Underworld Police Station

0175 Nezha

When I went out, I happened to meet the Red Boy. The child was standing on the ground and carrying a firepoint gun angrily. I hurried forward and said to him, "Little Red Boy, you came at the right time. Your father is stealing people inside."

After listening to my words, Red Boy angrily inserted the fire-pointed gun in his hand into the ground and said, "Of course, I know that I'm going to kill this immortal today."

After saying that, the red boy rushed up directly with the fire tip gun in his hand. When he came to the mouth of the cave, the fire tip gun in his hand pointed at the mouth of the hole, and the fire burned in the cave. The red boy said angrily, "The child will walk for the 'mother' today and burn you, the immortal and the fox spirit."

Sanwei real fire spewed out of the red child's mouth. When it met the vegetation and vines, it burned. However, the red child's fire was not an ordinary flame. Sanwei real fire soon burned all the flowers and trees at the mouth of the cave into ashes, and even the rocks at the mouth of the cave were burned red and hot.

The cow demon king in the hole had to put down the beauty sitting beside him. If he didn't escape quickly, even if he would not be roasted and mature beef, he would be smoked to death by the smoke inside. However, only the sound of the 'eyes' of a cow as big as a bell came out of thunder from the cave, and then a dark shadow flashed to the entrance of the cave. As soon as the cow demon king came out of the cave, he raised his sleeve robe and waved his hand. The mount opened from the mouth of the golden eye beast and spewed out water, extinguishing all the three flavors of the real fire at the mouth of the cave.

"Bad boy, are you going to burn your father to death?" After the Bull Demon King came out, he shouted angrily at the Red Child.

"You are not my father, so my father won't do this to my mother." The Red Boy was too lazy to talk a lot of nonsense with him. He directly shook a fire-pointed gun in his hand and stabbed the Bull Demon King. The Bull Demon King was suddenly anxious and quickly flashed to the side and summoned his magic weapon "mixed iron bar" to fight against his son.

Although the Bull Demon King is the father of the Red Child, he can't beat his son as a father. The Red Boy shook the fire tip gun in his hand, and his little body suddenly became more than a hundred times bigger. He was a hundred feet taller than his old man. After his body changed greatly, the red boy raised the tip of the fire in his hand with one hand. The gun cut horizontally and vertically at the bull demon king on the ground, which made the bull demon king only have the ability to fight, but did not have the power to fight back.

I stood in the distance and watched. Although on the surface, the red child seemed to have the upper hand and was defeated by the bull demon king, in fact, the bull demon king hid his own strength, and his moves were all merciful, while the red boy only relied on his childlike nature, played nonsense, and there was no way to fight. There are a lot of tricks, and there is no skill to win.

Red Boy can change his height by hundreds of feet, and the Bull Demon King naturally has a lot of power. He has room for recruitment, but the Red Boy doesn't know how to advance or retreat. In desperation, the Bull Boy had to change into a troll god thousands of feet high, across the sky, with clouds above his head and feet stepping on the earth. Red Boy Hundreds of feet tall in front of him turned out to be like a newborn baby, not as tall as his knees.

However, that's exactly the case.


The Bull Demon King poked out a huge palm from the cloud. He took the red child in his hand and scolded angrily, "The disobedient child." After saying that, he was about to raise his hand to hit the red child, but he heard a very good woman's voice, "The Bull Demon King, how dare you?"

The woman's beautiful voice was a little anxious. The bull demon king's huge palm stopped in the clouds. Finally, he had to sigh. The thought in his mouth drove the red child back to the ground and return to its original size.

"Why don't you come back soon?"

I hurriedly looked around, but I didn't see anyone. I just followed the woman's voice. The voice came from the cloudy Cuiyun Mountain in the opposite mountain. After being put back to the ground by the bull demon king, the red boy still looked very unconvinced, but after listening to the woman's voice, he obediently carried the fire. The sharp gun left.

When the Bull Demon King saw that the Red Child finally left, he sighed for a long time, but suddenly turned around and shouted coldly, "What kind of person is it? Why don't you show up quickly?"

I hid behind the black rock, but I always felt that this rock was very similar to the rock I just met at the door of Cuiyun Cave, in both shape and color. I always felt a strange feeling, but I couldn't say what was strange.

I suddenly heard the Bull Demon King say this, but I was even more confused. I thought, did this guy find me?

I hid behind the rock and didn't dare to look at him, but the bull demon king's voice came from behind me again and said, "Don't hide here. Just now, when I was in the sky above the clouds, I looked down at a glance. There were a few cats, dogs, stones and ghosts hiding below. This great saint is all clear.

"It's terrible." I thought that this guy must have seen me in the sky when he was fighting with his son Red Boy just now. Although I was hiding behind the rock and couldn't see me from the opposite side, it would be easy to find me if I looked at God's perspective from the sky.

