
Chapter 467 Why do you want me to run?

In the room, the decoration is very simple.

In a dozen square meters of huts, two cases are placed against the wall, and some delicate flowers are quietly blooming.

In the middle of the cabin, a large seat with a height of one person sat safely. What shocked Zimo's heart most was that a fox-like animal about the size of a baby was lying on it.

However, this doesn't count. The most impact is that there are eight tails above the fox's tail!!!

.. Nine... Nine-tailed fox?!

At this time, this is really Qi Mo's voice. It's really the eight fox tails, which shocked Qi Mo's heart too much.

"Well.... Mo Xu, meet your seniors."

Mo Xu was also stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that his predecessors would see the two of them in his real body. However, his reaction was also fast, and his mind moved to wake up Qi Mo from his stunned mind.

"Ky Zimo, meet your predecessors."

Zimo also reacted. Since Mo Xu did not express any objection, this eight-tailed fox must be the predecessor he said, but... Mo's family, fox?

Thinking about it, Zimo's eyes became a little strange.

"Little guy, are you the child of Mo Xi's girl?"

The eight-tailed fox has been lying on its stomach and hasn't even opened its eyes, but the sound was clearly heard in the ears of Qi Mo and Mo Xu.

Oh, no! This is the divine transmission!

He raised his eyebrows slightly, and Qi Mo did not reply immediately.

Mo Xu was also surprisingly undisturbed. He knew that for Zimo, he did not directly admit it, and he was not wrong.

"Ha, little guy, everyone has many choices in their life. You have the right to refuse some choices, but you can't deny some facts."

The voice of the eight-tailed fox sounded low, and this sentence also made Qi Mo, who had always been unable to face the matter of Mo Xi, trembled for the first time.

Not to mention, the complexity of family affection is an extremely difficult thing to say in person. At the beginning, in the Eastern Regions, Mo Xu asked Qi Mo once, but Qi Mo did not admit it. Later, he was involved in this topic several times, but it was avoided by Qi Mo.

This time, he came to the Eastern Region with Moxu, which actually made Qi Mo a little confused. It's not that he didn't want to see Mo Xi, but that he didn't know how to meet him. After all... At the beginning, Qi Mo has died, and he can be calm in the face of everyone, but when facing his predecessor's parents, Qi Mo has some guilt.

That's respect for family affection!

Zimo can't face it calmly. It's not cowardice. It's just that there are too many expectations and beautiful expectations in his eyes. He doesn't want any mixed emotions to destroy...

And now this eight-tailed fox's sentence makes him understand, yes, he has the right to choose not to accept, but he does not have the right not to recognize!

"Thank you, senior, yes, I am."

With a respectful salute, Zimo bent down and bowed to the eight-tailed fox. At this time, he did not think that there was an eight-tailed fox in front of him, but an old man full of philosophy.

For this, Mo Xu raised the corners of his mouth, he laughed, and he smiled for the poor woman. She insisted on everything for him was worth it!

"Ha ha, little guy, since you admit it, you should... Call me - Grandpa."

The eight-tailed fox opened its eyes and said again.

Suddenly, Zimo's body trembled!

Looking at the eight-tailed fox's eyes wide, his lips are absolutely standard O-shaped.


This time, Zimo's whole heart was really shocked! Grandpa, eight-tailed fox! So... Oh!

Zimo looked at Mo Xu. After seeing Mo Xu with a complex face gently nodded and recognized him, Qi Mo was stunned, and he was also stunned!


The eight-tailed fox did not seem to care at all about Qi Mo's shock, but a gloomy color flashed in its old and turbid eyes.

Mo Yan's body shook and turned into a human form.

I saw an old man with a wrinkled face and slightly withered hair sitting on the seat with a thick blanket, looking at Qi Mo, who was trying to digest all this with a kind smile on his face.

Zimo was very shocked, but it was not chaotic at all. In fact, a long time ago, he also guessed Mo Xi's identity. Because of the strangeness of his bloodline, he also vaguely guessed that his bloodline was not owned by normal human monks, because too many of its characteristics were not owned by human beings.

For example, the surprising constitution and the super healing ability are obviously specials owned by the orcs, but!

