
Chapter 525 Dark Moon and Windy Night! On

The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, and it seems to be convenient to do things....

Mo Xu did not live in a smiling manner as usual, but meditated on something on the stone table in the small courtyard with a calm face.

Da Da Da.

After a while, some footsteps came over.

However, this did not attract Mo Xu's attention, and there was no action at all.

After a while, a figure appeared in the courtyard, and his face was Qi Mo, who had just emerged from the three old space.

Looking at Mo Xu, who was stunned, a trace of curiosity rose in his eyes.

walked in slowly, then sat down, filled Mo Xu with tea, and then filled himself with a cup of tea, and gently tasted it.

When a pot of tea was almost drunk by Qi Mo, Mo Xu was finally no longer a 'sculpture'.

Looking at Qi Mo, who was sitting lightly, Mo Xu suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Then, his eyes seemed to be looking at something he had never seen before, full of surprise.

And Zimo also noticed it, and the two stared at it so straight, among which the current... Oh no, curiosity passes on to each other.

I don't know how long it took, and the brilliance in Mo Xu's eyes also faded a lot. Then, the curiosity on his face also faded, and he once again looked like a master outside the world. However, in this regard, Qi Mo was more calm than Mo Xu, his eyes were impartial, and he looked straight at Mo Xu.

"Very good."

Mo Xu spit out two words faintly.

Zimo's expression was motionless.

"Very good."

Mo Xu spit out three words again.

staring at Mo Xu's face, Qi Mo's lips moved and spat out.

"Do you have something to tell me?"

This sentence was actually what Qi Mo wanted to say from the beginning, but what he didn't say was that the atmosphere was a little depressed. Of course, this was what Zimo felt. In addition, he thought that Mo Xu would speak by himself, but he didn't expect that after waiting for a long time, the guy actually jumped out such two sentences.


A little stunned, Mo Xu nodded and said.

"Is it related to women?"

Zimo asked.

His eyes stared, and Mo Xu nodded again.

When he heard the words, Qi Mo pulled a smile at the corners of his mouth, or a self-righteous smile...

Mo Xu twitched the corners of his mouth.

"It's Qinger, right? Hey, I said, uncle, your lifelong event should also be settled. I heard that Qinger seems to be very good. Cough, this, of course, I suggest suggestions. However, I still want to have an aunt, don't you think?"

Zimo said with an excited face.

Mo Xu looked at Qi Mo with strange eyes and couldn't help raising his palm and touching Mo Xu's forehead. He found that this guy seemed to be a little nervous after coming back from the third old man...


Zimo slapped away, showing that he thought he knew how to smile.

"Don't be embarrassed."

Zimo comforted.

After listening to Qi Mo's words, the corners of Mo Xu's mouth twitched fiercely again.

At this time, there was only one thought in Mo Xu's mind to beat the rotten boy who was running around!

However, fortunately, Master Xu still held back.

And in the end, he said three words that stunned Qi Mo.

"It's your mother."

Hearing the words, Qi Mo stared in an instant!

"I'm thinking about your mother's affairs. Spring is over, and you miss your nephew?"

Mo Xu rolled his eyes and looked at Qi Mo, who was embarrassed, with a smile.


Qi Mo coughed awkwardly, but did not make a sound. However, Mo Xu's words really reminded him of two figures. Hua Xinyan, the girl who was short with herself, and Lian, who separated not long ago but was married day and night.

In fact, Qi Mo also thought about the status of the two of them in his heart many times. However, it is undeniable that these two figures have been deeply engraved in his mind, which makes Qi Mo understand that he really fell in love with them. Although she has not experienced feelings, she used to He is a divine figure who has been immersed in the online world for so long. How can he not understand this at all???

Well, don't talk nonsense. Mo Xu's words made Qi Mo feel embarrassed, but he was also not slow to react. At this time, Mo Xu actually said such words, which made Qi Mo's heart inexplicably a trace of panic.

"What's going on???"

After confirming that Mo Xu's words were not a joke, Qi Mo suddenly asked Mo Xu eagerly.

However, Mo Xu did not answer, but grabbed Qi Mo's hand at a very fast pace.

Because Zimo's movements are unconscious, Zimo also doesn't realize how amazing his speed is.

But Mo Xu was really shocked, because Qi Mo's speed was extremely fast. Even with Mo Xu's cultivation and eyesight, he saw a very fast light and shadow flying towards him quickly!


Zimo's hand fell to Mo Xu's shoulder.

However, Mo Xu's movements were dissatisfied, and his fingers were light, and there was no movement. He suddenly blocked in front of Qi Mo's palm, and his fingers also pointed towards the palm of his hand.

