
Chapter 532 The wind and rain are coming!

The Mo family's incident made all the high-level people nervous because of the appearance of Tianji Jingzi, not because they were scared by Tianji Jingzi's strength, but because the Mo family's matter has been related to the safety of the two families.

Added with the previous period of time, the senior officials realized that there were traitors in the clan. The Mo family's affairs were definitely not a simple Tianji Jingzi. With the arrest of Tianji Jingzi, the Mo family immediately became busy. This incident even shocked the three elders of the clan, but in Mo Xi After meeting the three elders, they stopped all the big actions in the clan. Subsequently, Mo Xi just issued an order that all the strata above the management in the clan did their work step by step! No one can leave without permission, and no one can leave Mo's house!

Although Mo Xi's actions were ordinary, some unusual high-level officials still smelled the wind and rain from them.

However, to everyone's surprise, for half a month, there were no big moves in the clan, but there were some small actions. For example, Mo Xiji's people publicly announced that Qi Mo was their own son, which did not cause much noise, because what happened in those years, but Many people know that the dispute between Li Yuanlao and the patriarch Mo Xi some time ago was also the reason for the incident caused by some insiders. In addition, it can be said that many people in the clan know Qi Mo's identity.

In Mo Xi's decision this time, many people in the clan thought that Li Yuanlao would make fierce opposition, but they didn't expect that Li Yuanlao's attitude was extremely peaceful. At the 'recognition conference', although Li Yuanlao's face was not very good, he did not say a word, which made many clans who originally wanted to watch the fun. People are all full of doubts, and some smart people think that the matter of Tianji Jingzi is really annoying. Li Yuanlao also dares not directly and openly contradict the patriarch. Moreover, some of Li Yuanlao's confidants have been replaced by Mo Xi, such as Mo Chong, Mo Yu and other young people. They are all young people who support Mo Xi in the clan.

Li Yuanlao's silent performance is understandable.

The subsequent time seemed to be extremely ordinary. For a month in a row, nothing happened. Most of the people seemed to have forgotten this matter. Everyone was busy with everyone's affairs. Zhao Yuanlao ran over every day. This 'big housekeeper' identity, Instead, he is extremely conscientious, and Li Yuanlao is not as lax as usual for many controls in the clan. From time to time, you can hear Li Yuanlao's scolding voice, and some young people have also worked much harder than before, especially some guys who have seen Mo Xu's strength. It can be said that Moxu is comparable to him. They are also not much older, but their coaxing strength really makes them feel ashamed and clearly see the gap between them.

For this, Mo Xu, Mo Xi and Qi Mo are like the most leisurely three people. The three of them gather in Mo Xu's courtyard to chat from time to time. Since Qi Mo and Mo Xi let go of their grudges, the relationship between the mother and son has also been much better. Although sometimes they will talk about the cold scene, This guy is there, but he lives an extremely moist life every day.

Zimo has always lived in Mo Xu's residence. Although Mo Xi asked for a separate courtyard for Zimo, Zimo did not agree. He did not want to stay in Mo's house for much time. He has not returned to the Eastern Regions, on the one hand, because the Mo family's matter has not been resolved. Completely, on the other hand, he also wants to spend more time with Mo Xi. Qi Mo is extremely concerned about such a family affection. In addition, the feelings revealed by Mo Xi also make the coldness in Qi Mo's heart that has always been lacking are constantly melting and gentle.

Therefore, the residence Mo Xi wanted to arrange, but Qi Mo always refused and did not agree.

Life is plain, as if everything is calm, but often, this is the prelude to the storm...


In an extremely remote corner.

Two figures in the same black are discussing something in secret.

"Ppicy! That stinky bitch, I Fenggia will never spare her!!"

Although one of the figures was covered with a black scarf, his exposed eyes were extremely treacherous and full of resentment!

"Bunlaw!!! Fenggia, take care of your mouth! At that time, I will take over the position of the head of the Mo family, just to cooperate with your Dong** clan. You have no right to intervene in Mo Xi's disposal power! And Tianji Jingzi has begged for death. Although he didn't call me to wait, it was too quiet during this period, and I always felt something was wrong.

The other figure's eyes were sharp, staring fiercely at Fenggia Ba, and said coldly.

This made Fenggiaba's body tremble involuntarily. However, when it mentioned the name of 'Dong** clan', it was like a cat that had been stepped on its tail and jumped and scolded, "Spicy! Li Yuanlao is the god of the Great Sun! Big Ri Protoss!! Yours, respect!!!"

However, the other man in black ignored the jumping scold of Fenggia Ba, but there was obvious contempt in his eyes, which made Fenggia Ba seem to have been swallowed into his throat by a fly, which made Fenggia Ba extremely stuffy.

"Okay, okay, in fact, I also have an estimate of Tianji Jingzi's failure. That guy is too self-righteous, but his failure is not important. This time, I have been fully prepared. As long as you Dong** people don't drop the chain, hum, Mo family, I will definitely get it!"

Li Yuanlao's eyes are full of madness.

"Good! Li Yuanlao, this time, our clan also acquiesced in the sacrifice of my great Japanese Protoss Tianren. Don't worry, this time, the strong men of our Dong** clan have arrived in the whole central region. Only waiting for Li Yuanlao's plan to launch, we will definitely complete this plan for many years!"

Hearing Li Yuanlao mention important things, Fenggia was no longer so angry, but responded with a ferocious smile.

"Well, go back and get ready. Remember, don't make mistakes this time. This is our last chance and the only chance!"

Li Yuanlao carefully advised.

"Ji Jie, don't worry..."

Fenggia responded quickly.

PS: I'm sorry yesterday, but it's still the same today. The second one will be later, around 11 o'clock.