
Chapter 535 Cunning!

"Okay, you've all asked, so I'll tell you a clear explanation."

After the elders calmed down, Li Yuanlao raised the corners of his mouth and said with a touch of grasp in his chest in his eyes.

And this also makes everyone present stunned.

"The alternation of patriarchs more than ten years ago must not have been forgotten."

Li Yuanlao also did not hesitate and said directly.


An elder interrupted.

"Hmm, how can we forget the selfishness of the old patriarch!"

Another elder said angrily.

"That's right!"

Another elder spoke.

At the same time, many elders in the house keep talking. It can be imagine that Mo Xi's rise to power more than ten years ago made many elders dissatisfied. Of course, many of them here refer to these elders on the side of Li Yuan.

"More than ten years ago, in order to erase those stains from his daughter who violated the clan rules and did unbearable things, the old patriarch let him break all relations with the outside world and directly serve as the patriarch. Are you convinced of this?"

After one sentence aroused the emotions of the people present, he continued to say with a slight lifting of the corners of his mouth. His words were sharp. At this time, he not only expressed Mo Xi's dissatisfaction, but also involved the old patriarch Mo Yan.

In fact, this is the means of Li Yuanlao. He knows that at this time, only if he clearly expresses his attitude and strengthens, can these elders erase those fears of the Mo family in their hearts. Fear of the head of the Mo family!

"I'm not convinced!"

"I'm not convinced!!"

"I'm definitely not convinced!"

Sure enough, an angry voice blurted out in the mouths of many elders. Of course, some elders did not speak, but showed hesitation in their eyes. After all, over the past ten years, the rise and growth of the Mo family has really happened in their eyes.

"So, do you think the position of the patriarch of my Mo family can be inherited by outsiders?! Can all the heritage of my Mo family be taken away by an outsider??!!! Do you think it's okay!!!"

Li Yuanlao didn't say much. When he successfully aroused everyone's emotions, he took out his own cards and reliance, and roared in the bottom of everyone's hearts!

"Old man, do you mean the club???"

"What do you mean?! Outsiders?!"

"Of course not! Humph, this is the foundation of my Mo family for thousands of years. How can it be taken away by an outsider!"

"Joke! When will it be the Mo family's turn for an outsider to intervene!"

Once again, everyone is boiling!

And this is exactly the effect that Li Yuanlao needs.

"Okay, everyone, can't you?! Humph, do you know that now, the patriarch of my Mo family is about to be handed over to an outsider by our contemporary patriarch!!!"

At this time, Li Yuanlao was not as indifferent as before, his face was ferocious, and he was extremely angry.

"You mean, that young man named Zimo?"

An elder suddenly realized, and after he finished speaking, the whole venue boiled again, but no one paid attention to it. After saying that, the elder nodded to Li Yuanlao and withdrew the crowd again.

"Ah! I remember that it was the illegitimate son of the patriarch.

"Yes, yes, the identity was publicly announced not long ago. It was the illegitimate son of the patriarch more than ten years ago."

After the elder clicked out, Qi Mo's name also came to the minds of the elders, and he was also given an extremely beautiful name - illegitimate child.

I really don't know how I would feel if Qi Mo was here... Illegitim illegitim As a Zimo from Shenzhou, I think it's still extremely ** for this word...

"Old man, at this time, absolutely not!! The patriarch, she... She... Why should I hand over the position of patriarch of my Mo family to an outsider!!!"

An elder shouted with a red face. Looking at this performance, it seems that Mo Xi has made a decision to let Qi Mo be the next patriarch of the Mo family.

"She is the patriarch."

Li Yuanlao said with a gloomy look.


This sentence made everyone explode.

"Py patriarch? This is what we support. If so, we oppose it. She, patriarch? Humph!

"Yes! Water can carry and overturn boats. She is the patriarch, and we don't eat!"



"That's it! It seems that Li Yuanlao is right. Mo Xi is no longer suitable to be the patriarch of the Mo family, so we will overthrow it and let Li Yuanlao become the patriarch!!"

Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Quiet, the needle can be smelled.

All the sounds stopped abruptly!

At this time, Li Yuanlao's figure was also protruding, er... Well, originally, he just highlighted....

Anyway, at this time, no matter who was shouting or thinking, the elders who were thinking talked about their eyes on Li Yuanlao, without exception!