I thought that since I had been found by him, I didn't have to hide. After a dry cough, I laughed and walked out from behind the stone and said to him, "Lao Niu, is that how you treat the hell judge?"

After seeing me, the Bull Demon King looked a little flustered and said, "It turns out that it's the new hell judge, Lord Ling Feng."

"Exactly." I said forward.

"Oh, I don't know if Lord Ling has any advice on coming to Jilei Mountain Magic Cloud Cave?"

It turned out that this is Moyun Cave in Jilei Mountain. I laughed and said to him, "Alas, the so-called new official took office three times. Isn't this also for work? I said that your family gave birth to a child, but you have a household registration?"

After listening to my words, the Bull Demon King said in a panic, "Hukou? Of course, we are good citizens and strictly abide by the underworld birth registration system and reincarnation system.

I heard the words of the Bull Demon King, but I didn't believe it. I said to him with a smile, "Since I have a household registration, what's wrong with me? You don't look like the Red Child and the Bull Demon King."

What I said was quite euphemistic, but the black impermanence next to me hurriedly interrupted and said, "It's not just not very similar, but it's not like at all." I quickly stared at the black impermanence and asked him to talk less.

However, all those who want to come to the yang world must go through six reincarnations. After immortals, ghosts, demons return to demons, and beasts return to animals. Therefore, both sentient beings in the three worlds have actually been registered in the underworld. Only when registration is allowed can they be reincarnated and can they come to the world to live.

The Bull Demon King listened to me and said that his son didn't look like him, but he seemed a little anxious. He hesitated to say to me, "Your Excellency, this cow was born of the cow, and the demon was born by the demon's mother. My wife and I gave birth to a red child. I really don't know whether to apply for a household registration for him as a human race or a place of demon origin,... I'm also very anxious. Please be able to see it clearly.

After listening to the words of the Bull Demon King, I really couldn't help laughing. This 'human demon theory' was often mentioned in my mouth, but I didn't expect that today it would become the bull demon king's escape. I heard the bull demon king's strong words, so I said to him with a smile, "Since that's the case, why doesn't the red boy't be surname Niu? Is it called a cow boy?

"Indeed, why not be surnamed Niu? Is your surname Red? At this moment, the voice of a child came in the void. I was wondering if the red child was so angry that he came to fight with his father again? But he looked up in the air and saw that the child was not a red child, but a Nezha who stepped on two hot and wind wheels!

As soon as Nezha appeared, he directly took the fire spear in his hand and swooped down to the ground without saying a word, and fought with the Bull Demon King. I knew that Nezha was in a hurry to hide aside. Although the Bull Demon King fought against Nezha, he was still at a loss.

And Nezha and I both heard it very clearly just now. The Bull Demon King himself admitted that he was married to an ordinary woman and gave birth to a red child. Why was the surname 'Hong' but not Niu? Because Nezha's mother is a red girl!

Nezha now has the heart of killing the bull demon king. In Nezha's heart, his mother's status is much higher than her feelings for his father Li Jing. It's pitiful enough that his mother didn't become an immortal. Now he is still forcibly occupied by a beast and forced to marry a beast. The fire spear in his hand now can It's no worse than that of the Red Boy. The flames ejected scorched the cow hair on the bull demon king's body.

I saw Nezha fighting with the Bull Demon King, but I found that the flames he spewed were really the same as the Red Boy, which were all three flavors of real fire! Moreover, the two children have one thing in common. They both want to kill their father and defend their mother.

However, the Bull Demon King lived in the mountains all year round, but he did not know anything about Nezha. He would not show mercy to Nezha like the Red Child at all. He was shocked all over, and the cow power all over his body burst out, and the demon spirit rose to the sky. With a shake of the iron bar in his hand, he suddenly smashed towards Nezha's void.


A loud noise came. The bull demon king was worthy of being the great holy king of Pingtian in the demon world. His huge demon power all over his body was unparalleled. He suddenly hit Nezha with a stick. Nezha stepped on the wind and fire wheel, but his body was also extremely sensitive. He dodged and hid to the side, and only heard a loud noise, within a radius of ten miles. Only inside, all the plants and plants were broken, and even the stones on the mountain were smashed into crumbs!

Nezha was chased by the bull demon king on the golden eye beast, but the fire tip gun in his hand was restrained by the golden eye beast. Nezha simply stood in the air, pulled out a touch of red object from the red belly pocket, and went to the golden eye beast!

'Mix Tian Ling!'

The sky is flying in the air. It seems to be slow but invisible. Soon, it wrapped around the limbs of the golden-eyed beast to avoid the water and made it unable to move. The bull demon king relied on the speed of the mount to chase Nezha. Now he was made to turn over and almost fall to the ground, making a face embarrassed!

There are many magic weapons on Nezha's body. After he tied up the golden eye beast to avoid water with a move, and then pointed to the sky, and a golden light flew out. The golden bracelet on Nezha's wrist changed more and more and went to the bull demon king.