
Chapter 586 Intimidation?!

"We are convinced."

The words of the bald man immediately made the two bald head, who were a little confused, anxious!

Are you convinced?!

Is that it?!

Nima?! At first, the second bald head has been wondering why the bald man has always chosen to avoid retreat. Now, he understands that this guy is a coward!

Aust you suffered a small loss?! As for directly taking it?! You know, his second bald head is not addicted yet!

His eyesight is not bad, and he can also see that the strength of the eldest sister's head is not weak. If he wins, the two of them can turn over again. If he can't win, he is also convinced!


"If I want to hit you, I won't."

The bald man's voice is faint, but it is not light of the second bald head.

If he didn't know enough about the bald man, he would think he was playing with himself!

"Ber, you..."

The second bald head forcibly suppressed his anger and stared at the bald man, which revealed an absolute sense of consultation.

At the same time, the eldest sister's head is also a little puzzled. For a long time, she has felt that she can't see through this bald man who always has a gloomy face and is silent. However, she can faintly feel that this bald man... Not simple!

The eagle and mouse and a group of people under him also looked at the bald man curiously and wanted to understand what the society meant at that time.

"Bbald head, why did we fall into the grass?"

The bald man ignored the eyes of the eagle and others, but said with a firm taste.

"Hmm! It's not the bastard princes of the Donglin Kingdom who did some things that suppressed people with power and messed up. You and my brothers were so furious that they would fall into the grass!"

Hearing the bald man's words, the second bald mood was a little intense.

"Now, do you think you have always been a bandit?"

The bald man spoke again.

Mad! Of course not! I was the deputy leader of Donglin in those years! Even if the grass falls, it is not a bandit!!"

The second bald said that the mood fluctuated greatly.


The bald man sighed deeply.

This made the two bald head look sluggish and showed an incredible look.

Are you dazzling yourself?

Just... Was it the sigh of a bald man just now?!

He rubbed his eyes fiercely, and the second bald man opened his mouth and looked at the bald man in astonishment.

On the side, the same is true for the eagle and the mouse, all of which show absolute surprise!

"Old... Mouse, the bald man was sighing just now????"

The eagle was stunned.

"I can say - right..."

The mouse's expression is also not much better.

This strange scene made the eldest sister extremely puzzled, but her delicate mind did not disturb her at all.

“....... I'm tired of this kind of life..."

The bald man was silent for a while, and then said with a touch of fatigue between his eyebrows.


The second bald head also looked a little lonely, and there was no war spirit left on his body. However, his eyes glanced at the quiet and beautiful elder sister's head, showing hesitation.

"Bbald head, she is qualified to be our head."

After looking at the eldest sister's head, the bald man said firmly.


The second bald head looked up at the bald man, and the bald man's eyes were firm and unwavering at all!

"Okay!!! You are bald, I can believe it!"

The second bald head gritted his teeth, and there was no hesitation between his eyebrows.

aside, the eldest sister head, the eagle and others all smiled brightly.

For eagles and mice, bald heads and baldness can be with them, and they are also extremely happy! And the eldest sister also understands that once this kind of person makes a decision, he will definitely not turn against the water!

The bald man and the bald head looked at each other, the bald head grinned, while the bald man nodded slightly and walked towards the eldest sister's head.

And before they took a few steps, there was a strong wave of turbulence behind them! Among them, it is full of crises!

"It's not good! Come on, let's attack together!!!"

The eldest sister's head suddenly changed with a faint smile!

Just now, several people's minds did not notice this formation, which made the eldest sister extremely annoyed. However, as the bald man said, she was indeed suitable to be their leader, and in an instant, she gave the order!

However, at this time, it seems a little late to attack again! When several people's attack did not come to this array, the array suddenly emitted a strong white light, making several people's faces extremely ugly!

And this has not made them lose their proportion. The eldest sister did not give the order to retreat. Several people did not fly away, but avoided the formation with a little tension in their eyes.

However, in just a moment, the faces of the eldest sister and the bald man suddenly changed!

Because... In an instant, a strong breath came to my face!

"Quick retreat!!!"

The eldest sister shouted decisively.

And under her voice, the bald man and others also retreated!

This sudden breath made them extremely terrical!

Because even masters like bald men feel extremely weak in front of this breath!

