

At this time, everyone's faces are more solemn than before!

What is this beast going to do???

A question mark shrank on everyone's faces, and there was no doubt that everyone's hearts were raised to their throats.

What no one noticed except Mo Xu was that at the entrance of the cave, a thin figure quickly crossed the boundary, quickly left the cave and flashed towards the side of the canyon.

Until this time, Mo Xu, who had a trace of mind at the entrance of the cave, also showed a relieved evil smile at the corners of his mouth and nodded slightly to the figure at the mouth of the cave, which was dedicated to the dragon and lion beast.

At this time, Mo Xu also saw that the dragon, lion and beast had gone, and I'm afraid he would make a big move next, so he had to take it seriously.

"Roar!!!! Damn monkeys of human beings, you will pay the price!!!"

When Qi Mo came out of the cave, the dragon and lion beast roared strangely, which contained infinite resentment in his heart!

Think about when you had suffered such humiliation?!

However, after sleeping for thousands of years today, I woke up and met this group of human monkeys. What's abominable thing is that I haven't had time to recover my strength after fighting with my master's great enemy thousands of years ago. Otherwise, this group of human monkeys will naturally be wiped out by them all!

It's a pity... It's amazing!

However, the dragon and lion beast is not a greedy person who is afraid of death. The death of the owner made him lonely for a long time. He fought with the death of the great enemy and made him sleep for thousands of years. In fact, it was not that he did not want to wake up, but that he had already sprouted his will to die. If the master hadn't let him guard the cave, I'm afraid he would have followed the Lord. People are gone!

And now, the owner's cave has been stolen by the hateful human monkey under his own nose, which makes it have no ambition. He is sorry for the master, so it has decided that it will repay the master with death and kill these hateful human monkeys at the same time!!

I have to say that after the stubborn temper of the dragon and lion beast came up, it can't be pulled back!

After a roar, the red light on the body of the dragon lion beast suddenly soared, and the huge body was like a red sun, shining brightly!

"No, this beast wants to blow itself up!!"

The dancer observed carefully and finally realized the intention of the dragon and lion beast when she saw the shape of the dragon and lion beast and felt the increasingly unstable spiritual power fluctuating on its body!

And this scream also made everyone present in a cold sweat, and Mo Xu is no exception!!!

It's not that he is afraid that he will suffer. He is really present, but there is also his spiritual nephew Zimo!!

Think about it, a monster at the peak of the chemical god self-detonated, which is absolutely hundreds of times more powerful than a nuclear bomb! And Zimo is just a small spiritual level!

This is not a grade at all, and it is still several grades apart!

Don't be in a hurry, but it's already late!


The dragon and lion beast cried, and the fierce light in his eyes grinned when he felt the fear of everyone present. This... It's retribution!!!

Bang!!!! Boom!!!! Crack! Crackle!!!

There was a super loud noise, and the original canyon seemed to be pushed by countless hands, scattered around!

At the same time, countless are also crumbling and falling down at any time, as dense as raindrops!!

No one would expect that the dragon and lion beast would self-destruct, so they were in a hurry and hurriedly called out their ultimate means to protect themselves, avoid serious injuries, and try to minimize their strength.

The hat man took out a cloak from the storage bracelet and wrapped the whole person in. Then, he held up the spiritual shield with twelve points of cultivation, and the whole man quickly retreated along the huge impact! I have to praise this method. It is really right. Following this huge impact, it can remove a lot. However, the man of the hat is still bleeding. After all, his cultivation is only in the later stage of the transformation of the god. This self-explosive power is really a little horrible!

The charming woman's reaction was not slow. Anyway, she was also the first to react. As soon as her delicate body moved, she flashed into the Luan drive, and the gorgeous Luan driver also rotated quickly, and her hands were also strange. Once those huge forces were touched by the rapid rotation of the Luan drive, the force was removed by her.

However, from the red face of the charming woman, it can also be seen that I'm afraid that this urges Luan driving is also a little overdrawn!

King Xiaoyao is a little more comfortable. Although his face is ugly and terrible, his cultivation is also the peak of the god. After holding up the spiritual shield, he constantly flashes his body and retreats quickly at the same time. However, his retreat is not directly straight, but constantly flashing back and forth. Obviously , he is looking for the weakness of spiritual power. After all, it is impossible for the self-detonation of the dragon and lion beast to disperse the impact force. That is not an ordinary waste!

As for the 'ten brothers', there is some tragedy...

PS: The second update is expected to be late. There will be a party in the evening. Come back to write the second update.