
Chapter 540 Unlucky Mori!

The incursive invasion of Dark Warcraft plunged the whole Eastern Region into chaos. After the original calm was broken, everyone realized that the tranquility of the Eastern Region could not be restored in the short term.

Of course, for the arrogance of the Dark Warcraft, it is naturally that the Eastern Regions move together. As expected, the first to deal with the Dark Warcraft among the Eastern Regions is naturally a group of monsters. Since its debut, it has been integrating the monsters. For more than half a year, most of the warcrafts in the Eastern Regions have been pulled over by the sky. His subordinates. With the filling of these monsters, it can be said that in just half a year, the debut of Zhitian has become one of the few powerful forces in the whole Eastern Regions!

In the eastern region, the ghost family, the flower family and some hidden families, Dantang and other major forces are also the real giants among them, but the suddenly jumping day is not inferior to them. Many people are extremely curious about this. No one knows why these powerful forces look at demons like that. The orc sat big and did not stop it at all. However, when the world led the people to suppress the dark beast, it made many forces feel much better. After all, this dark beast came out to make trouble, and the world was also the first to take the brunt, right?

Not to mention the kindness and resentment between Dark Warcraft and Tian, the rest of the forces will naturally not sit back and watch. They have also used their forces to clean up the emergence of Dark Warcraft. Even Dantang, who has always disliked disputes and sent some elders to participate in it.

This made the whole eastern region boil in a moment, and many forces naturally abandoned their own grudges.

After all, these dark beasts are not some brain-damaged games in Shenzhou. They are small monsters brushed by the system. The combat effectiveness is scum, and many big forces are okay. However, many small forces are extremely restrained in front of the tide-like Dark Warcraft, and some small forces are directly in front of the power of Dark Warcraft. It is the choice to be sincere!

This made many families extremely sad and dare not take it lightly. For a moment, there was a huge bloody storm in the Eastern Regions that almost swept the whole Eastern Regions!

The three families of Guijia, Huajia and Dantang can be regarded as an example in the face of Dark Warcraft, because these three forces are the strongest, and these three families seem to be extremely enemies of this Dark Warcraft. Everything must be a forced killing, and there is some news, as if the place of these three forces In this way, it is entirely because of the Qimo of the Five Jue Sect that was passed down some time ago!

Driven by some people, Zimo's name jumped out again, and many families tried to please the ghosts and flower families. And Dantang, which makes everyone respected, are also extremely hostile to Dark Warcraft, okay, although they were originally hostile.

And when Qimo's reputation was burning again, some other people dug. The 'Danhui' in Dantang Square was also known by many people, and one of them made many people have some enthusiasm in their hearts!

There is a man named Mori who wants to arrest and mutilate Zimo!

After many people learned the news, the ghost family and Dantang once again threw out a heavy reward order - if anyone can catch Mori, the reward for looking for Zimo before will be doubled!


As soon as this news was thrown out, it attracted the attention of countless people. For Murray's name, everyone is extremely strange. After all, there are very few people who really know Mori's identity. The point is that many people don't know it. After this reward order came out, many people who are jealous of remuneration have joined the search. In the search for Murray's team.

And this is the beginning of Murray's tragedy. Although Murray's strength is good, his strength is still extremely thin in front of the tide-like strongman in the Eastern Regions. If it hadn't been for his desperate protection, it would have been really difficult for Murray to escape from the Eastern Regions.

For this reward order, it was naturally Xiaoying's idea. Half a year after Qi Mo left, Xiaoying woke up. After learning the news after he woke up, he immediately ran away and directly found Guiyuan to give the reward order, but Guiyuan knew Mori's identity. Naturally, he was not I am willing to give such an order directly, because it is very likely to give a strong enemy to the ghost family! However, Xiaoying is extremely persistent! Helpless, Guiyuan had to compromise, but Guiyuan would not enjoy such an opportunity to 'eat alone' alone, that is, to find Danchen, the elder of Dantang. Originally, Guiyuan just held it and tried it, but he didn't expect that Danchen agreed extremely quickly. Naturally, Guiyuan was very eager to ask for it. , directly together with Dantang, issued such a reward order.

Not long after this reward order was issued, the Hua family also participated. However, the Hua family only signed the name, but there was no actual expression, which made the outside world very confused. However, there were insiders, such as ghosts and others, which must be Hua Xinyan's credit!

The three powerful forces in the Eastern Region, together with their signatures, hunted down Mori, and the bad ones did not mention Mori's identity, but only said that his cultivation was a powerful god. However, the rich reward not only did not make him unpopular, but also made many practitioners flock to it!

In this way, Murray's life was difficult, and people began to find trouble with him. At the beginning, Murray did not know, but the constant power to find trouble also made Murray know the truth of the matter, which immediately made Murray angry! It's not such a trap!

I'm suing! All of a sudden, like those dark monsters, they have become the object of the crusade of the whole Eastern Region???

And this also made Murray understand that the East has become a pit for him. Originally, he had not left the East Regions too eagerly, and he wanted to go to Wujuezong to destroy everything and find something beneficial to his side. However, this situation immediately made him unbearable. Although he was not afraid of death, he Yes, he doesn't want to die. Besides, there are always people coming to make trouble. At first, it was still some spiritual level, and later, it was also a strong man with a god, which made Mori feel a strong crisis.

After killing a powerful man who was looking for trouble, Mori finally decided to leave the eastern region, and his departure can be described as a journey of 'a mountain of knives and fire'. All his guards were caught and killed, and he escaped after he was seriously injured.