Underworld Police Station

0179 mei shu

I took the book, hurriedly opened it and closed it in a hurry. My face couldn't help but blush. The book not only had text, but also illustrations. This is clearly a... book! I am a daughter who has no worries about food and clothing. I have read four books and five classics of famous family classics. How can I read such books?

I quickly threw the book aside and said to Lian'er, "I will never read this book!"

The maid Xiaolian smiled at me. It seemed that all my reactions were what she expected. She hurriedly took my hand and said, "Miss, this kind of book is very helpful to you. Even if you don't want to learn, you will use it sooner or later. You don't know that this book cost a lot of money to buy it."

"What, big price?" After listening to Xiao Lian's words, I couldn't help but be surprised and said, "This kind of book is vulgar and boring. How can it be more expensive than Confucius, Lao Tzu, Analects and other books?"

Xiao Lian stroked her little mouth and said to me, "This "*" was found by Mr. Ling Feng, the owner of the family, who asked Li Wei privately to find it. This is a private collection in the palace. Many imperial concubines study and practice day and night in order to compete for the emperor's favor. Such expensive books are basically bought on the market. No, the palace is so conservative that it is not allowed to circulate out at all. Of course, it is higher than the price of gold.

"Besso, Xiao Lian doesn't find it boring?" Xiao Lian frowned, opened the book and handed it to me and said, "Miss, how vivid the pictures in it are. It's really interesting!"

I sweated. When I saw Xiao Lian open the book and shook it in front of my eyes, I quickly turned my head aside and said to her, "Xiao Lian, take this book away. I will definitely not read it." Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned my head to the left, Xiaolian handed the book to my left at the same time. I turned my head to the right, and Xiaolian put the book on my right again. I simply closed my eyes.

Xiao Lian had nothing to do with me. She had to put down the book in her hand and sighed, "Well, since you don't want to learn, the young lady is strict in her tutoring since she was a child, but she can't learn such books. Just take it's the master's grievances."

After listening to Xiao Lian's words, I immediately opened my eyes and said, "No, my father's grievances must be revealed!" After saying that, I picked up the "*" on the table and watched it carefully. Although some of the words are difficult and obscure, and I have never seen the illustrations in it, I want to learn it for the sake of my father!

I read the book carefully, and then I looked back at Xiaolian's sneaky smile. Then I suddenly realized and said angrily, "Okay, Xiaolian, you bully me, don't you?

Xiao Lian took my hand and said, "Miss, you are right to think so. Men conquer the world, and women conquer men. This is the principle of the natural cycle. Besides, if you really become a concubine in the future, miss, you will be jealous of the competition in the palace every day, and then you will really experience the mystery of this book. Wonderful and precious. You know, there are 3,000 beauties in the emperor's harem.

I nodded and felt that what Xiao Lian said was reasonable, but I had never experienced men and women. I was raised by my father in my boudoir since I was a child. I was taught every day. When I came into contact with men and women, it became a little obscure. However, when I think that I will use this 'skill' on the man I've never met in the future, I'm still a little confused.

Xiao Lian still refused to let me go. After letting me learn "*", she put it away and said to me, "Miss, don't worry. Let's learn slowly. We will always be proficient in learning a little in a day." After saying that, Lian'er clapped her hands again and several women came in through the door.

I saw that those women were all dressed up as women in the Western Regions, with a figure like a water snake's waist, still holding the pipa and half covering their face. Such enchanting and ecstatic women, even after I saw it, I couldn't help but feel a little moved. The women saluted me after entering the room. Lian'er told me,

"Miss, it's not enough after learning room art. I asked Li Wei to find these women from the best song and dance workshop in the city. They have a beautiful appearance and an extreme figure, so as to attract the emperor's attention and arouse the emperor's interest."

"I,... shameful" I said these words in a low voice. I really don't know whether this pity is the main one, or only to push the master into the fire pit. Fortunately, she can even think of this strange way, but after thinking about it, what Lian'er said is not unreasonable. Although the palace is good, there is a lot of competition there, beautiful women. It would be a great honor to be seen by the emperor.

There are only three days left before the palace draft. Isn't it just learning to walk? I didn't have time to play with Lian'er, so I simply came to the woman in the song and dance workshop with a skirt. Lian'er told me that her name was Xiaowu, and I said to her, "Please give me some advice."

The woman named Xiaowu was half-covered and said to me, "The girl is still quite a sign. Take two steps to show me."

I heard her say this, and I said in my heart that it was just a walk, and I still need you to teach me? So, I walked up, but just a few steps, she asked me to stop and said, "Wrong, wrong."

I turned around hesitantly and looked at her and said, "Isn't it always like this?"