Everyone retreated quickly and immediately made the empty canyon more and more empty. I have to say that although the number of subordinates of the eldest sister is not large, their strength is not weak. They can withdraw from this canyon in such a short time. It can be imagine that this is an elite team!


After about a dozen breaths, the array of strong white light has been slowly converging.

And at this time, everything in the array was slowly revealed.

In the middle of the formation, an old man in white was standing with a solemn expression, but his eyes were tightly closed.

There are several figures standing behind the old man.

Among them, three young people, two teenage-looking little boys, and one is a girl with a beautiful face.

These people are naturally Qimo and others sitting in the transmission array from Mojia Town in the middle.

"Huh? No one?!"

Ouyang Kai swept around, and then said curiously in his eyes.

"It's all gone, but it's a group of highly alert people."

The five unique doctors who have been closing their eyes also opened their eyes and said.

"Well, I'm quite cautious."

Mo Xu nodded.

In the formation, several people did not know the situation in the eastern region, and the situation said by the five doctor saints made several people also make preparations, which is overwhelming!

Yes, because I don't know who is attacking the array, and the chaotic situation in the Eastern Regions also makes them strong, and they dare not take it too lightly.

Therefore, several people came up with a solution, because the spiritual power of the five unique medical saints is extremely strong, and their breath is also reaching the peak! Then let the five unique doctors show their breath, first intimidate the people here, and first give a deterrent. Otherwise, if you really don't know how to break this array, it will be really a lot of fun.

However, what they didn't expect was that after coming here, everyone ran away!

This... Damn, be cautious!!!

However, this is also good. After all, no one wants to encounter another strong enemy for no reason, which adds trouble in plain. Of course, if it is Dark Warcraft, it is naturally another matter!

Actually, at a vague time, they hope that they and others can meet Dark Warcraft, so that they can feel more at ease...

"This is a small canyon located in the northernmost part of the Dayan Mountains. It used to belong to the range of monsters. Let's go out and have a look first."

A trace of reminiscence appeared in the eyes of the five doctors, and there was a faint sadness in the depths of his eyes, but even the little student who had been supporting him did not feel it.

Hearing this, Qi Mo and others also did not hesitate and all went out. What Qi Mo didn't know was that at the moment when he stepped out of the formation, Zifu Benyuan, who had been quiet in the sea of his air, suddenly opened his eyes, revealing a touch of bloodthirsty madness...


Outside the valley, ten miles away.

The bald people and others are standing quietly.

"Sister, how strong was the strong man just now?"

The mouse stretched out its fat palm and patted its chest with lingering heart.

"Bearer than all of us!"

After a moment of meditation, the eldest sister picked up her hair and said solemnly.

"I'm afraid not necessarily!"

The second bald head said with a touch of disconvinity.


The bald man said.


Everyone's eyes are focused on the bald man.

The bald man's eyes are solemn and depressed.

"All of us are not as good as them together!"

The bald man said.

This made everyone, including the eldest sister, frowned tightly.

"But we may not be able to beat it!"

Suddenly, the bald man said amazingly.


The eagle's eyes said sharply in an instant, "What do you say?"

In fact, everyone didn't say it, but the act of being scared away by others made them extremely astringent, yes! Do they feel ashamed?!

Be subdued without fighting?!


This makes them look extremely ugly.

"Just now, you should feel that it's just momentum!"

The bald man said slowly.

Yes! But what's the momentum? How can a strong man have that momentum?!"

The second bald head didn't understand the meaning of baldness and said curiously.

"You mean that the people in that circle may be full of momentum and lack of strength?"

A fine light flashed in the eldest sister's eyes.


The bald man affirmed.

Hearing this, the eldest sister's face also calmed down.

Because she also thought of a possibility....

"Wait, wait!"

Looking at the big sister's head and the bald man with a clear face, the second bald head was anxious!

What is this?? Not only the two-headed, but also the eagle and the mouse are puzzled. What kind of riddle are they playing here? They fainted! Because they don't understand what they mean...

"The bald man wants to say that if they are strong enough, they will not deliberately emit momentum, because there is only one purpose, which is intimidation!"

The elder sister's mouth was upturned.

And his words lit up the eyes of the confused people, and then a smile appeared at the corners of their mouths...