At this time, Qi Mo finally noticed his unexpected move, but because Mo Xu's reaction was too quick, which made Qi Mo not have much time to think, but gently clicked the stone table in the palm of his hand, and his whole body was like an arrow away from the arrow, suddenly shot out of the place.

"Huh? Son of a bitch, it's a little interesting."

Mo Xu was a little surprised, but he did not move about it.

However, Qi Mo also seemed to know that Mo Xu seemed to want to test his cultivation, so he also hooked the corners of his mouth, that is, a hurry quickly turned around and attacked Mo Xu.

Looking at Mo Xu, he did not move. Qi Mo was not proud at all, but his heart was slightly awe-hearted. Mo Xu was a king-level strongman. Although his overall strength had been greatly improved, Qi Mo understood that he did not dare to be arrogant in front of Mo Xu.

When it was less than half a foot close to Mo Xu, its fierce palm wind was almost close to Mo Xu's back, but at this moment, Qi Mo suddenly felt a cool air rushing straight to his heart, and suddenly felt bad. His figure immediately pulled up and quickly crossed over Mo Xu's body.

"Haha, boy, the reaction is good."

Unexpectedly, when Qi Mo had just left the distance of Mo Xu's range, a laughter suddenly came out of his head, which almost made Qi Mo fall from mid-air.

However, when he glanced, Mo Xu, who was sitting on the stone bench, was upright without moving at all.

Pressing his body, Qi Mo looked curiously at Mo Xu on the stone bench, and then looked at the air above his head again. Above his head, Mo Xu was looking at himself with his hands around his chest and smiling.

"Little guy, the dangerous perception ability is good."

With a smile, Mo Xu also fell down, but the figure sitting on the stone bench was still sitting upright.

Zimo looked at Moxu in amazement. Obviously, he was extremely puzzled about this.

"This is my shadow."

Mo Xu explained with a hook at the corners of his mouth.

"The shadow???"

Looking at the still lifelike 'Mo Xu', Qi Mo couldn't believe it. Mo Xu said that it was a shadow.

Nima, who has seen this kind of shadow???

The remnant shadow, as the name implies, how can there be any sign of the remnants of this thing? Please, the remnants will dissipate long ago, okay? Do you still stay well?

"Look carefully."

Naturally, he caught Zimo's doubts and couldn't help laughing.


Zimo felt it again, but found that the color of the clothes on the shadow was not as bright as before.

Mo Xu stretched out his hand, and the 'residual shadow Mo Xu' disappeared under Qi Mo's eyes.

This still makes Qi Mo's heart confused.

"Don't think about it. When you reach this ability, you will naturally have it. Well, let's talk about important things."

Seeing that Zimo had shown a clear look, Mo Xu no longer pestered these.

However, from his softened face, it can be seen that he is still extremely satisfied with the changes in Zimo.

Hearing this, Qi Mo nodded and showed an eager look on his face. Although he had never had the most cordial name called Mo Xi, in fact, he had already recognized it in his heart. However, he had never called this name for more than 40 years in his previous life and present life. At this time, he Naturally, it is also difficult to say. Now I heard that Mo Xu mentioned Mo Xi, and it can be seen from his ugly face that it will not be a good thing. Now think about it again, Qi Mo is naturally anxious about Mo Xi's situation in the Mo family.

Seeing that Qi Mo did so, Mo Xu smiled with satisfaction. Obviously, Mo Xu was still extremely happy that Qi Mo was so concerned about Mo Xi.

"Someone assassinated her tonight."

Mo Xu said with agrily in his eyebrows.


Mo Xu's words made Qi Mo immediately blow up. Oh, no, his mood intensified!

Someone assassinated Mo Xi??? Assassination of your own mother??! Assassination of the head of the Mo family?!!!

A stream of evil spirit overflowed from Qi Mo's body, because Qi Tianhan left, Qi Mo's heart was already astringent, but at this time, someone assassinated his mother! This immediately touched Qi Mo's reverse scales!

"Why didn't you say it earlier!!"

Zimo roared excitedly at Mo Xu, and even without looking back, he was extremely sharp to go to Mo Xi's residence.

Looking at the fiery Qi Mo, Mo Xu touched his nose and didn't want to say it???

Hey, hey, is there anything wrong with you? You are messing around, okay?

Looking at Qi Mo, who was about to push the door and leaving, he hurriedly said, " Stop, you stinky boy, why are you so brainless? Your uncle and I, if I don't arrange it well, can I talk nonsense with you?"

Hearing this, Qi Mo was about to stretch out his hand.

PS: If everyone is slow to develop the plot for me, you can curse... Well, let's discuss it. Don't dive one by one. Don't bother to say a word, okay...