"Let me ** you." Xiaowu said, so she stepped forward and held my chest with her hand. I hurriedly stepped back a few steps in panic. I've never been touched before. Xiaowu looked at me and said, "Why are you panicked? We're all women. Come here quickly!"

After listening to Xiaowu's words, I thought about avenging my father. Anyway, she is also a woman. Everyone is no different. I had to grit my teeth and walk over. Xiaowu said to me, "Every part of a woman's body has her magic to attract men's attention."

"For example, hands, if you apply nail polish on your fingernails, all kinds of delicate colors will make you eye-catching. And when you walk, you should try to twist your buttocks up and throw them up. Don't be too rigid. Yes, that's it... Oh, no, you're too stiff like a zombie dancing!" Xiaowu gave me guidance and criticized me.

After performing for a while, Xiaowu simply asked me to stand away first. She came to the front of a pillar in our room. The inn room where we stayed was very spacious. After she came to the front of the pillar and stood still, she stared at the pillar enthusiastically with her eyes, and then Then his whole body burst out with coquettishness, and his legs spread out his buttocks and began to shake. He held the pillar with his hand to demonstrate.

I looked at a graceful woman like Xiaowu, sometimes stroking the pillar, sometimes licking my lips with my tongue, and making all kinds of sexy and charming movements. It's really coquettish. I couldn't help whispering to Lian'er next to me, "You still say what kind of song and dance workshop is she? I don't think she should be * "?"

After listening to my words, Xiao Lian said in surprise, "The song and dance workshop is originally a brothel. Don't you know, miss?"

"Ah?" I was speechless and felt that I had been knocked down in an instant. At this time, Xiaowu had finished her performance and asked me to go to demonstrate. At that time, I was stunned and said to her with an embarrassed smile, "This... This is a little difficult. Shall we learn something else?"

"Okay." Xiaowu finally let me go. She sighed and came to the side. Xiaowu sweated on her forehead after a strenuous exercise. She wiped her forehead with a handkerk and said to me, "Now show me a few more steps."

I listened to her orders and followed her for a few steps. I didn't expect that she didn't criticize after reading it. Instead, she praised and said, "Look, you even look much better when you walk now. It's really **."

"I,...dizzy, where do I have it?" When I heard her words, she didn't praise me but hurt me, but she didn't care about my expression and said to herself, "Do you know why you are walking better and better after watching my performance just now?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Because every woman has a 'coquettish' taste in her bones..."

"You...," I said angrily without waiting for her to finish.

"Listen to my explanation first!" Xiaowu stretched out her hand to stop me and said, "The 'coquettish' I mean is not sarcastic, but to almost every woman, no matter how cold, arrogant, or dignified and elegant she is like a lady, in fact, their hearts and bones are full of desire!"

"What desire?" I asked with my eyes wide open.

"The desire to be loved and considerate by men." Xiaowu said.

I smiled in my heart and said, "It turns out that the 'coquettishness' that Xiaowu refers to is to be cared for by men and attract men's attention. Indeed, there is no woman in the world who doesn't want to attract men's attention or praise. Although those women look cold on the surface, in fact, they are the same in their bones. I hope that their beauty can attract men in the world.

After all, Xiaowu is a woman. Women know women best. She has been in the song and dance workshop for a long time, and she also knows how to deal with all kinds of men. She knows the hearts of men and women. No wonder she can dance so much when she just danced. In fact, she wants to show the beauty of women.

Although I have come up with this, Xiaowu doesn't want to let me go. For the next two days, I accepted her 'Devil Training' plan for me.

"When walking, you should walk steadily and slowly, raise your head, your chest should be high, and your thighs should be as high as possible. Hey... What about you, where do you look with your eyes? Your eyes are not enchanting at all, so how can you attract the emperor? The eyes need to be discharged, don't you understand!"

I spent less than three days left to learn from the top girl Xiaowu of the song and dance workshop. She taught me every move very carefully and did my best.

I later learned that Xiaowu was sold to the song and dance workshop by her father because of her poor family situation. Her father was a gambler. Fortunately, in a place like the song and dance workshop, she did not sell her body. Xiaowu wandered around all kinds of dignitaries through her own efforts, and finally became a popular card in the song and dance workshop in the capital.

However, Xiaowu is kind-hearted. Although she taught me these, she finally said to me, "Although I have taught you these, you should know that today you are diligent and loving the people, benevolent and loving. It is rare to get a wise king through the ages,

In the harem, the word 'jealous' is the most taboo. After you enter the palace, you only need to do the six words 'not argue, don't show, don't reveal', and you have to do 'hide but not reveal' in the draft, so as to reflect the highest realm, that is, to hide the * in your bones and reflect your beauty and dignity as much as possible.

I saluted Xiaowu and said, "Thank you, Xiaowu girl for your teaching."