And in this regard, Li Yuanlao is not slow at all, and there is a deep determination on his face.


"Supporting Li Yuanlao as the patriarch, I support Li Ba!"




"However, the elder... This is the matter of our Mo family. Why do we have something to do with the infamous Dong** clan, and... Still cooperating with them???

In a resolute compliment, an elder said to Li Yuanlao hesitantly.


The voice was quiet again, and the eyes gathered again.

"I want to ask you a question."

Li Yuanlao brushed his beard. On his thin figure and long face, there was a strong light in his eyes. He didn't wait for everyone to speak, and continued to say, "Guys, how is the strength of my Mo family?"

Li Yuanlao said.

"The hegemon of the Middle Domain, the first of the human race!"

"The well-deserved first clan!"

"Absolutely strong!"


Many people said proudly.

Li Yuanlao nodded with satisfaction.

"So, can the strength of us completely compete with the whole family?"

Li Yuanlao asked with an indifferent face.


"So, how can we complete my family from falling into the hands of outsiders without the help of external forces?"

Li Yuanlao said with a hook at the corners of his mouth.

These words are clear when they gather these elders.

"But... Then there is no need to use the scum of the Dong** clan..."

An elder complained in a low voice.

This elder has always been the elder who dismantled the stage at a critical moment.

This time, Li Yuanlao stared at the elder, with a trace of coldness in his eyes. Although he already had a plan in his heart, his authority was challenged again and again, which naturally made Li Yuanlao extremely unhappy.

"Hmm, the mouse is short-sighted! Do you know that the strength of my Mo family is not internal, but also has countless affiliated families. If we are known by them, can we succeed? Only by quickly defeating Mo Xi with the momentum of thunder, and then stabilizing the family, this is the most important! Although the Dong** and Dong** have a bad reputation, it is undeniable that their strength seems to be extremely strong. Why can they take advantage of them? Moreover, have you ever thought that the Dong** people are in the northern region, but they don't belong to our central region. What can they do if they attract wolves? Are we afraid of them?

Li Yuanlao said harshly.

Everyone was silent, especially the elder, who also closed his mouth and didn't say anything. After looking around, Li Yuanlao was satisfied a lot. However, no one noticed that there was also a little nervousness in the confident Li Yuanlao's heart. Thinking that he was restricted by the Dong** people, he was also There is no reason to be a little flustered.

Will the Mo family still be the Mo family in the future...

Li Yuanlao was in a trance, but this was only a moment. Li Yuanlao erased the panic in his heart, straightened his mind, and looked at the elders again.

"Guys, do you have any questions about this matter?"

Li Yuanlao's eyes were sharp, and while speaking, he slowly swept to the crowd.



"Since the elder has considered everything, he is willing to go through fire and water for the elder!"

"Wish to go through fire and water for the elders!!!"

First, there was a dry response, and then everyone knelt down and held their fists to Li Yuanlao in unison.

"Good! If this incident is completed, I will certainly not treat you badly!"

After getting a positive reply from the elders, Li Yuanlao finally made a happy promise.


"Qing'er, go back, remember, pay attention to safety, this is the most important thing! Do you know?

By the lake, Mo Xu took Qinger's hand and carefully instructed.

"Okay, I know, big talker."

Qier was not ungratic at all. She gave Mo Xu a white look, and then said with a little dissatisfaction.

"Also, what did Li Yuanlao ask you to do? You must not be forced to confront him. You must know that you can't play petty, and..."

Mo Xu continued to tell softly on his face, but he lived up to Qinger's evaluation.

"Oh, always treat others as children, okay, okay, go back quickly, I know, Master Mo Xu, please be full of mind~"

Qinger pung her red lips and pushed Mo Xu to say that the girl's crisp voice, with a trace of coquettish softness, was extremely nourishing.

"Haha, you are a little girl, little girl."

Mo Xu grabbed the girl's softness and said with a smile, there was no evil intention in the past.

"It's not..."

Qing'er lowered her head shyly.

At this time, Mo Xu leaned his head, imprinted a kiss on the girl's face, and then let go of the girl and left with a smile.

The girl's shy face has turned red, but her angry eyes have an unconcealed sweetness.

However, when he looked in the direction of his return, his eyes darked slightly.