
Chapter 508 Three Elders! On

"Haha! Little guy, you are extremely careful. Not bad, not bad. I didn't misread you."

The laughter is extremely elegant and gentle, and it sounds peaceful. If you listen carefully, it is the voice of the two elders.

Sure enough, after the words fell, an old man in a Confucian robe was smiling, and the old man's face was the second old man.

Zimo was not too surprised by the appearance of the two elders. Previously, after he came to his senses, he woke up. It was not until the poisonous python had no real killer that Zimo was completely confirmed that this was not a deadly death.

When he figured this out, he was not in the mood to fight any more. Coupled with the strange 'Purple House Origin' in his body, he had no fighting thoughts. Even if he didn't know what the 'Purple Mansion Origin' meant, he instinctively felt that it would not be a good thing.

"Kyazi Mo has met two elders, you are old... Are you still satisfied?"

Zimo stared at the smiling old face of the two old men, and the corners of his mouth were also smiling, but the meaning was a little inexplicable.

As soon as the words fell, Qi Mo's face faded.

Hearing this, the two old man's face was calm, and there was no change at all because of Qi Mo's words and expressions.

"Haha, little guy, satisfied, satisfied, why not satisfied?"

The second old man said with a laugh.

"As long as you are satisfied, you are always looking for a boy. You should be able to say..."

The corners of Zimo's mouth are raised.

"Little guy, are you so sure of your judgment?"

This time, the second old man did not directly respond to Qi Mo's words, but looked at Qi Mo with a smile.

"You are always joking. If the boy's guess is wrong, I'm afraid it should be a cold body in front of you at this time."

smiled, and Qi Mo did not fade his face.

Looking at Qi Mo's expression, a touch of appreciation flashed in the two old man's eyes. Indeed, as Qi Mo said, if the guess is wrong, the situation is not the current situation.

"Little guy, I'm not happy with my old man's arrangement, right?"

The two old man paced, walked a few steps towards Qi Mo, and then said with his back.

"No, I just understand one sentence."


The two old man looked at Qi Mo curiously.

"It's nothing. If you understand a piece of advice, it's okay. You can always talk about it. What's the matter with the boy."

Seeing that Qi Mo did not say what he meant, the two old man also smiled meaninglessly and did not dwell on this topic, but nodded to the 'human poisonous python'.

Then, the 'poisonous python' turned into a human body, and a calm smile appeared on his face and took two steps towards Qi Mo. He said sincerely, "Young master, I'm really sorry for the rudeness of Du Python just now. I hope you don't mind. Du Python will give you a compensation again."

After saying that, he bent down respectfully.

Du Python? Poisonous python? Ha ha, Brother Du, that's not necessary. If it hadn't been for Brother Du's mercy, the boy wouldn't have been so relaxed. Speaking of which, I want the boy to thank Brother Du.

Zimo also said without any security.

After a fight, Qi Mo also greatly appreciated Du Python. The monster's mind was really too cunning, and there was basically no flaws in the performance, which made Qi Mo really amazed. At the same time, he also answered a sentence - if you don't fight, you don't know each other, Qi Mo is really right about this. The poisonous python has a good impression, of course, only in terms of mental intelligence.

The two guys thanked each other and made it interesting for the two guys. He didn't disturb the two guys, and Qi Mo didn't seem to notice it. He chatted with Du Python and completely put the two men aside.

On the contrary, Du Python was cautious and noticed that his master was being 'negod' by himself, and quickly beat a few haha and Qi Mo after ending the 'enary into friends'.

"Master, the little one left first."

After chatting with Qi Mo, Du python reported to the second old man. After the second old man nodded with satisfaction, he said goodbye to Qi Mo, and his body disappeared.

Since then, there have been only two old men left on this continent.

"Are you the owner of Du Python?"

Zimo asked curiously.


The two elders responded.

"What a clever monster."

Zimo exclaimed.

"Haha, what's the matter, making friends?"

The two elders said happily.


Zimo did not deny it, but he turned his words and said, "However, his mind is a little too terrible."

After saying that, Qi Mo's eyes narrowed slightly.

"The practice of monsters is more than ten times more difficult than that of human beings. Du Python has been with me for hundreds of years, and I have a good understanding of it, huh? You little guy is very strange. You are still praising it just now. Why did you say bad things in a blink of an eye?

Mo Lao's tone was strange, and his eyes seemed to smile.

"Do you say bad things?"

Zimo skimmed the corners of his mouth and did not explain why he said that.

"Okay, okay, you passed the big brother's test. Let's go and go see the big brother with me."

The second old man was not entangled and told Qi Mo that he was ready to leave.

"Wait, brother?"

Zimo frowned.

According to the two elders, what kind of arrangement is everything here, brother? Qi Mo can feel that this old man's cultivation is extremely strong, which is more than Mo Xu's. Now that the eldest brother or something comes out, the Mo family's background is really profound! Old monsters with such cultivation exist in batches???

It's also difficult for Qi Mo to think so, looking at the two old man's restful appearance, and when referring to the eldest brother, he also showed a sincere look, which made Qi Mo have to be so curious.

At the same time, Mo Xu also mentioned before coming - don't be polite to them!


The two old man turned around and looked at Qi Mo's expression to understand what Qi Mo was thinking. The corners of his mouth said slightly, "Well, little guy, don't guess randomly. When you get to the place, you will naturally know."

After saying that, he brushed his palm, and a light door appeared in front of him. Without greeting Qi Mo, he stepped out directly, which also made his body disappear in an instant.

Zimo clicked his chin, did not hesitate any more, and then stepped out with a foot.



PS: The first update.

Sorry, I have something on my body. The red dots are so uncomfortable, and it's even later. The second update is around 11 o'clock. Try to update tomorrow during the day.

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