He didn't expect that his mother was a fox. Although he had no idea, he felt very strange, and his strange uncle was also a fox...

Well, no wonder it's so weird!

Zimo muttered in his heart.

"Are you her father?"

Zimo tried his best to suppress his emotions and try to calm his tone, but what he didn't find was that his voice was still with a faint trill.

"If it's a fake, little guy."

Mo Yan seemed to like Qi Mo very much, and his tone was extremely kind and gentle, which made Mo Xu a little curled his lips...

"So... Can you tell me her or their story?

I don't know why Qi Mo made such a strange request to Mo Yan.

However, Mo Yan did not reject this request at all, but the smile on his face became more gentle.

I am willing to understand, which is the prelude that I am willing to sincerely accept. Mo Yan has always had endless guilt for his daughter. Now I can see their mother and son make up and enjoy the mother-son affection she has been looking forward to. He is also extremely gratified as a father. Of course, he can also make his own Psychological guilt is a little less....

"Zimo, come on, sit down, Mo Xu, you can do whatever you want."

Mo Yan smiled gently at Qi Mo, pointed to his side sitting, and then said to Mo Xu without salt.

Looking at Mo Xu, who curled his lips, Qi Mo also felt funny in his heart. When he came here before, he urged him to be respectful. Unexpectedly, it didn't take such a while. This guy is this virtue. Sure enough, he can't change that strange character.

In fact, when Mo Xu came, he did not want to tell Qi Mo Yan's identity. He did not expect that the old man would say it himself, which also avoided everyone's embarrassment. After all, in the eyes of the old man, he felt guilty about his sister and grandson, and he The identity of his family has also been concealed. It can be said that Qi Mo knows nothing. If he is hidden in the drum, if it is suddenly broken, it must be a great impact on him!

He didn't expect that Zimo came from a different world. He even accepted this strange world. How could he not accept that his relatives were monsters???

Naturally, this situation is Mo Xu's favorite now.

I didn't expect the old man to do a beautiful job.

I have to say that in fact, at the beginning, Mo Xu's respect was also part of it. For his father's dissatisfaction, his father and son behaved like strangers. Isn't this the biggest irony?

It's okay now. Since everyone has seen it, why are you tightly entangled? He was also happy for his sister, and he was a little eager to tell the sister who was gritting her teeth and holding some intrigues and family interest disputes immediately, which made her happy. Of course, naturally he could not directly expose Zimo's identity at this time. Otherwise, I'm afraid it would cause some unhappy opinions. Of things.

Mo Xu also did not leave. Although he was eager to arrange some matters so that Qi Mo could openly establish himself in the Mo family, he did not want to destroy the atmosphere at this time, so he sat aside by himself.

And Zimo sat safely next to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan's eyes are deep, looking for the imprints in the memory that can never be erased from the long memory...

- Nineteen years ago, a young man left the place where he had lived since childhood. At the same time, a sunny and elegant girl also left the family with a playful mentality and inspired to play all over the continent of the tomb.

They didn't care about ghosts and yang, and finally the two met in a forest adventure.

At that time, the young man was fighting with a blood-spotted leopard, blood-stained, and fought with the blood-spotted leopard who was a whole level higher than his cultivation. He did not retreat at all, but only war! War! War!

The girl watched and accidentally let the young man see it, but the young man did not ask for help, but said anxiously - girl, run!

Yes, the short four words stunned the girl who knew nothing about the world. Her emotions in her heart turned around and did not understand why the young man told her to run quickly!

Don't you know that my strength is higher than that of the bloody leopard?

Are you going to die and don't even know how to ask for help??

Do you think your seriously injured body can fight against this bloody leopard???

Yes, you can't do any of these, but why did you want me to run away?!

The girl came up with great strength. After quietly helping the young man kill the bloody leopard, she pestered the young man to tell herself the answers to these questions.

--Don't you know that my strength is higher than the bloody leopard?

- I don't know.

-Are you going to die, why don't you ask for help?


-Do you think you can beat that big guy even if you are seriously injured?

- I don't think so.

-Then why do you want me to run?

-Because, I just want such a cute and beautiful girl can't be hurt by this big bug.

The young man finally scratched his head shyly and said.